The leading authoity here in Fl, says it will get worse once the trauma(s) are remembered..and what worked before, won't work now-drugs,food,memory lapses-so the only answere is to accept you will never be the person you once were ie, accomplishments, positive personality traits, human relationships and social outings are replaced by pychological trauma that never goes away although it may lessen at times. You are a new person...reborn and discovering who you are and what works for you in this new WORLD. You can see it as a new and learning experience with a whole new life in front of you. But I only miss the educated,employed, occassionally happy, out-going woman,mother, grandmother,daughter and life's teacher. She's still there but so shy and confused by the 'other' menories. Whichwill respond or over-react in any given situation? This is not what we as a nation are ready for once our sevice people come home. There is no way we can be.and my heart goes out to their home-coming
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Religion & Spirituality