Halloween night 1999 friends and I driving home from another city. On the highway we immediately notice a moon so big, so incredible it might be off course. Later I learn it is a Blue Moon, happens every 4 years when moon is closest to earth. Being mesmerized by this humongous beauty I reached down to change music and noticed it was 11:11 when I looked up I see a silouette of a crucifix in front of the moon. After ruling out something on windshield I begin to recieve visions and messages from GOD. I had no control of this or any reason to be thinking of this. My friends saw nothing. Next day a minister friend I had not seen for 5 years appears on my doorstep and is overwhelmed by the previous night that at 11:11 he could not stop thinking of me and was compelled to make sure I was OK. Months later praying everyday to have the meaning revealed I brake down, my hand begins to write, but it was not I writing,I had no knowledge of any words and the story revealed is PERFECT. He is here
8 answers
asked by
Dino Ciccone
Religion & Spirituality