Just had a talk with my mom who buys more than Santa for Christmas. I have two living children,3 and 4,and I want them to have great chrsitmas but I dopnt want them to get soooo much for various reasons. She's always overspent on Christmas and birthdays and put my dad in serious debt over it. When I asked her to keep it at 4 gifts each kid,she cried. As if Im going to jip them and theyll have coal in their stockings. Whats her problem. Their other grandma only buys one,maybe two inexpensive gift so she dosent need to worry aboput being "showed up". When I asked her to get me nothing or if she must I said a keepsake involving my infant who died. She said "Oh, but thats not enough". To me its EVERYTHING! I dont want cashmeire,id rather have a shirt with his feet printed on it.
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