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Pregnancy - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I feel like I keep waiting and waiting time goes so slowly, what can I do to help pass time until baby comes?

2007-09-21 10:34:21 · 5 answers · asked by lucy diamond 6

i have just found out i am 5 weeks preg but i was on the pill cn u please tell me this is possible ?

2007-09-21 10:28:03 · 18 answers · asked by - stace - and - Bumpy - 1

ok i want to be safe and i know the only way to be completly safe is to abstain and im to young for sex and i should wait i know i have heard it all but honestly its a decision i have choose to make in a committied relationship with someone i love and trust and plz dont say your to young to be in love but please help me with this question i want to get on birth control for the extra protection but im not ready to tell my mother yet that im having sex so does she have to go with me to get birth control is there any way i can get it without her knowing i live in GA if that helps plzz im serious about this

2007-09-21 10:21:23 · 13 answers · asked by nikel 1

ok well one time me and my girlfriend had sex, with a condom. then about 10 min later we had sex again with NO condom.. but i did NOT ejaculate in her. and my penis was DRY. AND my girlfriend is on birth contol.. but she forgot to take her pill the night before this happened. so she took both the pills the night we had sex. but her period was 1-2 days late. and shes on her 2nd day but her period is very light. as if it was the last day. so chould she be pregnant? please we need answers!

2007-09-21 10:07:59 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a huge belly and they keep measuring me at the Dr's office and using something called a doppler and telling me a number that is a heartbeat. Today he said that they are scheduling a C-section for November 19th.

I wish my Dr would stop messing around. I mean am I pregnant or not??!!????!!!

Please Help!

2007-09-21 09:58:40 · 12 answers · asked by Angelus 4

I felt my best last night and have a small dime size lump there close to the nipple, is this something caused by pregnancy (24weeks) or should I have it checked by the doctor?

My mother and grandmother both had cyst in their best before.

2007-09-21 09:58:09 · 9 answers · asked by nicki 3

i)touching the va**gi**na tip with tip of pe**ni**s
ii)just inserting p**eni**s into va**gin**a n removing it in seconds tat also not deep. just insertion for 2cm
NOTE : Pls dont mistake me for asking such a ques. i really need to know them. so pl reply me.

2007-09-21 09:37:33 · 4 answers · asked by hai da 1

Well I am 23 years old and will graduate from college this coming May and I figure I will be out of debt in 1 year. My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years and on and off for 5 years total...we also live together for 3 months now. so I was thinking that in 2 years we could have a baby..now I haven't brought this up to him just yet although he does know that when I'm done school I want to start having kids...is there anything I should do or know before trying to concieve? Last time I got pregnant (miscarried) it happened as soon as I came off the pill..literally 2 weeks later I got pregnant. So what do you guys think? Thanks

2007-09-21 09:07:34 · 6 answers · asked by sandra m 3

This is my situation, and I'd appreciate some input or perspective or advice... anything really.

I'm 35 weeks pregnant with my first. My husband and I are very excited. I'm a college student and I planned to do online classes this semester so I don't get behind. I am 2 weeks into the semester, with a baby coming in the next few weeks, and already I am getting my butt kicked with the difficulty of these classes.
I have the option of taking a medical deferment for the semester, and i will have fall and winter off, then I will be back next summer (in June, our school does 3 semesters, year round).
I don't know what to expect after the baby comes, but I do know that if it is already pretty hard on me it'll likely only get harder after she arrives.
I'm really stressed here because I want to be the powerhouse who can do it all, I don't want to give up easily. I feel like i would be giving up.

What would you do? Stick it through and do your classes regardless or take the deferment?

2007-09-21 08:59:39 · 29 answers · asked by carcar 3

I know this may sound really stupid but i don't understand this.
Before you give birth doesnt the doctor check the heartbeat and stuff of the baby and if so like what causes stillborns.
WOuldnt the doctor know if the baby is healthy or not .
I am just clueless and scared of this happening to me .

2007-09-21 08:59:26 · 10 answers · asked by mommy 3

I'm now 15 weeks pregnant and I plan on bottle feeding my baby when he/she comes. I was just wondering if you chose to bottle feed only, did you do it from day one in the hospital or did you start after a few weeks?

***And yes, I've done my research on the breast vs the bottle. There is no need for criticism, that's not what I'm asking. Thanks!

2007-09-21 08:39:22 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-21 08:39:10 · 19 answers · asked by Viennacardinal 3

8 would like to get pregnant one day. I have very un normal periods. I rarely het my monthly period. I recently started getting it for past 6 month off and on..spotting and its not red. will this effect my future with conceiving? I'm in my 20's. since I was 16,my period was very un normal. Is there anything out there that can help me get regular periods?

2007-09-21 08:37:41 · 1 answers · asked by stacey t 1

Having your baby at home without a medical professional, if all goes well.

Do you think this is a good idea?

If not, why?


2007-09-21 08:00:48 · 18 answers · asked by Up-side-down 4

For me, the decision to nurse (to the best of my ability) has been a no-brainer. Even when I return to work, I plan to pump so even if I'm not physically there the baby will have milk.

Last weekend my husband and I went to a 'marathon' prenatal class at the hospital. There were fifty couples (nearly all first-time parents-to-be) and the part about breastfeeding was at the end. The instructors (two nurses) said that anyone not planning to nurse could leave. After that, I counted only fifteen couples in there! I was really amazed.

I understand that a lot of women plan to work after the baby, but formula only? I mean, formula costs a lot of money, so I'd think people would want to at least know about the nursing option.

So, would you have stuck around? If you're choosing to try to breastfeed, how come? And if not, what's your reason? I'm really curious.

2007-09-21 07:47:11 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im 34 weeks 2 days and my baby has been breech since I was about 20 weeks. A lot of people have told me she still has plenty of time to turn and what not...Well today when I went to the doctor, he said he thinks I have a abnormally sized uterus and he's almost positive that she wont turn. He told me the when I go back in 2 weeks we will talk more about it. He also said that he is not going to try and turn her himself because Im too small. Also my baby measures at 32 weeks instead of 34 weeks, so shes is about 4 1/2 lbs right now.

So my question is..Is there any other women who have had similar experiences? Where they didnt think that your baby would turn? Or they said they werent going to try and flip them?

thanks in advance

2007-09-21 07:36:18 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

im always hungre only six weeks and i mean im always eating been waking up in the nite hungre

2007-09-21 07:31:22 · 11 answers · asked by cookie 1

for about six weeks ive been feeling really tired and everyday i feel sick and exhausted but my husband has had the snip i dont sleep about im married but im worried i am i know i should go and get seen by my docs but i hate doctors can i have some advice please also im on the pill to regulate my periods also when i fell pregnant with my two youngest boys i still bled for about 3 months

2007-09-21 07:28:34 · 4 answers · asked by melody3470 2

I was just wondeirng if anyone elses insurance only covers one sonogram? I was kinda upset about it becuase I friend who is pregnant gets to have a sonogram at every doctors checkup and she gets to see how her baby is growing. If I only get one, I would figure that they would probably do it at the end, to make sure the baby is down and ready to go and stuff.

They said that they will cover more sonograms if there is medical need for it, like if the baby is in distress, or i were having a high risk pregnancy. But so far I am not, and I am not hoping for that just so I can see the baby.

Just wondering when they would do the one sonogram that I get. Will I not be able to know what I am having until the very end? Thanks ladies!

2007-09-21 07:23:51 · 9 answers · asked by **Mom of two angels in Heaven** 3

4 months ago I got off of birth conrol. About 2 months ago I had an ectopic pregnancy. I still have not gotten my period and started having the same pains I was having when I found out I was pregnant the first time. Out of impulse I took a pregnancy test...it came out positive. Honestly, whether this test is accurate or not (I will be seeing my gyno next week to make certain), I am unsure how to feel right now. I am 29 years old, in an unhealthy relationship, working a full-time corporate design job and am very confused as to what to do. I do not have family around me and my good friends are scattered around the country.

In my heart I want a baby, in my head I do not. I do not want an abortion and am skeptical about adoption. What would you do in my situation?

FYI: I have about 2K in necessary bills a month...including student and car loans.

2007-09-21 07:19:04 · 7 answers · asked by no 3

Ok so I am 30 weeks pregnant and I have only had one ultrasound is this normal? I haven’t had any complications during this pregnancy and all my visits I have gotten good reports the only ultrasound I had was around 20 weeks to determine the sex, will there be any more? I would think they would take measurements or something the closer I get to my due date. Right?

2007-09-21 06:56:36 · 17 answers · asked by We're Engaged 3

How do you deal with morning sickness that last from when you get up in the morning to about 4pm, and be able to eat. I'm starving all the time, yet when I eat, it makes me sick so I can't eat..... I WANT TO EAT!!!! lol Anyway, when it gets time for dinner, my stomach has shrunk so much after eating 1/4 of my food I'm full, but I wake up hungry. Is there anything I can do, or just deal with it for another 6 weeks for it to pass?

2007-09-21 06:42:16 · 14 answers · asked by TootsieGirl 3

I'm about 4 weeks pregnant, and they can't see my baby at ultra sound. I don't have any other problems, no pains and no bleeding. Could it be just that it's too early, or something is wrong with my baby? Thx

2007-09-21 06:13:21 · 7 answers · asked by Nina N 1

I really am interested. This is also before you take a test showing positive or having a missed period. What was the first symptoms, and how do you know if it wasnt in your head.

The reason I ask is because i really feel this time that I am preggers but Im trying to talk myself out the symptoms, like nausea, forgetfullness, and fatigue. Other symptoms i cant stop are very sore breast, bloating, and mild cramping. I dont start for another week and i have taken a couple test that show negative but i still feel pregnant. Oh yeah, im 25 years old and very responsible, and having a baby will make me so happy, so no negativity please. Please give me your thoughts.

2007-09-21 06:10:09 · 24 answers · asked by kitamonster 3

I'm not pregnant, just ttc, but I don't think I'll be able to give up my uber-hot baths (unless it's bad for the baby of course.) I know hot-tubs are sonsidered a no-no- what about a hot shower? And how hot is too hot anyway? What about heating pads/blankets??)

2007-09-21 06:02:16 · 15 answers · asked by Nanook of the North-Canadian Gal 4

I posted a ? yesterday about my possible pregnancy. I estimate I ovul. @ the 11th, & had sex basically from the 2nd til the 18th. past week I've been having mild naseau, WICKED mood swings, gas (normal bowel movements, no obvious cause for gas/gas pains.) Ystrday noticed I had mind fever symptoms, my boyfriend confirmed I felt warm. That was it, though.This AM, I woke up & felt fine. around 8:15 I got very dizzy & decided to lay down for a minute. I then got flu-like symptoms- felt hot & cold, starting sweating SO MUCH it was weird & then got very clammy. I wrapped up in a blanket & basically passed out. woke up at 11:00 and felt dizzy, weak, still exhausted, & was covered- COVERED- in clammy sweat. I tried to get up but felt so weak and laid back down, passed out, and just woke up. I felt incredibly weak but once I got up & started moving around, much better, just a mild headache. My question is: are these symptoms of early pregnancy/implantation?? My period isn't due until the 30th!

2007-09-21 05:55:47 · 0 answers · asked by Anonymous

Quick "show of hands", what do you think of a woman who smokes while pregnant?

2007-09-21 05:21:32 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous

im not on any meds or birth control, but we are trying for baby #1. My friend is preg. and bought prenatal vitamins at the store, are them safe to take???

2007-09-21 05:18:40 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

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