Here is my situ, been in this relationship for a year, this man is 12 years older and is very riach. I live on my own and so does he, after dating for about 4 months, he started giving me money and furnished my house. bought me expensive clothes, shoes and a car even.
Then two months ago he went to see his sangoma who told him to marry me immediatly as my ex boyfriend would come back in my life and snatch me away from him. When he said this i actually laughed and thought it was silly reason to marry.
He got so upset and hit me, ,then and there i decided to have nothing to do with me, he begged and begged but i still resisted. Then he asked me to give him back all he ever got for me, i allowed him to come over and sweep my house.
Now he said he wants all the money back to, the money spent on trips, presents, shopping, all he has ever given me amounting to 75 thousand rands according to him.
He said he is actually suing me for this, Is he insane or should i be scared?
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