Whats so bad about hell? If there happens to be Hell/Heaven where would you rather be?In heaven do you think they'll have tattooists,Strip Joints,Marijuana,Beer,Prostitution,Heroin,Violence,Sex
Drugs & Rock'nRoll,Tea,Coffee,Pizza,Cocaine,Oral Sex,Upers&Downers,Harleys?I wouldn't want prayer meetings with the bearded 1 day after day that would suck.Hell sounds like a great place an eternity of Drug Addiction,Sex,Beer,Party's,Tattoo Therepy,Irn Bru,Oral Sex.What would you rather have an eternity of bible reading palm trees & no puss* or the latter drugs sex & rock'inroll i know what id rather have haha infact iv signed up already so bring it on.I used a bible as bog roll once that was a sin but it sure beat my socks.
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Religion & Spirituality