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Science & Mathematics - 30 August 2007

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Agriculture · Alternative · Astronomy & Space · Biology · Botany · Chemistry · Earth Sciences & Geology · Engineering · Geography · Mathematics · Medicine · Other - Science · Physics · Weather · Zoology

"Based on what you know about the chemistry of biological molecules, why do you think high fevers are so dangerous for humans and other animals?"
I'm not tryin got cheat, i've looked through the entire chapter so many times but i cant find anything even relating to this question. please help!!

2007-08-30 17:01:44 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Biology

How many different subsets can be chosen from the U.S. Senate?

2007-08-30 17:01:25 · 2 answers · asked by Sydney.♥ 2 in Mathematics

Hi, I have a tree leaf identification homework assignment due tomorrow, in which we have to identify 5 different kinds of leaves.
These would be:
Mt. Ash (I already have for sure)

I scanned some pictures of leaves we have in my yard, and I was wondering if any of these 3 scans fit into those categories? If you can answer even 1, it would be appreciated, thanx so much.

Here's the link to the pictures of the leaves.




Here's the album with all 3 together for quck access:


2007-08-30 16:59:38 · 3 answers · asked by sparx_91 3 in Botany

B is the midpoint for segment A C..
What is the value of BC?

2007-08-30 16:58:53 · 3 answers · asked by xlhollisterboi 1 in Mathematics

2007-08-30 16:56:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Geography

ok. there are 4 steps that we need to do. first define the variable, second is to write out the equation, the third is to write what the variable equals and the fourth is to write out the answer.
1. A clown weighs 60 lb more than a trapeze artist. The trapeze artist weighs two thirds as much as the clown. How much does each weigh? Choices for the weight of the trapeze artist: 110, 120, 125.

2. Elena has one and a half times as much money as Ramon. Together they have $225. How much money does each have? Choices for the number of boys: 191, 202, 207.

thanks for everyones helpl!!

2007-08-30 16:51:27 · 3 answers · asked by soccerman001 2 in Mathematics

i read a science section on a newspaper today. it shows some people found some fossils, one is a giant dragonfly is as big as a bird with the wingspan of more than 2 ft wide. Holy Bug! also, a saber-tooth cat skull with 2 huge long teeth. that makes me think why all the insects/animals were much larger than today.
for example, like Mammoth, although elephants are the largest land animal, compare to mammoth, its like the comparison of an elephant and cow. Also, others like giant crocodile, dinosaur(now became little lizard. komodo dragon, i believe dinosaur is their ancestor), cats had longer tooth, even insect were much larger. what was the main cause? Global temperture? Foods? or something else?

2007-08-30 16:48:51 · 7 answers · asked by ۞_ʞɾ_۝ 6 in Other - Science

Ok, ok. All you budding Quantum Physicists are welcome to weigh in as well.

Quickly, briefly, summarily explain the difference between Loop Quantum Gravity Theory and Superstring Theory (in it's direct correlation to LQG). Which you subscribe to, and why it is better than the opposing theory.

2007-08-30 16:47:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

how do i work that out

2007-08-30 16:45:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

6 - x/4 = 4(x+1) /9

the answer is supposed to be 8

2007-08-30 16:44:48 · 5 answers · asked by sa 3 in Mathematics

A wedding videographer uses a tripod to hold the video camera.

1.Through any two points, there is exactly one line.

2.A line contains at least two distinct points.

3.Through any three noncollinear points, there is exactly one plane.

4.A plane contains at least three noncollinear points.

2007-08-30 16:41:19 · 5 answers · asked by xlhollisterboi 1 in Mathematics

2007-08-30 16:40:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

2007-08-30 16:40:49 · 12 answers · asked by myles de1 1 in Mathematics

I've been seeing a net/web of yellow energy since October 2006. Most times it just pops out of nowhere and I just see it right before me. I can also choose to see it or 'erase' it. My eye doctor tells me that I have no abnormal vision issues. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

2007-08-30 16:40:39 · 9 answers · asked by LunaG23 1 in Paranormal Phenomena

This problem seems so easy but I can't seem to figure it out. I can see what the answer is from looking at a graph of the two functions but when I try to solve it without the graphs I get that x=0,2 pi.

I started by recognizing that tan x = sin x/cos x and then multiplied both sides by cos x/sin x (the reciprocal), which gave me cos x = 1 and cos x =1 at 0 and 2 pi. So I don't understand, without the graph, why the answer is x = 0, pi, 2 pi.

2007-08-30 16:39:47 · 2 answers · asked by mjs3382 1 in Mathematics

Tell how many ways two of Beethoven's nine symphonies can be chosen for a concert program for each situation. (Order's not important)

a. The Ninth symphony can't be chosen.

Would be 8C2? (C stands for Combination)

b. The Second Symphony must be chosen.

Well, since it's a group of two, i decided to look at it in a logical way. If the Second Symphony is chosen, then there's only one more Symphony to pick to create the group of two. Therefore, the answer would be 8. However, I was wondering how I would do it if there was a larger group than 2 (a group which would be difficult to answer it logically).

c. The Ninth Symphony can't be paired with the third, sixth, or seventh.

First, I found the total # of the groups of two, and got 9C2. I'm not sure what to do next...

thank you in advance ^^

2007-08-30 16:33:19 · 2 answers · asked by lite_bluestar 2 in Mathematics

A dragster starts from rest and accelerates down the track. Each tire has a radius of 0.320 m and rolls without slipping. At a distance of 374 m, the angular speed of the wheels is 276 rad/s.
What is the algebraic expression for the magnitude α of the angular acceleration of the dragster's wheels? Express your answer in terms of the dragster's initial and final linear speeds, v0 and v, the distance x it travels, and the radius r of a wheel.

2007-08-30 16:32:28 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

Two identical dragsters, starting from rest, accelerate side-by-side along a straight track. The wheels on one of the cars roll without slipping, while the wheels on the other slip during part of the time.
For the dragster whose wheels roll without slipping, is there a relationship between the magnitude a (in m/s2) of its linear acceleration and the magnitude α (in rad/s2) of the angular acceleration of its wheels?
a) Yes. The relationship is a= alpha^2 / r, where r (in m) is the radius of a wheel.
b) Yes. The relationship is alpha= ra, where r (in m) is the radius of a wheel.
c) no
d) Yes. The relationship is a= r alpha, where r (in m) is the radius of a wheel.

2007-08-30 16:30:40 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

2007-08-30 16:29:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics


I am lost. Can someone explain this to me??

2007-08-30 16:27:52 · 2 answers · asked by analicia_d82 4 in Mathematics

Two identical dragsters, starting from rest, accelerate side-by-side along a straight track. The wheels on one of the cars roll without slipping, while the wheels on the other slip during part of the time.
For the dragster whose wheels roll without slipping, is there a relationship between its linear speed v (in m/s) and the angular speed ω (in rad/s) of its wheels?
a) Yes. The relationship is V=r w , where r (in m) is the radius of a wheel.
b) No
c) Yes. The relationship is w=r v , where r (in m) is the radius of a wheel.
d) Yes. The relationship is w=v^2 / r, where r (in m) is the radius of a wheel.

2007-08-30 16:27:24 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

the number of calories burned while doing an activity can be expressed by rm, where r is the rate of calories burned and m is the the number of minutes spent doing the activity...
a 120 pound student playing volleyball burns 2.7 calories per minute. if the student plays for 30 minutes, how many calories does the student burn?

2007-08-30 16:27:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

Which consumes more power (watts) the office worker or a 100 - W light bulb.

2007-08-30 16:26:01 · 2 answers · asked by webogirl 2 in Physics

Two identical dragsters, starting from rest, accelerate side-by-side along a straight track. The wheels on one of the cars roll without slipping, while the wheels on the other slip during part of the time.
For which car, the winner or the loser, do the wheels roll without slipping?
a) Both dragsters reach the finish line at the same time.
b) the winner
c) the loser

2007-08-30 16:23:40 · 1 answers · asked by wake up 1 in Physics

An apple tree is a living thing. That's for certain. When the apple is on the tree, it is a living thing. Right? When you pick an apple, and put it on the kitchen table, is the apple still a living thing? When does the apple STOP being a living thing?

2007-08-30 16:18:04 · 15 answers · asked by GPSMAN 2 in Botany

...this is incase anyone out there dosn´t know that this space station is intended to mine hydrogen from natural water supposed to lie beneath the moon´s surface - our most blessed treasure of The Creation.What if it will glow red in the sky???

2007-08-30 16:13:29 · 10 answers · asked by Jason C 1 in Astronomy & Space


in the first problem its asking me how would i separate the mixtures of KBr and BaSO4

in the second one its asking me, suppose i have a mixture of Mg(OH)2 and BaSO4, how would i separate this mixture.

2007-08-30 16:09:53 · 3 answers · asked by orange_crush_05 6 in Chemistry

2007-08-30 16:09:07 · 16 answers · asked by apg 1 in Mathematics

How can I solve the equation 1/2b + 4 = 1/8b + 88? Step by step explainations plz...and thank uuu

2007-08-30 16:08:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

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