Just a lil' question/dilemma/or whatever..I am in my early 20's and an asian female..Just want to know your thoughts on this..Its not that I hate being asian..in fact I do sometimes wish i was non asian..I hate hanging out in places where there's a congregation of asians..And I hate when asian people approach me thinking that because I'm asian, that we're all gonna be friends...I had heaps of asian friends at high school, in fact just about all my high school friends were asians..but now since i've lost touch with all of them I don't know any. I feel like as an asian, i have to prove myself more..'cos theres all these sterotypes and crap..ugghh..I just get pissed off. I strongly believe that the world is kinder to whites. Its like when I meet people or whatever and when they hear me speak, they're like "WOW..your english is so good"..Its like what the hell, because i'm asian i have to speak like retard..Am i making sense? maybe i'm sounding a lil' irate right now..
11 answers
asked by
Ria K
Other - Cultures & Groups