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Pregnancy - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

Iam 23 weeks pregnant when is my due date?

2007-09-22 13:19:51 · 9 answers · asked by Natalie D 1

i just dont feel pregnant anymore i mean my doctor told me i was but i just feel diffrent im not that far along could that mean i lost it

2007-09-22 13:18:05 · 14 answers · asked by ebony r 1

2007-09-22 13:13:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

So about 5 weeks ago Me and my boyfriend were messing around. I think some pre-*** touched near my vagina. I was scared that I could have been pregnant. But then I started my Period. It was Normal. I was still concerned I was pregnant, so I waited for my next period and it came on time and was Heavy and dark like usual. (lasted 6 Days) I dont think I could still be pregnant. But I heard you can have a period and be pregnant. Do you think I am pregnant?

2007-09-22 12:36:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've taken 5 pregnancy test and they all said negative. The last time my period started was August 28. I've been constipated and feel sick sometimes but no other symptoms. I did recerntly lose about 10 lbs this summer but i though it was gradual and i also just started a new job and also school. I do get very bad stabbing pains in my stomach however especially if there is any pressure on my stomach area. The only thing is these pains are usually to the side of my body or right below my rib cage. I plan on going to see my gyn this week, but like I said 5 test all came up negative! Could it be b/c of my loestrin b/c it did make my period pretty abnormal. Oh there is another thing when I'm suppose to get my period i had a white discharge that would last the length of my period and then go away. Help me please!

2007-09-22 11:17:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I should be on my period this week. I just went to the batheroom and realized that i am bleeding but its not flowing with my urine. Sure theres blood there but its not normal to me. Could this be a sign of pregnancy or anything???

2007-09-22 10:57:30 · 4 answers · asked by Bethyboo 3

Will your cells be just that much older than your birthday age, and you'll develop just that much sooner than you would've otherwise?

However, experience with the world can only build up by existing in this world, you can't do that in the womb.

So how old is this baby really?

Is a 12 month old born with hair and a huge body, yet has just seen a face for the first time ever, really older than normal, or just right?

2007-09-22 10:55:14 · 2 answers · asked by anonymous 4

I'm pregnant with baby #1 and am going to have register soon for my shower and have no clue what items to register for. I don't like things that serve no purpose,,,and if they do-I want them to work. Please give me suggestions of things you registered for and loved and things you got and hated...then explain why. Thanks so much!

2007-09-22 10:49:21 · 6 answers · asked by Bunintheoven 2

I found out about 4 weeks ago that i am pregnant, never been so hapy in my life as i was told that getting pregnant was very difficult with my past fertility problems. I've been with my fella for nearly 8 months now and i love him very much, he is 21 and i am 26. we both tell each other we love one another and feels great. i am 2 months pregnant and he didn't take it well when i told him, he said he is far to young for a baby, he told me tonight that if i have the baby then he wants absolutly nothing to do with me.. but if i get rid then he'll stay.. even me thinking about having an abortion is wrong because i so want this baby but i'm scared of losing my fella and really scared of being on my own with a baby.. i want both and i'm scared in case i make the wrong choice...

2007-09-22 09:57:58 · 52 answers · asked by Tori 2

2007-09-22 09:30:48 · 8 answers · asked by toni C 1

The machine is a type of certain machine that can measue the heart rate of the baby with some cords connected to the mother's stomach.

2007-09-22 09:30:06 · 4 answers · asked by xyny v 1

toilet trips every 20 minutes
toes under my ribcage
soooo uncomfortable
& i cant wait to go into labour

2007-09-22 08:42:23 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am six weeks pregnant with my 2nd child. I live in Alabama & my parents live in Texas. I would like to go see them in about two weeks would this be safe?

2007-09-22 07:04:31 · 10 answers · asked by Katherine G 1

Doc says she should not worry because its still early in her pregnancy. Has anyone gone thru this?

2007-09-22 06:59:46 · 10 answers · asked by bebegirl 1

How are you able to tell when your baby "drops"

2007-09-22 06:58:16 · 5 answers · asked by LiLmamma 2

The last time I went to the doctor I was about 8.5 weeks pregnant. I don't have symptoms that I will lose this baby too, but I am still scared. I just starting feeling kinda sick off and on and extremely tired this last week. Any reassuring thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!

2007-09-22 05:49:56 · 6 answers · asked by Casey 3

i am between 8-10 weeks and have for the last 3 weeks on and off been getting stomach pains and cramps days of feeling constantly sick and extreme tiredness. I seem to have all the signs but have no bleeding this is my 2nd pregnancy and i did not feel like this at all with my boy. I just dont feel right i dont even feel pregnant anymore whats wrong with me. I have a dating scan on friday and am just dreading it!! Any advice greatfully appriciated

2007-09-22 05:30:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 11 weeks pregnant and have gained about 10 lbs. Before pregnancy I was 114 and 5'3. I am nervous because I've already gained so much weight. The first trimester foods I normally liked sound terrible to me like veggies. If I start watching what I eat, can my weight gain level off or will my appetite just keep increasing through pregnancy? I'd like to hear from people who gained quite a bit early on but didn't gain more than 30-40 lbs. Thanks

2007-09-22 05:29:16 · 6 answers · asked by Casey 3

Is it likely / possible for a pregnancy to be visible at 5 or 6 weeks..?
Around how many weeks would be the normal?

2007-09-22 05:29:07 · 17 answers · asked by Point 3

My doctor suggested I take castor oil on the morning of my due date so I can go into labor on my due date. Has anyones doctor suggested anything like this to them?? Doesn't she seem to be rushing it a bit?

2007-09-22 05:27:08 · 6 answers · asked by drose 2

I don't have much longer but I just don't know what to do. When I sit my son hates it! He kicks and punches and gets up under my ribs and makes me lay on one side. He hates that and kickas and punches and then i lay on my othe side. Same thing. I get up to walk and I have imiidiate braxton hicks over and over and we all know that those are uncomfortable! So then I lay down and then those stop but then my tummy hurts. Like maybe I am constipated? Or poss have gas? Wehn I make a bowel movemtn it's not a lot at all. I know TMI! But I am just wondering why this is? Am I going to have a 10 lb baby! I am 24, healthy, and well gained 50 lbs so far with this... my 1st pregnancy LOL. I guess i milked it for all it's worth But I am not 200 lbs .... YET! hopefully i don't reach that! When you where pregnant did u kinda know when you were gonna go into labor? By the way u felt or no? I just feel it could happen like right now b/c my tummy hurts so much but just b/c i think he is rather large!

2007-09-22 05:09:14 · 6 answers · asked by Amos&Asher=MyBoys 3

2007-09-22 02:37:27 · 7 answers · asked by ms_kmurphy 1

I didnt have to pee 5 times OR wake with the worst tummy ache....

Just woke up and dont want to annoy the doc with a silly question just a little confused.

2007-09-22 02:07:18 · 7 answers · asked by SARAH D 4

I am 6 weeks pregnant and have "O" group blood. some friend of mine has suggested that I need a injection in this case but doctors doesn't say anything on this topic! Can anyone helpout?

2007-09-21 23:36:00 · 3 answers · asked by ymitr 2

Hi, i had my little boy on monday morning and my blood loss has been "normal" so far, i hadnt passed a clot for a few days untill last night- i had just breastfed and went to the toilet, i had bled quite a bit and when i sat down a big clot came out- about the size of a plum! i rang the midwife team this morning who said it is normal to loose clots for about 2 weeks after delivery but im still worried - has anyone had this and is it normal

2007-09-21 23:19:02 · 8 answers · asked by allielea 2

My friend is in College in NC. She just got pregnant from a guy that's also a college student but doesn't have a job. Although she is only 3 weeks pregnant, I would like to know is there something that she could do besides having a abortion to make this guy pay money(making him get a job) in NC.

2007-09-21 22:06:20 · 6 answers · asked by DVS 1

I am 36 weeks pregnant, and I will be having my baby soon, the doctor said he might induce me next week because there is too much amniotic fluid. I am terrified of giving birth, I am so scared of the pain and I don't want to have an epidural. I know every labor is different but can someone give me an idea of how labor feels? Also I feel so emotional all the time, Im feeling a little down, I was on anti-depressants before my pregnancy, do you think these are normal feelings right now? Because I feel down now, could this mean I may get really bad baby blues?? Please help me with all these questions, I would sooooooooo appreciate it. Thank you

2007-09-21 19:22:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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