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Pregnancy - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

ya this is my 3rd pregnancy and im 31 weeks. i never had this with the other 2, but right at my breast bone i have a sharp pain for about 1 month now, dr says its fine just growing. but i was wondering if anyone knew how to get rid of the pain? i cant lie on my left side at all because it hurts too much.

2007-11-17 00:31:49 · 5 answers · asked by j b 1

I went for a trans vaginal ultrasound yesterday and they didn't see a heart beat, but they also said they weren't sure if they were seeing the embryo or not because it was fuzzy. There was a gestational sac that measured six weeks and 2 days. They warned me that I will probably miscarry, but I have talked to other women who have told me that their 3 month ultrasound didn't get a heart beat at first and that they had to lay there for 3 hours while the technician looked for it. Any thoughts?

2007-11-17 00:27:27 · 7 answers · asked by ♥Blake's mommy!!!♥ 6

For the last 3 nights i have been tossing and turning,trying to breathe through my nose and its driving me nuts.I don't have a cold or any other sickness.Im wondering if this is pregnancy related or not.Its also during the day and its making life terrible HELP!

2007-11-16 23:37:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

watermelon during pregnancy

2007-11-16 20:27:58 · 9 answers · asked by Surya 1

2007-11-16 20:19:27 · 4 answers · asked by anecka lee 1

So, I had my period the 12th-16th of Oct., spotted on the 22nd and had my period this month from the 14th late at night-16th and now It's done. Strange for me, my friend said you can still be pregnant and have your period? What do yall think? Do you have any "tricks" on how to get pregnant.

2007-11-16 20:06:49 · 14 answers · asked by Expecting baby #1 4

I had sex with my boyfriend unprotected and he ejactulated in me, i took my pill the same night as it happend but i've missed the last 3 pills, is there a big possibility that I am pregent, or should I not worry

2007-11-16 19:39:05 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Next month is my due date. I still haven't prepare the stuff i need to bring in the hospital because i'm not sure which things i should put in my maternity bag. can u help me give some list that i need to bring in my labor time.?

2007-11-16 18:25:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 17 weeks pregnant and found out that i am a carrier for cystic fibrosis and i was wondering if anyone could tell me a little about wany that it is? i have an appoinment to meet with the doctor monday to discuss everything but i am curious now....anything u can tell me would help....does this harm my baby??

2007-11-16 16:21:10 · 8 answers · asked by Brooke's Mom 3

Hi, I am 28 weeks pregnant right now and so far my breast have not dramatically increased in size. They have been pretty sore now and then but they are no bigger than before. My question is...I was not able to breastfeed my first baby and I REALLY want to nurse this second baby as much and for as long as I can....but honestly I think to myself " I have small boobs....CAN I successfully breastfeed" Does the size of your breast have anything to do with how much breastmilk your body can produce??

2007-11-16 15:51:43 · 18 answers · asked by Ruth G 3

I am 3 months.
I got morning sickness but am over it now. I got it solidly for a few weeks. All day. But never threw up (i havent thrown up in 15 years) I am 20. This is my first child

Im anxioous naturally to find out the sex.

did anyone find that some things give it away. The type of cravings, the instincting feeling of knowing, the sickness (despite i never throw up)
Just anything?

Thanks :)

2007-11-16 15:34:38 · 13 answers · asked by KS 4

O my gosh, I didnt know a lot of stuff about abortion. thats just sad how so many people take the babies lives when they are so inocent and didnt do anything bad. Thats just very sad, I am doing a paper about abortion, and I read a lot of stuff about. I didnt even know that they doctors perform abortion even when your like 18 weeks pregnant already. thats scary, and some of the people are saying that it is not a human yet, untill it was born. Of course it is, I mean it has legs, arms, head, eyes, everything. I just wanna cry when I think about. Baby is a blessing from God. We should do something about abortion!!!!!!!

2007-11-16 14:56:17 · 39 answers · asked by my angel is 2 1/2 now:) 1

I've pretty much turned into a water fountain/ flood warning. My emotions are getting so bad that I've been crying about Holiday Commericals.
Like the Zales Commerical, all they have to show is a happy family and I'm all tears.
Sometimes I'm soo ashamed to cry, even if it's not sad I'm crying, LOL.
Anyway, what was or is the worst with your pregnancy.

2007-11-16 14:44:33 · 18 answers · asked by ~* Garden Empress*~ 5

I am not married but I want to know how I should comefort and care for her when she's pregnant.
I heard that its good to draw a warm bath for her and rub her feet. I really want to know what are some comforting, loving and caring things I can do for her :)

2007-11-16 14:34:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok i am bout 5ft6 and 160 i am about 3 wks prego i feel like i am sooo very bloated and showing lol!!! I know i am not yet but i have a feeling wiht this pregancy (#3) i will show alot sooner than with my first or 2nd (2nd ending in miscarriage).. So anyway i have heard that bigger women show sooner or with the 2nd one you show quicker is that true??/ Any experiecne out there any examples?? Thank you soo very much

2007-11-16 12:49:47 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok,If when you ovulate is the prime time to get pregnant.Than why is it that you can get pregnant at anytime in your cycle.What I mean is if a egg is released once a mo than how is it that you can get pregnant at anytime in your cycle?I am 24 and I have two healthy children and suffered a miscarriage about 2 mo. ago just trying to figure it all out

2007-11-16 12:26:16 · 10 answers · asked by what did you say 4

I am pregnant with my second child, always dreamed of a big family. When I was pregnant with my son I had NO aprehensions, only excitement. Now with my second, also planned, I am soooo scared. What if I dont give this new one or my son enough attention? How do I make sure my son will be a good big brother? The delivery also gives me a little bit of anxiety too, not at all before.... Anyone else have these anxieties? How did you reassure yourself that you CAN do this!?

2007-11-16 12:20:13 · 10 answers · asked by Mommyof3 BGB 5

*a werid little metalic taste in my mouth
*tired fast an sleepy

are these normal or is it just me?

2007-11-16 12:19:11 · 15 answers · asked by maybe 1

2007-11-16 12:19:11 · 17 answers · asked by Nazli H 1


i forgot to take my prenatal pill yesturday! is it okay to miss a day? or will it hard the baby?

and i ahev another question is a sonagram (im very early in my pregnancy just a few weeks i suppose) very accurate? and how much could it tell me exzactlly how far along i am? THANKS

2007-11-16 12:18:13 · 8 answers · asked by mel 1

is this safe?

2007-11-16 11:55:02 · 7 answers · asked by Spanks 5

this is my first baby i don't know what to really expect...but i have been cramping with back pressure for about 2hours straight and i don't want to go to the hospital cause they'll prolly send me back home i'm only 36weeks... and i have another week until she is full term..i really don't know what to do..i'm so uncomfortable..i had diarhea yesterday and the day before..and i had a small bm today..and my vaginal area hurts because of the pressure down there from her head..what should i do?

2007-11-16 11:37:09 · 15 answers · asked by cashirdadon 1

Im 14wks 3 days, and when im about to go to sleep, i lay on my back and i can feel flutters! At first i thought maybe it was gas because thats what everyones explanation is, but i swear its not! it feels way different. This is my first pregnancy.
IS it too early for this?

2007-11-16 11:29:40 · 12 answers · asked by Elijah's Mama 4

I know this might sound paronoid but 2night when i was lyin on my bed it seemed like my bump has suddenly got a little bigger since de last time i had looked at it and part of it seemed a good bit harder has the baby just moved 2 a new comfy spot r could it b more serious???

2007-11-16 11:23:03 · 11 answers · asked by aoife b 2

So this is very weird. I normally weigh about 125 pounds and thats watching my carbs and eating in moderation. However, I am now almost 9 weeks pregnant and weigh 122 pounds. I am eating everything I want and more but I have lost a few pounds. Is this normal? I think I read somewhere that your metabolism increases when you are pregnant. So does this mean I will lose before I gain?

2007-11-16 10:53:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

The first day of my last period was Oct. 24-25th, I can't remember when I started cause it was late due to antibiotics and stress. I figure I ovulated on the 6-7th because I have a regular 27-29 day cycle. Unfortunately, my husband and I had a little bit of an exciting experience and ended up "going" at the same time, therefore he didn't pull out. I am wondering if there is a possibility that I would be experiencing PG symptoms this early? I have been exhausted the past two weeks, my boobs are hurting which started about 4 days ago and that is way early for my Nov. 21st period date, I had some brownish/reddish discharge on the 12th and I have never had that in between my periods, I keep waking up with a horrible taste in my mouth and then I go to brush my teeth and gag. I normally don't have much of a gag relfex. I took a test, but it came out negative. Is it still too early to test? When should I test again?

2007-11-16 10:46:08 · 15 answers · asked by Rylynn: 11/13/08 3

I felt my breasts get sore for like 3 days, I also have been feeling a little nauseous, head pressure and noticing weird smells.

2007-11-16 10:09:11 · 7 answers · asked by victoria 1

I have been around 130 for the past 5 years or as far as I can remember....Ive been eating the same. I weighed myself last night and i was 141 pds. My husband and i have had sex quite a bit-without a condom..but he pulls out in time. I know there is the precum. SO, could I be prego? My period isnt due for another week and a half. I wasnt sure how fast you gain weight when pregant.

2007-11-16 10:06:33 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isn't it funny how everyone was doing something before they went into labor and swear left and right that that's what brought their labor on. In that case, I toke a good nap with my first child and woke up having contractions so that began labor. With my second child, it must of been the way I laid myself down in bed cause as soon as i laid down, my water broke! LOL, Maybe all these so called induction methods people use are just coincedence and their body would of went into labor anyway. Afterall about half claim induction methods work and others said it did nothing for them. Maybe we should give our bodies more credit.
Id like to hear what you were doing at the exact moment you started contracting or your water broke.

2007-11-16 09:49:11 · 16 answers · asked by Luv4Nevaeh 3

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