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Science & Mathematics - 30 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Science & Mathematics

Agriculture · Alternative · Astronomy & Space · Biology · Botany · Chemistry · Earth Sciences & Geology · Engineering · Geography · Mathematics · Medicine · Other - Science · Physics · Weather · Zoology

All input is greatly appreciated! =)

2007-08-30 15:17:05 · 11 answers · asked by xplozno8 2 in Physics

After the big bang theory, and everything started forming, how did we get from there to where we are now?

2007-08-30 15:16:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

Let's imagine that 50,000 years ago there was a small group of humans living somewhere in the forest of Northern Europe: 7 grown men, 12 grown women and 9 children. Six of those men are prime examples of masculinity, strong, muscular and sweaty, each "taking care" of 2 women. One, however, is a deformed geek who is tolerated by others, but not allowed to actively participate in the life of the group.

One day, the six able-bodied men go off hunting for a mammoth. Several days pass, but there's no word of them. It appears that they all died tragically. The geek suddenly becomes the only grown male of the group and he takes full advantage of that, inseminating each woman repeatedly until they're all pregnant with his offspring.

His joy is short-lived, however, because now the group has lost their main source of food. They are forced to forage for berries and mushrooms and starvation sets in. 2 women and all of the children die of hunger, leaving only the deformed geek and his harem.

2007-08-30 15:13:40 · 11 answers · asked by Belzetot 5 in Biology

Why is there falling stars, but no star from the Big Dipper or Little Dipper ever fall??

2007-08-30 15:12:27 · 12 answers · asked by Dave & Sunny 2 in Astronomy & Space

So i have this huge assignment due and i have been working on it for 3 days and there are 3 questions on the thing i just cant get. i dont know if its just because i have been looking at for so long or what but please help.
1- an object with a of mass of 2.12kg is attached to a string to be used as a pendulum. The object is raised above its initial position so that its potential energy is 3.74 J higher than when the object is in its lowest position. The object is released and begins to move. How fast is the object moving when it gets back to its lowest position?

2-Describe the energy conversions for the process that begins at a power plant and eventually turns a ceiling fan.

3- describe energy conversions for the process that begins when a person eats food and ending with that person running.

Please help me. Any help will be appriciated. If you know #1 can you also let me know the work/ equation used to get the answer so i understand it thanks.

2007-08-30 15:10:36 · 1 answers · asked by DP 3 in Physics

At what age do most people begin to go physically downhill? My friend is 24 and she said she is losing the elastic of her skin already and her muscles are looser. She thinks she was at her physical peak from age 17-21.

2007-08-30 15:08:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Biology

2007-08-30 15:06:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

it was sworing me i shoed it off and kept coming back and getting in my face never once stung me i was happy and suprise
it followed me lot too

2007-08-30 15:06:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Science

2007-08-30 15:05:48 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Geography

IMA = 1/sin(a)

I have a at 20 degree + or minus 0.5 degree.

How do I calculate the uncertainty of IMA ?

2007-08-30 15:04:15 · 2 answers · asked by confusing 1 in Physics

I know how to figure out the slope or m value but if for example y is decreasing by a rate of 4 units per 3 unit increase of x, what does it tell you about the slope and y intercept.


2007-08-30 15:01:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

When and where did the first ice age start?

I have looked everywhere but it never told me.! please help me!

2007-08-30 15:01:26 · 3 answers · asked by Bunny1211 2 in Weather

1. tan (2pi/3)

2. cos^2 (-135 degrees)

3. cot (690 degrees)

4. sin (-5pi/2)

Can you please tell me how to solve it by showing me the steps?
I obviously know how to plug them into my calculator but I have to find the exact answers. No demical approximation is allowed.. help me! I'll be waiting in front of my computer.

2007-08-30 15:01:08 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

Please help me i need to please!!!

2007-08-30 14:58:40 · 4 answers · asked by Loop 2 in Botany

I want to do this with the "Unit Conversion" method. A vehicle is traveling 15 kmh, how long does it take to go 100 meters in seconds. (I know 15000x=3600(100) x=24s....that's not the question)

I want to know how to do it with "Unit Conversion" method where all the unwanted units cancel out.
15km/hr *1000m/Km *hr/3600s ...

I need to set up the fractions in such a way to end up with 100m/24s without having to do anything else. Maybe 100 meters needs to be paired with something else?

2007-08-30 14:56:51 · 3 answers · asked by RogerDodger 1 in Physics

I'm trying to study Astronomy on my own time here on the internet.
On this Astronomy web page, they said that 'this galaxy' was some 17 Light Years away from our Earth.

But can someone who studies Astronomy please tell me how many Miles is 'One Light Year'
so I can see how far 17 Light Years is?

2007-08-30 14:56:27 · 4 answers · asked by SteverZ 3 in Astronomy & Space

A ball is dropped from rest from a height h above the ground. Another ball is thrown vertically upwards from the ground at the instant the first ball is released. Determine the speed of the second ball if the two balls are to meet at a height h/3 above the ground.

Details please!!!

2007-08-30 14:56:12 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

I would like an explaination please.

2007-08-30 14:55:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

Help! I am sooo confused!

2007-08-30 14:54:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

2007-08-30 14:54:00 · 5 answers · asked by Mohamed L 1 in Astronomy & Space

Does the process where the magnetic field of the earth flips over result in difficulties for life on earth?

2007-08-30 14:53:21 · 4 answers · asked by Chris tf 2 in Earth Sciences & Geology


2007-08-30 14:53:17 · 4 answers · asked by :] 3 in Mathematics

a farmer wanted to plant ten seeds. he wanted to plant four seeds in each of the five rows (is take four seeds to make a row), is this possible? (it is but tell me how to do it)

2007-08-30 14:52:00 · 3 answers · asked by Princess 1 in Mathematics

I couldnt find anything on the internet. It didnt help. If you dont know the answer to that one.......how bout this?
Why is New york city more popular than albany (new yorks capital)???

2007-08-30 14:51:52 · 3 answers · asked by mlbruno93 3 in Geography

any local time is wrt. GMT. which is tropical. sidereal time varies wrt. lattitude longitude of local places. please give specific formulae.

2007-08-30 14:51:50 · 3 answers · asked by Kalyan s 1 in Astronomy & Space

Ok Im new to electricity with physics and I cant figure out what I did wrong.

A particle of mass 60 g and charge 20 uC released from rest when its 60 cm from a particle of charge -15 uC
What is the magnitude of initial acceleration of the 64 g particle? (m/s^2)

OK a = kqq/(mass * r^2)

So (2.0e-5 * -1.5e-5 * 8.99e9)/(.064kg * .60^2) = -102.88

Just came to a revalation is this really the equation
a = kqq/r^2 * mass?
with an answer of -.479

2007-08-30 14:51:44 · 1 answers · asked by sotkinghunter 1 in Physics

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