i will say, walk and drink plenty water is the best!!!
however, as first time mom-to-be you may be asking yourself..
***Is there any way to predict when I'm going to go into labor?
Not really. Experts don't fully understand what triggers the onset of labor, and there's no way to predict exactly when it will start. Your body actually starts "preparing" for labor up to a month before you give birth.
You may be blissfully unaware of what's going on or you may begin to notice new symptoms as your due date draws near. Here are some things that may happen in the weeks or days before labor starts:
* Your baby "drops."
If this is your first pregnancy, you may feel what's known as "lightening" a few weeks before labor starts. You might detect a heaviness in your pelvis as this happens and notice less pressure just below your ribcage, making it easier to catch your breath.
* You note an uptick in Braxton Hicks contractions.
More frequent and intense Braxton Hicks contractions can signal pre-labor, during which your cervix ripens and the stage is set for true labor. Some women experience a crampy, menstrual-like feeling during this time.
Sometimes, as true labor draws near, Braxton Hicks contractions become relatively painful and strike as often as every ten to 20 minutes, making you wonder whether true labor has started. However, if the contractions don't get longer, stronger, and closer together and cause your cervix to dilate progressively, then what you're feeling is probably so-called "false labor."
* Your cervix starts to ripen.
In the days and weeks before delivery, Braxton Hicks may do the preliminary work of softening, thinning, and perhaps opening your cervix a bit. (If you've given birth before, your cervix is more likely to dilate a centimeter or two before labor starts — but keep in mind that even being 40 weeks pregnant with your first baby and 1 centimeter dilated is no guarantee that labor's imminent.) When you're at or near your due date, your practitioner may do a vaginal exam during your prenatal visit to see whether your cervix has started to change.
* You pass your mucus plug or notice "bloody show."
You may pass your mucus plug — the small amount of thickened mucus that's sealed your cervical canal during the last nine months — if your cervix begins to dilate as you get close to labor. The plug may come out all at once in a lump, or as increased vaginal discharge over the course of several days. The mucus may be tinged with blood (which may be brown, pink, or red), which is why it's referred to as "bloody show." Having sex or a vaginal exam can also disturb your mucus plug and cause you to see some bloody discharge even when labor isn't going to start in the next few days. In either case, if you see more than a few spots of blood, be sure to call your caregiver immediately because it could be a sign of a problem.
* Your water breaks.
When the fluid-filled amniotic sac surrounding your baby ruptures, the fluid leaks from your vagina. And whether it comes out in a large gush or a small trickle, you should call your doctor or midwife.
Most women start having regular contractions sometime before their water breaks, but in some cases, the water breaks first. When this happens, labor usually follows soon. If you don't start having contractions on your own within a certain amount of time, you'll need to be induced, since your baby will be at increased risk for infection without the amniotic sac's built-in protection against germs.
** How can I tell if my labor has actually started?
It's often not possible to pinpoint exactly when "true" labor begins because early labor contractions might start out feeling like the Braxton Hicks contractions you may have been noticing for weeks. It's likely that labor is under way, however, when your contractions become increasingly longer, stronger, and closer together. They may be as far apart as every ten minutes or so in the beginning, but they won't stop or ease up no matter what you do. And in time, they'll become more painful and closer together. In some cases, though, the onset of strong, regular contractions comes with little or no warning — it's different for every woman and with every pregnancy.
** When should I call my doctor or midwife?
Toward the end of your pregnancy, your practitioner should give you a clear set of guidelines for when it's time to let her know that you're having contractions and at what point she'll want you to go to the hospital or birth center. These instructions will depend on your individual situation — whether you have pregnancy complications or are otherwise considered high-risk, whether this is your first baby, and practical matters like how far you live from the hospital or birth center — and your caregiver's personal preference (some prefer an early heads-up).
If your pregnancy is uncomplicated, she'll probably have you wait to come in until you've been having contractions that last for about a minute each, coming every five minutes for about an hour. (You time a contraction from the beginning of one to the beginning of the next one.) As a rule, if you're high-risk, she'll want to hear from you earlier in labor.
Don't be afraid to call if the signs aren't clear but you think the time may have come. Doctors and midwives are used to getting calls from women who aren't sure whether they're in labor and need guidance. It's part of their job. And the truth is, your practitioner can tell a lot by the tone and tenor of your voice, so verbal communication helps. She'll want to know how close together your contractions are, how long each one lasts, how strong they are (she'll note whether you can talk through a contraction), and any other symptoms you may have.
Finally, whether or not your pregnancy has been problem-free up to now, be sure to call your practitioner right away (and if you can't reach her, head for the hospital) in the following situations:
• Your water breaks or you suspect that you're leaking amniotic fluid. Tell your practitioner if it's yellow, brown, or greenish, because this signals the presence of meconium, your baby's first stool, and is sometimes a sign of fetal stress. It's also important to let her know if the fluid looks bloody.
• You notice that your baby's less active.
• You have vaginal bleeding (unless it's just bloody show — mucus with a spot or streak of blood), fever, severe headaches, vision changes, or abdominal pain
now, in this website you'll find all the information and advice that you need!
good luck and take care!
2007-08-20 09:41:58
answer #1
answered by SHIRK 3
My suggestion to you is dont freak out over every little thing. No matter what happens or what people tell you its not as bad as you think its going to be and yes, it wont go planned. Just make sure that you have plenty of support in the room with you and and have your things together weeks before your due date. You will do fine. Not to put down anyone else that answered but walking is really more for starting labor, not making it easier. I hated walking around all of the time and it hurt really bad to stand for more then 20 mins at a time. The reason your legs hurt is probably because your body is just changing and getting ready to push the little guy out. You will notice some other little things happening over the next couple of weeks that will make you think that something isnt right. But like I said at the beginning, dont freak out about it.
2007-08-20 16:38:06
answer #2
answered by ladonnabrik 2
Check with your ob and the hospital you are going to deliver at cause sometimes they have free classes. You are right about plans always not happening. I started out having a normal delivery till time to push, but baby had other plans and didn't want to turn so she would be facing my back instead of my front, so we ended up having a c-section. Your legs are sore cause they are not use to having that little extra weight and baby does throw off your center of gravity and you are moving a little differently. You will probably find that if you break up your walk into maybe 10 mins 3 times a day it will be a little easier to do. You still got a little way to go and a lot of changes yet.
2007-08-20 16:42:47
answer #3
answered by SouthernRose 6
My best advice for preparing for labor is to accept that things probably won't go exactly as planned. I wanted to have a vaginal birth and ended up with an emergency c-section. I was pretty disappointed and felt like I had failed but the most important thing is having a healthy baby and mom. As far as physically preparing I would ask your doctor or midwife what they suggest, that is where I got some good tips. Also babycenter.com is a good resource. Does your hospital offer a free birthing class? Mine did. Good luck and don't worry everything will go just fine!
2007-08-20 16:30:50
answer #4
answered by Laura H 2
First of all be-careful not to overdue it with the walking, 30minutes a day is plenty and monitor your comfort level.
Have you spoke with your doctor as far as your pain med to be given at delivery? As far as being induced it depends on how close to the due date you are, your health, time and if your water has broken, and babies tolerance of labor.
Have you ever done any meditation? Doing some practicing on breathing and focusing on something happy/ or even a spot or picture on the wall will help you not get carried away with the discomfort.
It is such a wonderful experience- enjoy it.
2007-08-20 16:31:20
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The pain in your upper legs is a sign of impending labor, so a doctor once told me. No, you should have an easier time in labor because of all the walking. Good for you. You might try swimming in the last few weeks for exercise. It would take the pressure off. Be assured that your doctor and nurses in the delivery room are there to help you no matter what happens. They are sympathetic to your needs and desires. They will become your friends very quickly and you can trust them. Good luck to you!!!
2007-08-20 16:44:18
answer #6
answered by oldknowitall 7
try switching to swimming till you are ready, it is less stress on the body but is good exercize and soothing too. best advice i can give is ignore all the horror stories, realize birth is natural and that ppl have been doing it since long before docs and epidurals and if they could do it in a bush with no meds it is so easier with all the advantages we have now. i advise getting something to focus on during labo a picture or something to look at. also a cd can help calm you. as for the actual contractions try to breathe through them holding your breath makes it worse, and also there is no shame in getting an epidural, in my case i couldnt both my kids came too fast, but they did give me a small amount of demerol to take the edge off the pain and it really wasnt that bad. good luck, and congrats.
2007-08-20 16:30:01
answer #7
answered by Carmina H 2
i think the most important thing to remember is that YOU are in charge! stay as relaxed as possible, get someone there you trust, my mom came to my first delivery and my husband and his mom, they took turns massaging my legs and feet, the less you tense up and fight contractions the less painful they are supposed to be.
i know it is frightening but no matter what that baby is going to come out. i also couldn't take a birthing class for my first baby, so i just tried some relaxing breathing.
the worst was that the hospital staff wouldn't quit harassing me about inducing, because i was taking so long to dialate. if your feeling harassed you deffinately can't relax, so tell them to go away and leave you alone if you have to!
good luck and congrats!!
2007-08-20 16:31:14
answer #8
answered by Kitterkat 5
If you don't have the money for a class, you can still study and practice on your own at home. I suggest the book, Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way. It has the exact things you need to practice in the book. I have used the Bradley method four times and it really works. Just faithfully do the practice sessions in the book.
2007-08-20 17:05:22
answer #9
answered by pennypincher 7
Walking is good, but rest is better. Especially as you get nearer to your due date... you need to drink lots of water, and rest your body as much as you can.
The pain you are describing in your legs and around your pubic bone is normal. Your bones and ligaments are preparing to make room for baby! It hurts like heck now, and will hurt a whole lot worse before it's over.
Call the hospital and see if they have a low-income birthing class. You need that information!!!
Pack your bag
- music, a book, a set of clothes to go home in (maternity, not your cute jeans... they won't fit yet!) jolly rancher lollipops (keeps your mouth moist during the long hours of labor) , and a picture or object to focus on while you are in labor- it helps to look at something you love to keep you calm and alert.
- rest your body, and get ready... your life is about to change!
2007-08-20 16:28:10
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Every pregnancy is different and unpredictable. If you cannot afford baby classes, I suggest reading everything you can get your hands on.
One thing that I never knew was that when you go into labor, at some point, your body will go into shock, and you may begin to shake uncontrollably. your teeth may chatter as if you are cold, and your legs will shake.
this really scared me with my first child. I thought there was something wrong, but it is normal.
I wished somebody had told me ahead of time.
good luck
2007-08-20 16:34:07
answer #11
answered by Just Gone 5