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I read so many posts from Muslims saying the practices that most westerners squack at are cutlural pratices and not sanctioned by the Quran. I want to know what makes them so different. I am told it is the only religon of peace and equality. But I read and see evidence if the opposite. If women are equals, why are women rights activists for Muslim women murdered in Eurpoe? If being a non virgin does not result in ultimate shame, then why are hundreds of Muslim girls sneaking into plastic surgeons offices to have reconstructive surgery to make them bleed on their wedding night. Why do women walk behind their men? Why are there beheadings? Buhhdists, hindus, christians, Jews and Athiests don't chop peoples heads off unless they are psychotic. It is very confusing and frankly, I don't want to fear Muslims. Jews don't want to convert anyone, and I can choose not to answer my door when the JWs or Mormons stop by. They don't want to kill me if i don't believe as they do.

2006-10-24 17:23:55 · 8 answers · asked by Melissa G 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Hey Shea, I am Artistic, not Autistic. Why do ask?

2006-10-24 17:43:11 · update #1

I am not a christian, why do you think I am? If you think our values are so abhorrent, then why did you choose to leave the land that Allah gave to you. Please evolve.

2006-10-24 17:59:03 · update #2

8 answers

Jehovah's Witnesses have the true religion.

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2006-10-25 15:56:32 · answer #1 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 3 0

scared huh?men and women in islam are only equal in rewards and punishments.nothin more nothin less.and how can men and women be equal if they are not the same?Allah says he gave men a degree above women. this is why its a mans world.not because of islam.this is why you will never find a woman who was gifted with prophethood.that does not take away from their special significance in the world.shoot,we are even told that if we truly want heaven then its at the feet of the most beloved woman..your mother.being a non virgin is a shame to those who can still feel shame.that luxury seems to have been lifted up from the people of the west.and as far as the sneaking into hospitals or whatever to have surgery,if its true its another reason why we dont want your version of freedom if it means our 12,13yrs olds will be seduced while they are still innocent children.where is your sense of dignity?shame?and why oh why do the christians want the muslims to be just like them? we dont want to be like you.walking behind your man is not an islamic concept.i should ask why do women in the west walk the streets barely dressed.and with their husbands at that.your case is no better than the rest of your cases,and that case is pathetic....dont chop peoples heads off unless they are psychotic?you better hide then.

2006-10-24 17:46:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Cultural is something that one does no matter what religion one is. These practices have been going on before Islam came into existence in the community. Since the majority has become Muslim, people tend to associate such practices as Islamic.

Unfortunately, many of these people are not well educated. Even the so-called religious scholars aren't truly qualified to preach.
Many aren't trained in the renowned Islamic Universities such the Al-Azhar University in Cairo, so their knowledge is questionable.

Islam introduces strict punishment to warn or prevent one from engaging into crime. The fear factor help to reduce crime from happening. There's nothing to fear if you done nothing wrong.


2006-10-24 19:03:33 · answer #3 · answered by Avatraz 3 · 0 0

Peace be with you,

There are a lot of differences and it is hard to be specific. If someone identifies them self as a part of a sect (Shia/Shite) for example it has differences. There are bad apples in every Religion and the Media only focuses on them. It is peaceful. Other Countries outside of the USA just have different people and different mentalities. Even if there are cultural differences (look at the Afghani women wearing the all blue hide yourself veils but in Europe only covering their hair) the core values are the same. Muslim girls should never go to a plastic surgeon, that was a shock to read, it is un-Islamic. Women walk behind the men becasue they are stonger than us and our body guards. As women we tend to do it anyway. I hold my Husbands hand all cute like most women, but slightly behind him only for the reason as he protects me. Beheading are against the religion as well. No one should kill you, there is a quote in the Quran on what to do in this case. "You have your Religion and I have mine". If you choose not to pick Islam I would respect your wish as only you can choose, pray for you, and be on my way.

Read the "The Complete Idiots Guide to the Koran"

2006-10-24 17:42:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Judaism existed before Jesus Came. Christianity blossomed when Jesus returned back in Heaven. Islam and all other religions that followed are the result of misinterpretation of the book/s of Christianity.

2016-05-22 12:07:02 · answer #5 · answered by Barbara 4 · 0 0

Cultural practices are those that are common to the general people in a community or in an area. There are no specific rules or regulations followed, just what society finds acceptable in general.

An example would be in England there is what is called "pub culture".. this essentially means that it is the norm for a large proportion of the English population to go to a pub to socialise and drink alcohol. This is a "social or cutural practice" not a "religious practice".

"Islamic practices" are those which are legislated in the religion.. ie they are either in the Quran or the hadith/sunnah(narrations/practices of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)).. These are the "Gold standard" rules and cover all spheres of life. For example, the greeting "Assalaam alaykum" - "peace be upon you" is an "ISLAMIC" practice as the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) taught this to his followers.. but the greeting "hello" would be considered a cultural or social practice.. Another "ISLAMIC" practice would be fasting in the month of Ramadhan.

Allah says in Quran:

"Say (O Muhammad (pbuh) to mankind) "If you (really) love Allah, then follow me" ie accept Islamic Monotheism, follow the Quran and Sunnah.. (v3:31)

So Muslims are required to follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).. however this is only acquired by FIRST learning what his teachings are and SECOND striving to put these into practice.

Many Muslims fail at the first stage. They are actually unaware of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) but follow what has been done in their countries/families for years.. These are cultural practices and a person cannot attribute them to Islam ..as either there is no mention of them in Quran and Sunnah .. or the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) taught something other than what is done.

Other times Muslims fail in the second stage.. putting their knowledge in to practice.. and this is because they are human after all.. and humans have their weaknesses.. so they sin.. but for all who sin they should seek to repent and ask forgiveness from God and strive to practice the religion correctly.. An example is, it is well known that to drink alcohol is forbidden in Islam, so the one who drinks it despite knowing this is a sinner.. Would a person upon seeing this "muslim" automatically assume that Islam condones drinking alcohol then?? NO, of course not.. as the Quran which is the Word of God says the exact opposite..

Islam is not based on the whims and desires of the people..

The above are the reasons why there are often differences between Islam (which is perfect in every way) and the Muslims. Every Muslim practices according to his knowledge and level of faith.. so just because a muslim is doing something it doesn't mean the religion condones their behaviour!

As to your questions regarding muslim girls losing their virginity before marriage etc.. then it is up to God to judge them.. yes they have sinned as Islam does not condone this behaviour but as I said they have the opportunity to repent..May Allah guide these women to the Straight path and forgive them..

As for women walking behind men.. as far as I am aware there is nothing in the Quran and Hadith which states this at all.. As a muslim woman myself, I choose to walk alongside my father and brothers and would choose to walk alongside my husband also.. what you state is probably one of those "cultural practices".. I am aware that Hinduism actually condones this practice and sometimes cultural practices by muslims, such as in Pakistan, are derived from other religions as Hindus and Muslims lived together! BUT MAYBE, just maybe... some women feel more comfortable in walking behind, rather than in front of, strange men, in the sense that they don't feel their every move is being watched??? Did you ever think that MAYBE it is just their personal preference??? Or MAYBE the women like to walk slower than the men and so end up being behind them???

As for the issue of converting people, then Muslims are ONLY required to convey the message of Islam..

The Quran says:

"There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in fasle deities and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break" (2:256)

No one can force a person to become muslim as God knows what is in the heart of a person.. so a person may utter a statement that he believes in God but reject this in his heart.. GOD KNOWS that this person is not a muslim, even if the people don't! And God will judge between the people on the day of Judgment!

As for your question about beheading and Muslims being violent then consider the following:

The Sanctity of Human Life

Islam considers all life forms as sacred. However, the sanctity of human life is accorded a special place. The first and the foremost basic right of a human being is the right to live. Allah says in the Qur’an about the one who kills an innocent person: “...it would be as if he killed the whole of mankind: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole of mankind.” [Al-Qur’an 5:32]

Such is the value of a single human life; Allah in the Qur’an equates the taking of even one human life unjustly, with killing all of humanity. Thus, Allah in the Qur’an prohibits murder in clear terms.


Far from being an intolerant dogma, Islam is a way of life that transcends race and ethnicity. The Qur’an repeatedly reminds us of our common origin, Allah says:

“O mankind! We created you from a single pair of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).” [Al-Qur’an 49:13]

Thus, it is the universality of its teachings that makes Islam the fastest growing religion in the world.

To learn about ISLAM look at the QURAN and the EXAMPLE of the PROPHET MUHAMMAD (pbuh), NOT..and i emphasise NOT the practices of the common Muslims!!

"Jews don't want to convert anyone, and I can choose not to answer my door when the JWs or Mormons stop by"

You can choose not to answer the door if you don't want to talk to Muslims "trying to convert you" too!

2006-10-24 21:26:14 · answer #6 · answered by RH 1 · 1 0

Muslims are uncompromising about their dogmas.The Quraan leaves no scope for even tolerating , leave alone understanding
,any dissenting voices from Kafirs.the infidels must convert or die. Things are going to be more & more difficult for muslims unless they modify.

2006-10-24 17:31:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

Are you autistic?

2006-10-24 17:26:29 · answer #8 · answered by Shea Butta 3 · 2 0

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