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Pregnancy - August 2007

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if my first day of my last period was july 1st.? i took 2 different preg. test and both showed up a dark solid positive line before the negative line even showed up. im trying to get an appt to go see my dr. but havent got one yet.. so how far could i say i am?

2007-08-20 14:03:17 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

What could I take?? I've had this cough for just over a week now. Also should I bring it up at my appointment tomorrow? Any help is appreciated.

2007-08-20 13:39:37 · 6 answers · asked by clytisciasha 3

Ok ..soo I think I might be but I would like to know other peoples feed back ...soooo the last time I got my period was on July 27th 2007, and I'm pretty regular ...and my period is usually about 30 days long .....I dont take in type of birth control because we are trying to have a baby ...soo my husband did not pull out on the 8th,9th,10th,11th and the 12th ....sooo what do u guys think ..thanks alot !!:)

2007-08-20 12:48:52 · 10 answers · asked by Mony 1

Hi everyone I just want to let you know that my Quads are fine. Gavin was the biggest at 6 pounds 2 ounces, then Noah at 6 pounds even, then Owen at 5 pounds 15 ounces, an d then Kyla at 5 pounds 13 ounces. I am going home tomorrow and I can't wait to go into my own bed. All of the Quads for now have been sleeping though the night for the most part, well i consider 4 hours a good night. If you guys have any questions at all please email me or ask me. I am quite bored at this moment because everyone is sleeping well the babies are and Logan and Miley. But please feel free to email me.

2007-08-20 11:58:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anna 1

I had my period on the 14th in may, 14th in june, worried myself into the 18th in july, and dont have mine yet right now. i took a pregnancy test on the 19th, it was an ept that you can take 5 days in advance, i had sex with a condom and spermice, the guy didnt *** in me, and i got a negative on the ept.

2007-08-20 11:36:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know have been pregnant for 4.5 years of my life and counting no. 6 on way but how long have I been feeding
I know I havent been feeding for 18 years - my oldest is 18 and my youngest is 4 now and still feeding - in fact just fed her tonight to get her off to sleep but she didnt feed this moring so it looks like this one is ending I reckon its about 12.5 years so far and as I said Im pregnant with no 6 and we have already agreed that, god willing, we will have no. 7 as its about another 5 years to add on....but Im sure the longest break I had was between nos.2 and 3, about 4 years - confused my husbanf reckons its 10 years.....

2007-08-20 11:31:38 · 10 answers · asked by Mama8 2

this is the second time i have been hospitalized this pregnancy, im 35 weeks today, the first time i was hospitalized was a little over 3 weeks ago for 4 days due to high bp. i also have pregnancy dietbetes(bad spelling) which is now beening controlled with insulin. butis still high some times. this time beening put in the hospital was due to my bp also. but it is looking better they are only high like once or twice a day but still like 145/91. i have had a head ache for the past 4 days nothing takes it away. perkisets help some what. i have a pain about a 3 inches under my right boob. now when i stand up i get shooting pains inside my v. and pains and lots of pressure in my low abdmon. my town hospital sent me to another town with a better hospital. im always in pain completely uncomforble and stressed that i am so far from my boyfriend and kids. can't they induce me to help me out my missary. and how can i go about trying to convice my doc???

2007-08-20 11:23:42 · 19 answers · asked by lilmama07 1

2007-08-20 11:23:26 · 7 answers · asked by abby 1

Ok so i went 4 my prenatal physical(so i thought) i told my family doc that i had some sharp pains in my belly and requested an ultrasound, he said let me examine you, he pushed on my stomach so hard i was crying, he then tells me it has nothing to do with my pregnancy and it's called positional pain(whatever that is). He won't send me for an ultrasound to even make sure my baby is ok and because i live in Hamilton Ontario Canada you need to have a family doctor make a referral to an OBGYN which he won't do. I want to report him for his conduct because when i asked him to stop pushing my belly he kept on doing it even when i tried to push his hand away, i feel like he was trying to make me miscarry or something.... What would you do if this happened to you? i'm also only 10 weeks pregnant.

2007-08-20 11:19:48 · 19 answers · asked by Wishmaster 6

My doctor is fine with it. But I am wondering if the insurance company will pay for it? I have great insurance coverage, PPO. Please don't preach about having vaginal delivery...I have done my research and know what I want. If you don't want to answer my specific question above, just don't post anything at all. Thanks! :)

2007-08-20 11:04:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

how long do pregnant woman stay in the hospital after having a baby

2007-08-20 10:59:00 · 21 answers · asked by can-d-cane 3

i am a small girl, i wore i size 0 before i got pregnant, i am only 5 foot...... now my pants arent buttonening anymore, i am 17 weeks....i went maternity clothes shopping at old navy and there pants are way to big for me, my legs and butt are not near close big enough for them...anyone know any place that would sell maternity clothes that fit me?

2007-08-20 10:58:36 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am currently 35 weeks I think??? The first ultrasound I had my due date was sep 20 the second it was the 10th and my baby weighed just over four lbs. The third ultra estimated the 2nd and my baby weighed a little over six. I am wondering how long I really have, because if babies gain .5-1 lb a week in the last month then my baby will more than likely be about 8 lbs in two-three weeks. What are the opinions on how big they will let him get and when I will probably go into labor.

2007-08-20 10:58:12 · 9 answers · asked by Buggy Jean 2

I'm really into having a natural home birth, do you have to have a doula or midwive? This may be a dumb question but I'm really unsure about how to go about a home birth, can anyone tell me how it works or any expiriences? Thanks!

2007-08-20 10:42:36 · 4 answers · asked by SuGaBeAr** 2

I got test results for gestational diabetes and 1 hour sugar test was too high. I have changed my diet and am eating better than ever,more vegitables, and friuts, even whole wheat bread instead of the white bread I used to eat.Now I have to take another test for three hours to where I can not eat after midnight the night before.No problem, but why is this happenig. I read some doctors now days just perform more csections than ever.What for to get more money.If the next test comes back too high i will swicth doctors if they say my baby is too big and might need surgery.I will switch to midwife if I have too!!! I wont be subbjected to surgery or what they did with my first born.The pitocin,vacum,episiatamy, too much invasion.It is not natural.Why is my diet not working do I have to give up the occassional chocolate,and practically starve to get better test results?

2007-08-20 10:37:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Anybody else get really cold sometimes? We're in the middle of an August heatwave here and yet I get freezing cold quite often inside and have to wear a sweater. I noticed this happening since I got pregnant. Any idea what's going on?

2007-08-20 10:26:28 · 6 answers · asked by Veritas 7

I am tired of my family asking me when I am going to start having babies. I haven't thought of one comeback that will stop them from asking. If I say that I am not ready their response is that you are never ready. Please Help!

2007-08-20 10:15:18 · 14 answers · asked by Nikkibunny 2

ok so last Thursday i slept with this one guy, we did use a condom but to tell ya the truth we werent incredibly concerned about safety,like when putting it on and stuff.
i have not missed my period, i usually get it at the end of the month or beginning of the month
i also am going to be honest about me taking several different illegal drugs during my life time and every day, so there was definantly a mixture of drugs in my system but the only thing i have done that day is smoke pot/cigs, and no other drugs.
there are no real symptoms of me being pregnant because i cant really determain symptoms while taking drugs.
if i dont get my period in the next 2-3 weeks then ill get a preg test. Im still gona worry till the day i get my period (or sadly if i dont =[), and i wanted to know if you could name any street drugs that would make it harder to get preg, and i can see if ive done it just to be a lil less worried.

2007-08-20 10:11:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


missed period was on the 14 of dec 2006, i had sex on the 20th which i had no signs. and 28th everything started happin nausa took a prego test in middle of january or beginnin. came out positive.i had sex with two different people. my doc say my due date is the 20th of september 07. i just want to know when i concevied... and what the weeks differents bettween both of them? still gettin a blood test just need a boost of confidence.

2007-08-20 10:11:06 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

sometime during march or may i went to the doctor and had an ultrasound done and the lady told me that she thinks im either 2weeks or a month, she said that she thinks i got pregnant in april and lost it and got pregnant in march and thats the baby im carrying now but after she had left i guy doctor had came in and told me that there is not pregnancy but the lady said the is one, pampa doctors dont know what the hell they be doing...so i through a fit and told him he was wrong and i left.im going to the doctor tomorrow. im happy... we have heard heart beats in the prenatal heart listener, i am bigger then what i was and my body has change in so many ways that it has'nt, like sore boos around the nipple, tenderness, food craving,all of that.......what else should i do! its hasnt showed up in my pregnancy test but i was taking those test that can tell you when is the best time to get pregnant or whatever and 2 lines came up but during those we were having sex. i think/know im pregnant.

2007-08-20 10:04:47 · 5 answers · asked by veronica_ballard2006 1

this was on Aug 15, two days later I had mucous discharge that I believe was me ovulating. today Aug 20 I had a bloody tinged mucous discharge. I have had a little cramping the last few days. Could I be pregnant?

2007-08-20 10:01:20 · 4 answers · asked by Tina S 1

2007-08-20 09:56:06 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Emergency section of the hospital are sending sick pregnant women away because they say "THey have not got the facilities" even though the best place for a sick pregnant women is a hospital where they can check blood pressure, temperature, monitor the baby's movements and if there is something wrong bundle them into an ambulance. I see a political issue about to errupt of some woman and her baby dies because this hospital negated its duty of care.
I am going to write to my local paper - whats your views

2007-08-20 09:53:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-08-20 09:49:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

We thought we were having a baby girl before my ultrasound said we were having a boy. Now my mind is set on the fact that our son will be here soon but even though the ultrasound said BOY my fiance still think we are having a girl. Has anyone been told that they were having a girl/boy and it turned out different?

2007-08-20 09:47:41 · 8 answers · asked by angel l 3

So I had some brown discharge and minor cramping about 2 weeks ago (I was 6 weeks) and went to the doctor. He did a sonogram...we saw the sac and he told me that he though e everything was okay but that the 1st trimester is difficult so that I needed to just take it easy. I have done that. This morning - I am now 8 weeks - I had more discharge. I was scared but I have an appt tomorrow for another ultrasound to see the baby's heartbeat. I just went to the bathroom and had a bit of discarge but there was also what looked like a bit of lining or something. Nothing that was globby (sorry for details) but it looked like a small piece of brown lining. Do you think I need to go to ER (my doctors office closes at 4pm on Mondays) or just wait for my appt tomorrow afternoon? If it is a miscarriage, there is nothing that can be done, right?

Has anyone else experienced this? I could use some encouraging words right now. Thanks,.

2007-08-20 09:47:34 · 3 answers · asked by cwrayvoa 3

I'm currently almost 11 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I'm just wondering when you all had your bellies pop out with your first? I'm only 5'3... and my mid-section is short and thin, so I didn't figure the baby will have much room to grow in there before it did pop out. Right now I just have a more pronounce pudge below my belly button.

When did your baby bump become pronounced?

2007-08-20 09:44:59 · 4 answers · asked by Holly 3

My first child is due oct 6th..I am really excited yet anxious about my delivery day. I was wondering any mommys do you have any suggestions on how to make first time labor alittle easier..Ive been told walking..walking and more walking..I walk every day for 30 min to 45 mins...Im 33 weeks now so its getting more and more difficult with so much pressure down there and my baby is head down already and feels like he is ready to fall out lol...Im so sore alot of the time in my upper part of my legs in that area..does that mean im going to have a hard time with labor..I do plan on having a vaginal delivery and not being induced ..but i also heard just cause you plan does not mean thats how it will happen. Anyway any suggestions on how to prepare..ohh and Im a single mother all my money is going towards things for my baby..my home..and things like that..Dont have the money to take a birthing class so that is the other reasons im looking for advise from mommys..thanks in advance

2007-08-20 09:22:53 · 21 answers · asked by miss lady 1

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