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Pregnancy - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

My friend who had a baby 13 months ago was told this by her doctor, so she is telling me not to. I just want to know an answer.

2007-11-15 12:08:02 · 14 answers · asked by DanieLV 1

i dont eat horribly, but since i have found out i am pregnant, i havent been eating as many vegetables as i think i should be. lately, all i have been eating is JUNK! i am going to try to eat a lot healthier for the sake of my baby and would never do anything to compromise his/her health because i have tried so long to be pregnant.
but i was just tonight and wondering if malutrition can cause a miscarriage?
(don't worry about me, i take a multivitamin and a seperate folic acid pill each day!)

2007-11-15 11:22:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My stomach also seems really bloated! Ok. please helpp me! i really needa know! im scared.

2007-11-15 11:16:33 · 20 answers · asked by baybeeboss 1

Anyone else addicted to this website? I'm 6 weeks, and spending too much time on Yahoo answers! Does this excitement go away a little bit, so I can get some work done??!!

2007-11-15 10:39:39 · 18 answers · asked by Gator 3

2007-11-15 10:19:48 · 16 answers · asked by mary h 1


turn down the AFP test? Or I think they also call it the triple test? It's the screening for nueral tube defecta, trisomy 18 and downs...

2007-11-15 10:07:57 · 18 answers · asked by Notagain 6

Well today I found out I'm 6 weeks pregnant but I'm scarred and happy at the same time. So I was wondering if you have any advice for me?

Thanks in advance!!

2007-11-15 10:06:11 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I took a HpT it said positive, I mean the line was very faint. I was told a positive is a positive. The today I started getting cramps like I was going to get my period and then Ta-da!! I got my period.
(TMI sorry)
It was only brown discharge now its red. I believe im still bleeding. And Im cramping so I think its a period.
Is that even possible.
I Thought I was pregnant. the test said positive.
Im so confused now. And I dont want to get checked by the doctor until the periods over... Maybe its just implantation bleedeing?? I dont know.

2007-11-15 10:00:53 · 13 answers · asked by ♥ღ♥Mom of Alyssa and Kamden♥ღ♥ 4

Anyone had an ultra sound done at 19 weeks been told they were having a girl and had it be wrong?
I was just wondering this is not about me, my brother in laws girlfriend just found out that she is going to be having a little girl. So I was just wondering.

2007-11-15 09:23:25 · 17 answers · asked by Lovemykids 5

My baby has been "dropped" since 34 weeks. Today I'm having A LOT of pressure down there, painful pressure. And it's making the muscles in my groin cramp. My feet are swollen and and I've been having some cramping and pains in my low back. Also my appetite has been very poor today. I know it's too soon for labor but how much longer do you think it's going to be? I'm miserable...should I go to the doctor? His office is closed but I could go to e.r. My next o.b. appointment isn't until tuesday. Also I have been having some sharp pains in my vagina. Anyone experience all this?

2007-11-15 09:05:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do you distiguish between period and implantation? Are there symptoms that come with implantation bleeding? Thxs in advance.

2007-11-15 08:53:48 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I always think these are cute! Does anyone have any?

I'll start!

My husband has a Christmas Party at work. He works at a very nice place, and I don't know his co-workers as well as he does. I was four months pregnant, and still suffering with bad morning sickness. I started to feel sick so I went outside for a little fresh air with my husand. We walked back in with him and his arm around me, but within 10 seconds I was out of his grip, squatting down and puking all over the carpet of the party room. Atleast I had a pregnant belly, unlike a lot of other first time moms at 4 months. I'm still embarrased to even see some of those people!

2007-11-15 08:52:36 · 12 answers · asked by Elisabeth B 3

i am having nonproductive contractions and dilated to a "loose 1" but doctor won't induce untill i am OVER DUE. Is there anything I can do to help bring on stronger labor contractions?
I have tried sex, castor oil, and walking but nothing seems to be working.

2007-11-15 08:50:03 · 5 answers · asked by dixiedarlin 3

After the baby i would like to go back to my six pack and my belly ring. Is there anything i need to be doing right now to make sure this happens? Also what can i do to make sure when or if i get s marks they go away soon? Thanks in advance

2007-11-15 08:38:11 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

has anyone every heard of or used cod liver oil to induce labor? did it work, did you take the gel caps or what and how much did you take. or does anyone have any other ideas to help bring on labor contrations?

2007-11-15 08:27:44 · 18 answers · asked by dixiedarlin 3

I am about 6 weeks pregnant and my hcg levels are at 31,000 today. Seems kind of high. Just wondering if thats normal. What is the range and average anyways.

Any info would be appreciated:)

2007-11-15 08:27:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am going to be 19 in a few months and my boyfriend of 5 years is 23 he really want to have a baby and get married and thats what i want to. But there is only one problem im in college now and my parents are the kind that is i get preganat now im going to hell and my life will end. They are very old fashion what should i do ?

2007-11-15 08:17:46 · 111 answers · asked by lca1707 1

Ok i had intercourse with my partner this morning, straight away,after sex i wiped myself (sorry if its disgusting) and i was bleeding, not bright red blood, more like a pink smear. I had no pain and normal braxton hicks contractions on orgasm. Also, baby has since been moving as normal. It was gentle intercourse, nothing rushed and it wasnt dry. Im just a bit worried as to whether or not this is normal. I should also mention that i went to antenatal yesterday and baby is head down and 2/5 engaged with 6 weeks still to go. Does this push the cervix closer to the front of my vagina or not?
Thanks in advance to all who answer.

2007-11-15 08:15:34 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Now after taking imodium while pregnant did your baby come out normal? So in other words, did the imodium affect your unborn baby in ANY way? I am 33 weeks pregnant and I am taking imodium and I am worried that it is going to hurt my unborn baby.

2007-11-15 08:08:41 · 5 answers · asked by Mary 2

I just found out I was pregnant a week ago. We decided to get past the first couple of months to make sure everything is well. We decided to announce the pregnancy on Christmas. They know we were trying to conceive so we want to do something fun to announce it!

2007-11-15 08:07:03 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have missed my period by 8 days and I know that I had unprotected sex on my most fertile day last month. I have had symptoms such as constant heartburn, fatigue, and just a bit of nausea. I have taken two first response tests that both came out negative. My boyfriend is somewhat convinced that I'm pregnant, so to find out for sure, he wanted me to get a blood test done. I went this morning and they said that the blood test is just the same as the over the counter tests; that the blood test could only pick up the same hormone. They acted as if it would be stupid for me to get the blood test done, so I didn't. So are they basically saying that I'm not pregnant? It is very disconcerting that I am 8 days late...

2007-11-15 08:02:19 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am about 4 weeks pregnant and swallowed a skittle whole. Will it effect anything?

2007-11-15 07:59:59 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm almost 28 weeks and haven't noticed any yet.

2007-11-15 07:58:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

my baby was born premature (34 weeks) due to Hellp syndrome. I want to have another child in the future but I am worried that it will come back again and it may be worse.What should I do?

2007-11-15 07:57:21 · 6 answers · asked by Sexy 1

Has anyone ever done an amniocentesis and found an extra marker/ chromezone with the lab work? Is it bad??? They said they will know more next week, but I'm panicing and wondered if anyone else has gone thru this and what was the outcome. I know its not down because they already did all the test for that.

2007-11-15 07:53:17 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous 1

I am 34 1/2 weeks pregnant and two nights ago after having sex for the first time in two weeks I was having contractions every five minutes for four hours. I finally fell asleep and when I woke up they stopped. They felt like braxton hicks, but were consistent. Now two days later I'm back to feeling pretty normal but am now having braxton hicks about once every two hours compared to the usual of every four hours. Does this mean I'm getting close to delivery.

2007-11-15 07:52:47 · 3 answers · asked by allie s 1

i'm 19 and just found out that im 2 mon. pregant and i don't know how to tell my boyfriend or parents, i think he will be very happy it's just that he wants to get a better job. i don't know how to tell my parents because my younger sister is pregant and they may think thats the only reasin i got pregant or that my boyfriend is going to do the same thing my sister boyfriend did. (he acts like he don't know her and denies her and her unborn child) but my boyfriend isn't like that .

2007-11-15 07:48:36 · 10 answers · asked by jayy20072008 1

I am wanting to know how much longer it will be before i go into labor or anyone have any ideals.

2007-11-15 07:48:34 · 6 answers · asked by carrie v 2

The thought of meat and especially having to eat it while I am pregnant makes me sick. Why is this?

2007-11-15 07:46:22 · 17 answers · asked by bird79 2

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