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Pregnancy - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

Im ithe father of that deciest baby!I guess i didnt clarify that !Babies have ambilical cords rite thats how they live !They got machines that can supply blood rite what is that dialysis?Dosnt seen too far fetched !I Think their evil people in charge of tecnology there ?Theid rather say its a womans write too choose ?Ya well Tecnology say's i had a rite too choose too !Is this just a pipe dream ?IOr is all that it takes is a blood supply ?
..........(ttAbortion extorts tecnology lies fathers rite to choose RACIST!!?
why is abortion the first thing in the phonebook?there racist most abortions are in low income minority areas (i think) There aint no way you can tell me we dont have the capibility to substain a fetus in a artificial environment!!!!!!!!there racist!!!!i would of kept my first child i could probly prove that that wouldnt be any miricle to be abl to grow a baby in a tank so why wasnt it offered to me CAN I TAKE THEM TO COURT FOR MURDER IF I CAN PROVE THIS CAN BE DONE)...

2007-08-24 06:02:05 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who gave/will give your baby their first bath, and how old were they/will they be?

If you give birth in a hospital, do nurses bath your baby? If so, are you not upset at missing baby's first bath?

How old should baby be when they have their first bath, is it necessary to bath so soon after birth? I don't know how these things usually happen. I had my baby at home and didn't bathe her until she was about 2 weeks old. Is it a routine hospital procedure to bath a newborn, and if so, does anyone know why? I'm curious.

Thanks for your answers!

2007-08-24 05:49:59 · 18 answers · asked by Up-side-down 4

I'm 38 weeks and 6 days pregnant. Yesterday at the docs i was 1cm dilated, baby's head is right there, and im short and soft.

Starting last night and all through most the night i've been getting strong contractions but not all were painful, mostly uncomfortable, feeling like i have gas, and lots of pressure on my pelvis.

How soon is labour for me? Why dont my contractions hurt very much? please help!

2007-08-24 05:37:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok wow... so this is pretty much something im not looking forward to.

2007-08-24 05:35:20 · 11 answers · asked by crystal h 1

I am scared to tell my boss and his wife who is my manager in an office that I'm pregnant. I'm scared because his wife always makes fun of girls who gets pregnant early and my boss likes to embarrass me. Is this harrassment if they try to embarrass me and make fun of me? I don't know when to tell them either, and some of the guys I went to school with work out in the shop part and will probably talk about me and I don't want to feel like dirt because of all of these people.

2007-08-24 05:05:47 · 18 answers · asked by sum4182girl 3

I had preeclampsia with my first pregnancy, does that automatically mean that subsequent pregnancies will produce the same results?

2007-08-24 05:03:58 · 15 answers · asked by godiva 3

Help! I have had 3 faint positive hpt this week. Decided to retest on Sunday, when I will be 5 days late. However, today I have just started with slight brown spotting, like my period is going to start. There is no red blood and to e honest, it looks like a very light brown discharge (sorry tmi). I know all about implantation bleeding but surely implantation must have already happened to get the positive hpt. I have no pain and don't really know what to think. I haven't even been to the doctors yet as I was going to wait to see the result on Sunday. I will obviously be going next week but just wondered if anyone had been through similar and what the outcome was. Thanks!

2007-08-24 05:03:15 · 12 answers · asked by nooka 4

I wanted to know some of the things you can do early on to prevent a miscarriage. Is too much walking and bending harmful for the baby...Sorry, I have yet to go for my first appointment so I'm kind of concerned...plus it's my first pregnancy. Could anyone please guide with a few basic tips as to what should or shouldn't do...the kinds of foods to eats, etc. I would really appreciate the help! Only experienced moms!

2007-08-24 05:01:59 · 16 answers · asked by shinymoon (Pregnant again!) 3

Any other information about what a miscarriages at 5weeks would be like is helpful. Thanks

2007-08-24 04:53:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I found out I was pregnant 3 days ago at 9DPO, I have been taking a test everyday since and they are all positive. I am due for my period on Sunday. When will I be safe from a chemical pregnancy or am I worrying too much?

2007-08-24 04:33:29 · 6 answers · asked by ☆Soon 2 be Mom of 2☆ 4

I know it's normal to have a little blood but I just happened to look in the toilet before I flushed and there were tiny chunks of dark red blood. It doesn't look like a mucus plug, but I have slight cramping... is this normal? These chunks are tiny by the way, like no bigger than a pen cap.

2007-08-24 04:32:37 · 7 answers · asked by J.C. 2

test this morning which was positive and one this afternoon which was negative could this mean im pregnant again or could the test have said positive as only gave birth 9 weks ago

2007-08-24 04:17:31 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

If the first day of my last period was July 16th and an online calculator says im 6 weeks along(technically only 4 weeks with something growing) but the calculator counts from the last period then when I am looking at a pregnancy chart to determine what week of pregnancy I am really in and how big the baby is at this point would it be a 4 week or 6 week?

2007-08-24 04:16:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm having a bigger tummy, which I don't really know it's just fat or anything. It starts to make me worry, bcoz some of the symptoms hit me, in within a month after my previous period.

2007-08-24 04:15:32 · 8 answers · asked by Dixon 1


this is my 1st preg im worried about giving birth i am very squimish i dont like the sound of after birth did anyone really see it?

2007-08-24 03:41:00 · 12 answers · asked by amberh329254 1

I've heard of nesting but I don't know quite what it is?? I probably look like a retard asking this question. But I'm 6 months now... Any answers for me?? lol

2007-08-24 02:43:39 · 20 answers · asked by luveschvys 2

i was wondering if any women out there could tell me about their "nesting" experiences. how far along were you when you started nesting?? what was it like?? how soon after you started nesting did you go into labor?? just looking for stories from other pregnant women and mothers about the details of their nesting experience. thanks :-)

2007-08-24 02:31:04 · 10 answers · asked by luvkolin 2

Does anyone know how many weeks pregnant I would be if the first day of my last period was July 16th? I am pregnant but I am curious ho wmany weeks I would be... An online calculator says 6 weeks but 6 weeks ago is when I got my period so I am confused.

2007-08-24 02:21:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok heres the conflict.. i was currently using this whacko dr..well it got to the point to where he wouldn't sit down and have a one on one convo and explain everything to me..well the point is im switching drs..well i got my records from his office yesterday and and my due date has changed3 times since i've been with him..it went from sept 25 to the sept 20th to sept 8th! how accurate is this? i don't see this other dr til tuesday! my feet have been swelling up alot lately....i can't keep the swelling down..i have alot of pressure and pain in my pelvic area. Im just so miserable right now. I guess im just wanting some advice on my whole due date situation!

2007-08-24 02:18:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, 17 wks today and second ultrasound is at 10:30 this morning, what are the chances of being able to see the gender today? 1 - 10, 10 being the highest chance of seeing it, 1 being the lowest, thanks =]. Also how much water should I drink, really 5 bottles?

2007-08-24 02:16:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is three weeks long enough to wait to take a test? 23-24 days?

2007-08-24 00:36:27 · 6 answers · asked by Salix 2

2007-08-23 23:25:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

took a pregnancy test yesterday and it was negative. I keep on having the feeling that my period is going to come on because I know what it feels like but nothing yet! Anyone else been like this before? I do have sex w/ my husband and do not take the pill but we use condoms instead! I know they're not 100% safe but we've never had one that has failed us yet! Anyway, I don't feel sick or anything like that and I have recently just lost some weight through aerobics, so this might have delayed my period.. What do you think?

I don't want to keep on wasting money buying pregnancy tests when yesterday it came up as negative.

Additional Details

2 hours ago
I've never missed a period since I started menstruating

2007-08-23 23:05:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

In regards to my previous question tonight, how much does the average pregnancy and birth cost an american woman?
I am overwhelmed that any woman regardless of her/ her partners income does not get free health care during pregnancy and birth. Its so wrong!
When you do qualify for Medicade though, is it 2nd rate healthcare in your opinion or just as good? Personal experiences?
Friends of mine and I were talking about this, but we realised none of us really knew much at all so that is why I'm asking. (i'm in oz)

2007-08-23 22:56:36 · 5 answers · asked by Cindy; mum to 3 monkeys! 7

2007-08-23 22:47:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

if the mother is caramel skin black (mixed with spanish) light brown eyes dark brown curly hair...

if the father is white has pale skin light blue eyes and blonde hair ?

just out of fun curiousity?

2007-08-23 22:38:42 · 5 answers · asked by petitememe 2

Ok, This will probaly raise some brows buuut.
I have a friend who just found out she is pregnant. Not only that but more than 2 months along. She is a quite heavy drug user, ranging from I-V drugs like heroin and ketamine, i actually watched her shoot up extasy once. All though she has only done heroin a few times, one was in the months before she knew! I'm seriously worried about this babies condition. How did it even survive all that crazy drug use during the most precious times of its growth. Can anyone tell me what the possible side effects can be? Will this baby be ok?

2007-08-23 21:12:51 · 11 answers · asked by katesmit216 2

I was wondering if someone could explain how your medical system works in the US in relation to pregnancy, birth etc...
If you do have health insurance do you still pay some money and how much??? And do you get your own doc etc...
And if you don't have private health insurance what do you do??
What system is better?
Everybody in AUS is entitiled to free health care no matter what but I've heard its a lot more complicated in the states.
Can someone help satisfy my curiousity?

2007-08-23 20:58:03 · 5 answers · asked by Cindy; mum to 3 monkeys! 7

im taking my friend home when she has it bt their will be ppl in her apartment its so small do u think she will want time to her self or to be around ppl

2007-08-23 20:30:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

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