I posted a ? yesterday about my possible pregnancy. I estimate I ovul. @ the 11th, & had sex basically from the 2nd til the 18th. past week I've been having mild naseau, WICKED mood swings, gas (normal bowel movements, no obvious cause for gas/gas pains.) Ystrday noticed I had mind fever symptoms, my boyfriend confirmed I felt warm. That was it, though.This AM, I woke up & felt fine. around 8:15 I got very dizzy & decided to lay down for a minute. I then got flu-like symptoms- felt hot & cold, starting sweating SO MUCH it was weird & then got very clammy. I wrapped up in a blanket & basically passed out. woke up at 11:00 and felt dizzy, weak, still exhausted, & was covered- COVERED- in clammy sweat. I tried to get up but felt so weak and laid back down, passed out, and just woke up. I felt incredibly weak but once I got up & started moving around, much better, just a mild headache. My question is: are these symptoms of early pregnancy/implantation?? My period isn't due until the 30th!
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