I could be wrong about the name of the book too.....But it explans how many of the great minds of history sufferred greatly and died in poverty, sorrow, rejection, and even madness. There is a very fine line between genius and madness after all..and it always tells how they gave their lives for the benefit of humankind and even gave up such lowly, insigficant things like joy and peace to strive for the highest hights as thir minds could carry them to. It also talks about how they were brave in facing the harshest questions of life full in the face, and daring to draw the conclusion that life is, in fact, nothing more then meaningless suffering and pain. And that's about all I remember...If you know what I'm talking about could you give me the name of the book and/or author..?
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*~SoL~ * Pashaa del Ñuñcaa.
Religion & Spirituality