My husband whom if you answered my last question does not believe in god, but he also does not limit the capabilities of man.
I am a massage therapist and I can put my hands on people and know exactly what is going in their body, and what the orgin is. They may say it's their back, and I will say no the problem is your glutes.I have taken away headaches in 3 minutes that people cant get rid of that they have had for days, and popped pain relievers. Now with that being said. My husband knows I can do this, and he also knows that I am afraid of the power that I have. And he says that I am looking for something that can help me with this, because I cant believe it is myself. He says I am a vessel and that I have limited abilities just like anyone esle, I am just more aware of it, he says. That is me living my full self, and not half. He says that I want to believe that it is something else, because I need to know there is something protecting me. What do you think?
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Religion & Spirituality