I read so many posts from Muslims saying the practices that most westerners squack at are cutlural pratices and not sanctioned by the Quran. I want to know what makes them so different. I am told it is the only religon of peace and equality. But I read and see evidence if the opposite. If women are equals, why are women rights activists for Muslim women murdered in Eurpoe? If being a non virgin does not result in ultimate shame, then why are hundreds of Muslim girls sneaking into plastic surgeons offices to have reconstructive surgery to make them bleed on their wedding night. Why do women walk behind their men? Why are there beheadings? Buhhdists, hindus, christians, Jews and Athiests don't chop peoples heads off unless they are psychotic. It is very confusing and frankly, I don't want to fear Muslims. Jews don't want to convert anyone, and I can choose not to answer my door when the JWs or Mormons stop by. They don't want to kill me if i don't believe as they do.
8 answers
asked by
Melissa G
Religion & Spirituality