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Pregnancy - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

my wife told me that she cant sleep at night, does it affects our unborn child?

2007-08-21 14:44:07 · 30 answers · asked by Shinkun T 1

He smiles a lot and laughs with me, but doesn't hug or like to be hugged, or kiss me? I do breastfeed him, and thought that would create a stronger bond than bottle feeding. When I do try and hug him he either puts his arms out to the side, and doesn't put them around me, or he'll swat or push at me to get me to leave him alone? He's a VERY hyper baby, always wanting to go go go. He's never content for too long, and won't even sit still with me in my lap for more than 5 minutes????? It's frustrating and kinda feels like he doesn't care whether I'm there or not!!! I also feel sad when other people carry him around or watch him for a little while and he seems not to notice that I'm there! Is this normal? I want him to cuddle and need me......Is that asking too much from an 8 month old little boy. This is my 1st baby too, so I don't know how it should be, although I know they're ALL different..... Thanks for the advice!!!!

2007-08-21 14:38:17 · 23 answers · asked by Melissa t 2

Hi, I am 6w0d as of today. I have had 3 miscarriages, two healthy babies. On Friday, I went for a beta level, and then a comparitive one on Monday following. My levels on Friday were 750, my levels on Monday were 1150. They did not double, and now I am concerned. Does anyone have experience with this? Should I be highly concerned that I am miscarrying? My progesterone was also low, although I did not think to ask how low. My appointment is tomorrow, just hoping someone can tell me something to help me sleep better.

2007-08-21 14:08:23 · 4 answers · asked by Megan A 1

Also.... very tight legs all the way up to the knees.

2007-08-21 14:04:30 · 6 answers · asked by bugsbunnylookalike2001 5

We would really like to wait until after we have had our baby to call family and friends to give myself, husband and our daughter (3 years old) some family time but what do we do with her while I am in surgery? I am scheduled for a C Section. Has anyone ever had a sibling join them in the room? Is it even allowed?

Thank you in advance!

2007-08-21 14:03:34 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don;t understand because I wanted this child and I got it. I want to be ecstatic. What can I do???

second child

2007-08-21 13:35:26 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

First of all, let me just say that I'm 13 and nowhere near the age I start thinking about having children.

However, I dream of having twins someday and wonder what the odds are that this would come naturally to me. I know several people on my mom's side that were twins or triplets and I myself am a triplet, although my mother was on pills or something to help this. Is it more likely I could concieve twins naturally because there have been several instances in my ancestry?

2007-08-21 13:31:48 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I heard that near the end of the pregnancy the baby should slow down in movement because they in place for the pregnancy but my baby is moving aorund all over and i have two weeks left. does this mean i might be late? Either way i don't really care that much because i love watching her move .

2007-08-21 13:30:30 · 11 answers · asked by falnangel07 2

I am 17 years old and 17 weeks pregnant and I get criticized for saying 13 is to young to have sex and that I dont know what a real relationship is? There are so many changes you go through between 13 and 17, I dont even see how someone can compare that. I am not stupid and a little kid, I dropped outta high school last year and went and got my GED.

So make me understand how I am even close to a 13 year old kid?

2007-08-21 13:29:24 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 7 weeks pregnant and i feel huge i am so bloated. I don't want to gain to much weight during this pregnancy, but i feel fat right now. Has anyone felt like this before this is my 3rd and i never felt like this with my other 2. I feel so nauseas everytime i eat, and even when i don't eat. I am tired everytime i lay down i want to fall asleep. The only thing that does not make me feel so sick is eating cereal do you think it is safe to eat cereal for breakfast and lunch and then try and eat dinner.

2007-08-21 13:25:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

morning sickness, fatigue, tirdness, constipation, and moodswings?

Does anyone else think this is not fair???

2007-08-21 13:21:02 · 22 answers · asked by chapped lips 5

im having a 2nd section in march and i wanted to know if i would be able to get my tubes tied and what is the procedure and is it more painful afterwards?

2007-08-21 13:20:23 · 5 answers · asked by erica j 1

Does anyone know if it is okay to get a brazilian wax done when pregnant? I won't know if I am for another week or so but I have an appointment on Sept.21 for a brazilian wax.

2007-08-21 12:57:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

feb 2007 ihad a c-section for a personal; reason im 3 months pregnant again and i wanted to know if i would be able to get another one i had it done a metro health medical center in cleveland ohio

2007-08-21 12:31:59 · 14 answers · asked by erica j 1

Hi all,

I am having a scheduled c-section deliver after i had an emergency one 2.5 years ago.

Just wondering what happens on the day and how long it takes for me to have baby.

I will be having an epidural with it.

Thanks for the info.

2007-08-21 12:27:08 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had a miscarriage yesterday and I just got back on The Pill today. This was my first dose and I had unprotected sex and I am very fertile and I want to know am I pregnant right now. Is it possible for me to get pregnant the day after I had a miscarriage?

2007-08-21 12:27:04 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

hello ladies!!!my af is due tommorrow and so far i do not feel any pms signs like the ususal cramping, bloating. My boobs and nipples are sore- i mean its like when i bend over to get something i feel my boobs, its lilke a pain-not terrible or anything. I took a hpt yesterday morning and it was negative- i am hoping it was too soon!!!has anyone else had this happen to them before??and oh yeah i forgot to mention my face broke out last week and i am breaking out on some parts of my body(sorry tmi) this happened to me last time i was pregnant!!!!!can some one please give me some personal experiences!!this wait is so terrible!!!!!!baby dust to everyboddy ttc!!!!

2007-08-21 11:31:24 · 3 answers · asked by jennifer r 3

I thought that they would inject the Anti-D into a vein, but someone wrote in my other question that they give it in the thigh....can someone tell me where youre injected - im afraid of needles and knowing this will help me prepare.

2007-08-21 11:29:43 · 11 answers · asked by !!~IHaveABabyGirl~!! 6

Ihad a Miscarriage June 29th at 4weeks...I got pregnant again to my surprise in July...I’m 8 weeks now and yesterday I notice light pink discharge...I’m freaking out because I'm terrified of having another miscarriage...I wasn’t prepared to get pregnant again so soon but I still hope for a healthy baby and I'm scared I will go thought the same thing......

I only had the discharge for about 3 hours then it went away and I haven’t seen any today? Has this happened to anyone else?

2007-08-21 11:26:40 · 4 answers · asked by starzzz964 2


So, i don't understand. What is the difference between having an abortion(knowing your pregnant) and the plan b pill? Either way you are getting rid of something, right??? Plan b is used to terminate an egg being fertilized, when it could have been. And abortion is to terminate a known fetus. Someone explain if I'm totally out of left field here because i don't think plan b is any better. All i have been reading about lately is how people are taking plan b like its candy

2007-08-21 11:23:36 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

am gettin a lot of pain again down at my groin area no contractions just weird pins and needles feeling in my stomach if i were 2 guess how apart they are i would say atleast every 20mins or more oh am in very late stage of pregnancy

2007-08-21 11:07:32 · 2 answers · asked by mummy of 2gorgeous boys 3

so when do you think i will start showing? ha i read someone else ask this and i want opinions about me.. im like 5'5-5'6 and my weight ranges between 135-140.. right now im about 8 weeks

2007-08-21 11:04:59 · 10 answers · asked by Caitlin B 1

I've induced previous labors with castor oil successfully.
How do the contractions feel after being induced with castor oil vs. pitocin, etc.?
Does one cause contractions to be harder than the other?

2007-08-21 11:01:28 · 9 answers · asked by (no subject) 4

Labor/delivery with 1st was pretty hard, 2nd I handled better but was 3 hours longer, 3rd was the shortest, but most painful b//c my water broke 6 hours into Labor-although my third lliterally flew out in 8 minutes!
With the next one, could it be even shorter? Are chances good that the next will be delivered as quickly?
What are your experiences with each of your labors/deliveries?
Thanks in advance!

2007-08-21 10:54:31 · 12 answers · asked by (no subject) 4

I from my last period should not ovulate till thursday but this past weekend I started to get the ovulation discharge. Yesterday, monday, I had some cramping on the right side and lots of discharge. And now today I had lots of cramping on the left side and some all over and feels like my period cramping going into my back. And lots of discharge again. Ever before I was guessing when I ovulated but this time I really can tell not missing it. Who experienced this and what could it be? Could it be ovulating more than one egg? Also, when you have the cramping and discharge are you ovulating that day or later?
~Thanks alot for your help~

2007-08-21 10:50:08 · 4 answers · asked by mamato5Boys 4

I may be wrong to say this and everyone still has their final say as to weither they do but why are kids these days in such a hurry to destroy their lives. These kids are fearless and they think nothing can happen to them if they have sex. Well one maybe two of three things can happen. 1. You get lucky and don't get pregnant. 2. You get pregnant and now have the possiblility of destroying three lives from being to young and naive. 3. You get a lovely STD from someone that will never go away and then you have the chance of giving that to someone for the rest of you life.

PLEASE KIDS THINK ABOUT YOUR DECISIONS!!! That is all I ask. There is nothing wrong with waiting till you are at an age where you are responcible and have a life that is already functioning by itself.

2007-08-21 10:37:20 · 19 answers · asked by Melissa L 2

I was considering trying to get her to go see my friend, who is a doctor, in order to trick her into it (she has health issues). So I figured that I could get my doctor friend to try to tell her she needs an abortion for the sake of her health

2007-08-21 10:31:13 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is my first pregnancy, I am 21 at a height of 5’4 and weigh almost 200 pounds. I’m 12 weeks and 1 day as of today. As you can tell I’m not skinny and I have a stomach on me (not huge just not flat) I’m not VERY over weight but could defiantly loss some pounds and some of it is mussel. I was wondering when you started showing (if you are sort of round like me). I’m very excited about my first child and can’t wait till I start to show!

2007-08-21 10:28:50 · 19 answers · asked by Brittney 2

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