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Pregnancy - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

ok so i had sex 3 days ago and i dont know what the signs of pregnancy are

2007-08-21 04:30:19 · 9 answers · asked by hers heys!!! 2

Im 37+ wks pregnant, I have been getting really sharp pains in my pelvic bone area, and they shoot down to my groin area. But when I read about contractions and braxton hicks they say that u feel them on top of ur belly and around, nothing ever comes out about the pelvic area. I told my Dr, who says its normal, so I don't really worry about it. Has anyone else felt pains like the one im feeling?

2007-08-21 04:23:54 · 6 answers · asked by cristy 1

I'm almost 12 weeks and feel like I already have a little belly. I am small in frame and have always been in good shape. Is it normal to start showing this early??

2007-08-21 03:27:57 · 14 answers · asked by o'smomma 2

Im 38 weeks today. I went to bed fine, woke up at 12ish and felt like i was spinning, got up and got a drink of water, laid back down and was fine, but now at 2am I woke up spinning again. I laid there with my eyes open and it started happening with my eyes open. I am not sitting up in the living room, and I feel fine, except that im like sick to my stomahce cuz i feel like i just went for wild rolloer coaster ride.

Any Ideas what this might be? I have a Dr. Apt today, If I can make it that long without throwing up lol. Its kinda creepy to lay down and feel this way, I dont like it. Any Suggestions?

After the 2 am battle with this, I ate a peanut butter sandwich and a glass of milk, went back to bed and seemed ok, until this morning, when i got up to pee again, and laid back down, then things started spinning again.

I have a dr apt today about 4, and called, it cant be moved up, However I am going to go have my b/p tested to make sure it is ok. any other suggestions

2007-08-21 03:23:07 · 12 answers · asked by Katy 4

My husband and I would love to have twins,but have no history of them in our families,so it seems unlikely.

I am 29 and am not in need of those fertility drugs that give a lot of parents twins.Any ideas?

2007-08-21 03:22:21 · 3 answers · asked by RebbieRebel 1

I am 6 months along and really want to rescue a kitten.It would be indoors & I would have a litter box.

Is this a totally bad idea? my old cat died at the ripe age of 16 a month before I got pregnant,so I have been missing my kitty lovin'!

2007-08-21 03:19:49 · 22 answers · asked by RebbieRebel 1

How much/what detail do you need to put in the letter you give at work letting them know you are pregnant etc?

2007-08-21 02:07:45 · 19 answers · asked by Cara 2

and then i went to the drs and it came up positive, they made me get an ultra sound because i was spotting brown, i went to for the ultra sound and nothing came up whats wrong

2007-08-21 02:05:12 · 11 answers · asked by dancegirl765 1

My husband and I were recently married and found out upon our return from the honeymoon that I was pregnant. He immediately wanted me to get an abortion. I have always been pro choice, but I would only get one myself if I were raped or was a single mother in a crummy place with no food, money or support. Being as how we're financially comfortable and married, I didn't want to think of abortion as an option. I suffer from endometriosis and have have dormant cists on my ovaries so my doctors never thought I would even be able to conceive.

His parents went through a similar situation and I think he may feel they regretted having their children early, which they don't, and refuses to talk to anyone about his feelings. Any advice?

2007-08-21 02:02:19 · 25 answers · asked by lilblueys 1

doppler and will i be able to hear it, and what else will she do in the appointment

2007-08-21 01:18:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

got this weird fuzzy feeling like pins and needles in my stomach and it feels odd am in very late stage of pregnancy what could it be ? should i be concerned and phone up the midwife?

2007-08-21 00:12:54 · 3 answers · asked by mummy of 2gorgeous boys 3

2007-08-20 23:31:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 35 weeks pregnant. I have heard alot of mothers talking about how their baby reacts to loud noises & the sound of their voice whilst inside the womb. I always feel my baby moving but even when loud noises scare the hell out of me, I feel nothing.

Also do you think babies in the womb can feel people touching my belly? Whenever my partner touches my belly, she will push back in the exact same place.

2007-08-20 19:33:35 · 18 answers · asked by redhead746 2

and it started itching about 2 days ago!! im going to call my doctor 2morrow just need some advised. thank you! what should i start eating more

2007-08-20 18:07:20 · 8 answers · asked by prettylady! 1

my boyfriend wants to know...

2007-08-20 18:03:39 · 13 answers · asked by boo 1

Ok this really isn't a question but my pet peeve right now is reading these questions & answers when people use the word "preggers" that word is really getting to me tonight for some reason!

2007-08-20 17:07:11 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

we are both minors and i am 2 years older than her. I love her soooo much but she took a pregnancy test and it was possitive! her parrents woulnt let me see her after she went to the doctor to confirm it. i want to be with her and the baby! what do i do? i tried to talk to them but they woulnt listen. i cant let her go through this pregnancy and not have the support she need that her parents cant give her. i just was banned from seeing her 30 min. ago . please help me! i really want to see her and be there fo her through the pregnancy and labor . also i want to help her raise the baby

2007-08-20 16:07:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My baby moves all the time for me. I can lay down and watch her move from my stomach and feel it everytime I lay my hands on my tummy. BUT everytime my bf comes to feel, she won't move an inch! Its like she knows he's there and won't move. I'm 21 weeks and I really want him to experience this, because its so wonderful, but everytime he tries she won't move. Any tips??

2007-08-20 16:03:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Went to the doc today for something, didn't fill the perscription on time, just trying to get her to sleep. Thanks.

2007-08-20 15:57:33 · 25 answers · asked by Brandon M 4

Ok, I know this seems like a silly question, however I'm very serious. When does the umbilical-cord begin to grow during pregnancy?

2007-08-20 15:56:33 · 2 answers · asked by Liss 2

hi i just started TTC this month..today when i went to the bathroom it burned a little bit when i peed and there was a little bit of light pink blood when i wiped..what could this be?? could i be pregnant??
my last period started july 29 and my fiance and i have been having sex from aug.6th until now...

could i have a bladder infecton?? could i maybe be pregnant?

2007-08-20 15:47:47 · 6 answers · asked by Mason's Mommy 2

"We know that the embryo or fetus cannot feel pain before 20 weeks of pregnancy. Nearly all — 99 percent — of abortions are done before 20 weeks. It is even possible that a fetus is unable to perceive pain at any time during pregnancy. If, however, the ability to feel pain does develop before birth and consciousness, it is likely to happen only after the 28th week of pregnancy, when abortion is performed only for rare, unusual medical situations."

(Taken directly from the Planned Parenthood site:

Sounds kind of sketchy to me, doesn't it? The baby possibly not feeling pain, even up to the 40th week? Read the scientific facts here (or anywhere, for that matter):


Tell me what you think!

2007-08-20 15:20:42 · 6 answers · asked by cve5190 4

I've heard this rumour on numerous occasions - be it on websites, on television, and in general conversation. So, I was just wondering if it's true? Mothers should know exactly what I'm talking about :).

Thank you.

2007-08-20 15:11:16 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im 18 and Im pregnant. I started having contractions two hours ago so I called my dr and he wanted me to wait at least 3 hours to come in because he was sure that i would be in labor for a while and he wanted me to feel comfortable at home, and im waiting for my boyfriend to get home, but now for some reason i have this urge to push. my boyfriend is almost home but im worried im going to give birth here or in the car IM SCARED! what do i do should i start pushing or resist the urge???

2007-08-20 14:22:46 · 23 answers · asked by i love u! 1

I'm being induced because the baby is getting too large. I have gestational diabetes and she is already 8lbs 2oz (considering they aren't off by a lb. or 2) and they think she will be too big for my body at my due date. I thought her lungs were fully mature by 37 weeks yet they say they have to do an amniocentesis to be sure. I really dont want one if I dont need one.

2007-08-20 14:18:40 · 10 answers · asked by ♥Vanessa♥ 2

Husbands are going away and wont be their by or around the due date. And when I tell the doctor this do I have to show him papers that I am going away? I just want to be prepared.

2007-08-20 14:11:43 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


my husband and i are planning on a waterbirth for our first child...does anyone know of an informative training/educational videos...also, has anyone hired a doula and what are your thoughts on hiring one if you hope to acheive a natural birth...thank you!!

2007-08-20 14:03:54 · 4 answers · asked by l_camy 3

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