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Pregnancy - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

2007-11-16 00:28:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-16 00:26:13 · 5 answers · asked by ma. evelyn t 1

I have felt pre-labor symptoms for some time now and today another one has popped up, nausea! I have had BH and back cramping along with extreme nausea this morning and last night after I ate. I feel as though I should go and make myself sick because it's gross! It's like I can smell vomit! Sorry but that's the best way I can describe it. I am just wondering if my little girl will be here soon ;) I sure hope so. I can't wait to meet her and I don't think that I can get any more miserable! Thanks!

2007-11-16 00:21:03 · 8 answers · asked by gallamommy 2

Im only 1cm dialated and 50 percent effaced (according to yesterday) and my contractions are from 5-10 min apart (going on 3rd day now..) and its really getting to me.. Im in alot of pain and i cant sleep at all!.. is their anything i can do about it? or just have to suck it up and feel horrible all day until i deliver..which could be forever away feeling like this.. also how will i know when its important to go the hospital? or will i just know?

- I asked earlier but got only 2 answers..figured i'd try one more time!-

2007-11-16 00:18:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

last month i was 2 days late this month im 4 days late only had slight period pain. boobs are sensitive but they are when im due on im on the pill but did take it 12 hours late in the middle of the pack, getting my hopes up slightly bout pregnancy even though i shouldnt i havent been stressed so i dont know why my p is late and i dont wanna take a test and be disappointed with a negative. , what is the possibility of getting pregnant on the pill? im taking microgyon 30 been on it 6 years never been really late like this

2007-11-16 00:08:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

how long does a non stress test take?

2007-11-16 00:00:16 · 5 answers · asked by Danielle 2

My daughter goes for her 20 week ultrasound in about 3 hours (and I am very excited to see the baby again and find out the gender). She was not told to drink water or make sure she had to pee. When I was pregnant years ago, every time I had an ultrasound I had to have a full bladder.
I'm am going to call the doctor as soon as they open this morning to ask them, but I was wondering if anyone else was not told to have a full bladder?
It worries me that if I don't call and my daughter goes in with an empty bladder they will make her reschedule.

2007-11-15 23:20:22 · 10 answers · asked by ROBIN T 4

Im only 1cm dialated and 50 percent effaced (according to yesterday) and my contractions are from 5-10 min apart (going on 3rd day now..) and its really getting to me.. Im in alot of pain and i cant sleep at all!.. is their anything i can do about it? or just have to suck it up and feel horrible all day until i deliver..which could be forever away feeling like this.. also how will i know when its important to go the hospital? or will i just know?

2007-11-15 23:19:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

One last question. I was scared I might be pregnant because I had sex with just a condom (no slipping or breakage occurred) for about a week. The last time I had intercourse was the 18th of August. I had quantitative blood tests at 22 days past the act, 32 days past the act, and 59 days past the act. All were negative with a <1 hCG result. Then I went to my doctor and told her my situation, and she did a pelvic exam to feel the size of my uterus. This was 86 days past the act, which would've made me 13-14 weeks if I were pregnant. She said she felt nothing, that my uterus was the normal size for a non-pregnant woman, and that she was sure I wasn't pregnant, so much that she didn't even feel a need to give me another pregnancy test. Is there really no way I could be pregnant? I'm completely paranoid about it, and I want to be able to stop worrying. Is there any way that at 13-14 weeks my uterus could still be too small to detect pregnancy? And with those very negative results? Help!

2007-11-15 23:14:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

The date of my last period was October 20th.......starting the 1st week in November I have been having signs of pregnancy...the achy breast....the extreme nausea...but i havent taken a pregnancy test because I wasnt expecting my period to come until today.......I have been having cramping for the last 2 weeks on and off....then this morning I started bleeding----but it doesnt look like a normal period and the discharge is a little light brown and light pink (sorry for the visual) . When my period comes it usually comes with a vengence!!! It is not coming out when I pee only when I wipe (I apologize again for all the TMI) and the cramping is nothing to what my period cramps feel like. I have read that implantation cramping usually comes 7 to 10 days after ovulation and a few days BEFORE your period should start. Normally my period would be starting today or tomorrow....When should I take a pregnancy test to get accurate results....has this ever happened to anyone? Thanks in advance!

2007-11-15 22:57:04 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi, i have asked a similar question to this a few weeks ago but didnt really get an answer from anyone who had experienced it. I had an amniotic fluid level of 4.7cm a few weeks ago so have been going for regular scans.It was up to 5.5cm on wednesday which is only just within the "normal" limit, normal for the 3rd trimester is between 5cm-25cm, im 36 weeks. My doc said that if it starts to go down again then they will think about delivering baby sinse im so close to term now.What i want to know is, from anyone who has had this, what was your level when they decided to get the baby out?

2007-11-15 22:34:57 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

here are the following symptoms i had a abnormal period which came 2 weeks early so i got them twice in october since the first period i got ive had spotting breast tendrness white discharge coming from my breast um discharge from below as well ,fatigue,nausea bloating i also have 2 uteruses i have headaches ive started getting hormonal marks and break outs ive also been gettin really bad cramping just above my pubic area and the pain is constant ive seen doctors and none have consider im pregnant all my blood test /urine tst came back negative for any infections which usually i have something but everything was all clear if any one could help me as i am a bit confused and all that would be great

2007-11-15 21:51:38 · 12 answers · asked by Honey 1

ok so im not scared or anything like that I just want to know what you guys think.. My boyfriend and Ihave had unprotected sex and we thik that I might be pregnant..Usually when my period is on the way I have PMS but I havent had anything and that NEVER happens . I have also been sleeping my days away and havent been able to sleep at night. Could i be pregnant? My period is due Sat the 17th..

2007-11-15 20:19:11 · 12 answers · asked by chantel1985 1

I had a baby 26 days ago... she arrived about 4 weeks early. She's pretty active, and by that I mean she likes attention... she likes being held... she likes to be around people and noise... and wakes up a lot at night. I'm glad she's healthy and doesn't have any serious problems since she's kind of premature. But ever since she was born I've been having in laws visiting from left and right. Thanksgiving vacation is near n i got more in laws planning to come with 2 adults, 3 loud noisy annoying children that i'm really not so fond of having near my baby due to flu season and all. Additionally, I've had no down time, no rest and quiet since i've returned from the hospital. How do i convey the message of wanting to be alone with my baby and husband without offending anybody? Does anyone out there think i'm being a bit hasty? I just want to be alone I guess because nothing in my house has really been in order due to so much visitation. What do you guys think...

2007-11-15 17:27:55 · 7 answers · asked by SugaNsPice 4

My boyfriend and i had sex 2 days before my period he finished inside me, the the next day we had sex and he finished inside me again, my period came the next day but very light, then heavy. my period lasted 7 days, i also wanted to know, how long do i wait to take a pregnantcy test?

2007-11-15 17:20:44 · 10 answers · asked by sarah 1

I took a preg test like a week ago,And it turned out negative.

But ive been getting sore boobz and like cravingz and stuff.

Im only 15 and im against abortion so if i was pregnant id more than likely carry through with it.!

Do u think pregnancy tests are pretty accurate?

And what are the other signs of pregnancy..!

[[id app it if u dont up me about being so young ok]]

(Also ive been on the pill for about 3 weeks now. Im pretty sure im not pregnant.. But you can never be to certain help plzz)

2007-11-15 16:23:12 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is a bill right now requiring parental notification for abortion??? do you think thats idea. What would it change???

2007-11-15 15:30:12 · 4 answers · asked by my angel is 2 1/2 now:) 1

i would like to know, what i have to go through during the screening process and if i am selected to donate sperm about how much do i expect to make per visit. and does pay depend on like pyshical attributes?

2007-11-15 15:29:37 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-15 14:56:24 · 10 answers · asked by ♥ EHHNL0 ツ 3

My husband and I have been TTC #1 for the past 6 months. I just found out that I have a large cyst on my left ovary (5.5 cm). I had an abnormal period Oct 31 which is what made me even go to the doctor for a check-up. She says that I may still be pregnant despite the pregnancy tests being negative. She didn't do a blood test however, only the urine tests. Is it possible that I could still be pregnant? Or is my doctor just giving me false hope? Also, if I am, will this cyst be a problem? could it be the reason why the tests are showing negative? I've never had cysts before, so this really worries me. I appreciate any help.

2007-11-15 14:37:16 · 4 answers · asked by BSaw 2

I started feeling some upper vaginal/pelvic soreness around the 26 week. Some people have told me that this could mean the pressure of the baby pushing down is causing this and that it could mean that i could have pre-term labor! But I don't really feel pressure. I was also told that it could be something called symphysis pubis dysfunction. Has anyone ever heard of or had this?

2007-11-15 14:21:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 3 weeks late and i am so afraid that im pregnant i don't know what to do i am always sick and my boobs are so sore i have no idea what to do HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2007-11-15 13:31:57 · 22 answers · asked by help me 1

or on what month can you feel baby movements???

2007-11-15 12:59:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

how many months..idk if i am but yeah

2007-11-15 12:56:56 · 5 answers · asked by hello 1

2007-11-15 12:56:42 · 18 answers · asked by lakeishapinkard2007 1

I am taking nexium and trying to get pregnant and then will also breastfed. My OBGYN said it was safe to take nexium, but i am having doubts. I see misleading information about it too. Some say it is ok and some not. And then some classify it as a category B drugs, other a category C. Of course i'd rather take a catergory B. Please, any info would be appreciated

2007-11-15 12:48:08 · 2 answers · asked by lm 2

2007-11-15 12:46:28 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

22 weeks pregnant

2007-11-15 12:44:58 · 11 answers · asked by Amorous 2

I'm due for my scan in 2 and a half weeks (I'll be 19 weeks 1 day then). I can't wait to find out the sex of my baby!!!

2007-11-15 12:43:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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