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Pregnancy - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy


Ok so I have been talking to a bunch of ladies at my job and they swear im having a girl. Because I never had pimples before my skin has been clear for years but every day I wake up now that im pregnant i seem to have a new pimple. the morning sickness last all day and im craving the hell out of blow pops/sweets lol...Me and my boyfriend decieded that we are going to wait until the day our little bean is born to know the sex..so yep that's right all the setting up and thangs we are going to do before our little one gets here everything is going to be unisex colors and clothes..anywho do you ladies believe in the well if your really sick or get pimples or other systoms you more likely to have a girl or boy. Any ideas on these long lost tales of oh your having a girl cause of this or oh your having a boy cause of this..Its kinda interesting to me..any mommies out there like me?

2007-03-09 03:24:01 · 13 answers · asked by miss lady 1

i'm not whining by any means I know women feel awful while pregnant and i should feel lucky. I just worry in between appointments that something is wrong. Is this normal?

2007-03-09 03:15:19 · 25 answers · asked by Jan 1

Im 6 months pregnant, and almost every night when im ready for bed besides the baby moving all day and night i get this feeling in my pelvic area it like a squirming uncomfortable feeling in my private area and it last for a few min til i move around then when i lay back downt to try sleep or relax again it does the same thing and it keeps me up all night, it doesnt really hurt but its very umcomfortable, the doc said tried taking bendryl but it didnt work tried tylenol pm and it didnt work, its not that the baby has its days and nights mixed up or not that im not being active enough throught the day cause the baby moves all the time no matter day or night but i only get this feeling at night and it keeps me up nights n a row, and i get so tired and frusterated i just sit and cry, and usually bout 530 or so i end up somehow falling asleep. I also had this wiht my first child but i never figured out what to do to stop it. please help me-- thank you

2007-03-09 03:14:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok this may sound stupid but my pd usually comes every 24th, 25th which would make my cycle around 30-32 day cycle wel last month it came 5 days late so it would have been jan 29th. .so by all means i should have ovulated the week of the 14th of feb. which i know for a fact i had sex (usuing the pull out method which i know you can still get prego fromon the 14th and towards the end of feb. but i should have gotten my pd. march 1,2 which makes me 7 or 8 days late i took 2 test one a faint neg. and the other this morning a neg. i was wondering could i have ovulated later in the month than i was suppose to and gotten pregnant but it wont show up for a few more days or could i still have gotten pregnant around the 14th and the hcg just isnt strong enough. .thanks also i thought i was havin some symptoms, headaches, feeling sick,fel like passing out,acne break out,gas/burping,indegestion/heartburn once tho,and bloating. . just looking for thoughts,answers,experiences thanks in advance

2007-03-09 03:12:32 · 3 answers · asked by Tasha M 1

ok here is the thing i am on ortho tri cyclen and i have read alot about people getting pregnant while on this and i was wondering if you get pregnant while on this is it still possible because of the b c pills to still have a period?

2007-03-09 03:09:51 · 6 answers · asked by randa 1


Do you think teenage pregnancy is gettiong out of hand, at my high school over 40% of the girls are moms. And 30% are considering the idea. How do we help these teenagers who need to know having babies is not fun and low cost?

2007-03-09 03:08:50 · 8 answers · asked by sf 1

I have a feeling I might be pregnant but my period doesnt come for another 3 weeks, how can I test properly to see if I am? Most pregnancy tests only go 3-4 days before your period. I can't wait that long to know.

2007-03-09 03:04:04 · 14 answers · asked by Tate 2


I am 35 weeks and 5 days. Tues. I was 2 cm dilated and about 3/4 dilated on the inside. Wed. I started being REALLY sore around my pantline or hairline if that gives a better description. Yesterday afternoon I lost my mucous plug. Yesterday evening I started having cramps, they got worse last night keeping me awake from 2-6 and then they sort of slowed down again today. I have not had any bleeding or spotting? Am I getting ready to go in labor? This is my second pregnancy, but I was induced with my daughter so I really didn't experience any of this. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!

2007-03-09 02:59:56 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

How early is TOO early to test? I was supposed to start my period March 2nd, I think anyways. I just had a baby in November so I don't know if that could mess things up. But I started on the January 2nd and February 2nd but not March 2nd?
So how early is to early?

2007-03-09 02:55:00 · 11 answers · asked by eriann093086 1

2007-03-09 02:49:20 · 14 answers · asked by misslovely1984 1

the last time my boyfriend and i had sex during and after it burned really bad. I thought maybe friction. I typed this is as a subject in yahoo and i found someone else post the same question on a health web-site, but no one had answers. Do anyone else have a problem like this or know whats going on? Im 26 weeks.

2007-03-09 02:49:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've never been pregnant before, so I don't know how it feels. My period is 5 days late, but I'm not concerned with it because I've been a week or more late before and I haven't been pregnant. But, I noticed something weird this morning. I was eating fig newtons for breakfast and I noticed they tasted horrible. So, I got out a cup of yogurt and started eating it, and it too also had a horrible metallic taste to it. Finally, I peeled and ate a banana, and even the banana tasted like metal. Could this be a pregnancy symptom?

2007-03-09 02:45:20 · 9 answers · asked by hwmabire3 3

2007-03-09 02:44:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok, anytime i say ive been dialating since 36 weeks, everyone always comes back and says your not dialating your effacing, well, as a matter of fact, my dr has said at my 36 week appt. that i was almost a fingertip dialated, and never said a thing about effacment, and at my 39 week appt i moved up to a fingertip dialated, with baby in -3 station, but again, she never mentioned anything about effacment, now i dont mean to sound stupid, but dont you have to efface or thin i think in order to dialate??? or is it possiable to do both a once, or is it possibale im not effacing at all, just dialating??? im really confussed, and i always forget to ask her at the appt.....
im 40 weeks tuesday and thats my next appt, and so if i dont go into labour by then, how do the appt. start going??? is it like every 3 days? because obvoiusly it wont be weekly by then....

thanks for the help

2007-03-09 02:38:39 · 11 answers · asked by ruspecialenuf 3

2007-03-09 02:29:26 · 12 answers · asked by poohpooh20 1

i was due march 25th and tuesday at my last drs. appt. they moved my due date from the 25th to the 15th based on the ultrasound i had at 36 weeks which said i was measuring 38 weeks. could the baby be measuring 38 weeks because hes big or because they have my due date off ? im confused i dont know if i should go by 37 weeks and be due the 25th or if i should go by the 15th and consider myself 39 weeks. im so confused. tuesday at my apt. i was -1 station and 1 1/2 cm dialated and ive already lost my mucous plug so im just waiting. last night i had HORRIBLE pressure in my bottom from him moving down so the baby is probably further down now but i just want others opinion. thanks !

2007-03-09 02:29:13 · 15 answers · asked by Ashley N 1


2007-03-09 02:27:08 · 3 answers · asked by jdmprincess07 1

Do they start to check your cervix? Im currently 29 weeks and wondering when they start that? Also when do i start going every two weeks? Thanks

2007-03-09 02:24:13 · 9 answers · asked by skw1559 1

When I go back to my doctor I will be 16 weeks. At my last appt my doctor said about finding out the sex at this time (16 weeks). I was thinking that it would be too early..What do you all think?

2007-03-09 02:22:41 · 13 answers · asked by yummy♥mummy 4

She is bleeding lightl and has no cramps or pain. The blodd is a brownish color.

2007-03-09 02:22:13 · 21 answers · asked by ~N3VA W0ULD HAV3 MAD3 IT~ 2


I'll be 34 weeks pregnant when I move into my new house, but my parents, brother, sister & husband are dedicating 2 whole weeks just to sort out my hospital bag and baby's bag.

Is this enough time?

Also - im making everything lemon yellow and mint green even tho I know baby is a lil gal :) - yr opinion?

Also give me some funky ideas and a list of what I essentially need (i know abt cot, car seat, stroller, diapers & bottles - have all of those already!)

2007-03-09 02:19:13 · 9 answers · asked by PeTiTe_Mummy 4

I wan to know if sex is allowed during pregnancy. If yes, what are the chances that it might affect the baby.

2007-03-09 02:14:49 · 33 answers · asked by Bun#2 in the oven 2

Did this help you like in a 24 hour period. If so how much walking did you go out and do that day. I am 38 weeks pregnant and on Tue I was 1cm 50% effaced. I am ready to pop, and I thought maybe if I walk all day it would start labor. I just want to make sure I walk enough.

2007-03-09 02:11:35 · 6 answers · asked by momof3 1

I am 22 weeks pregnant, with a huge belly and for some time i hate people putting their hand on my belly. Even my 6-years old daughter... But when it's the father doing it, I feel really good and cosy, special. Maybe it's because I feel it as a touch of intimacy?! People mean well and are happy for me, but I can't stand it!! Does it happen to you too??

2007-03-09 02:06:45 · 28 answers · asked by Rosemary 2

i have done 2 home pregnancy tests - 1 positive, 1 negative.
i have an appointment to see my GP on monday, if they do a blood test how long will it take to get my results?
or will they just do another urine test ?

2007-03-09 02:04:54 · 11 answers · asked by Gyp77 4

It took at least ten minutes for that second line to appear! And I can barely see that line, but when I hold the test up the the light I can see it more clearly. Was this a screw up in the test? Has this ever happened to anyone before? I know I should take another test, but who thinks this is positive and who thinks it's just a screw up?

2007-03-09 02:04:29 · 27 answers · asked by jess l 5

im pregnant 6.1weeks and for the past 3 days all ive wanted to do is cry and cry ive been abit moody im only 18. 19 in 2week im scared aswell cause ive already had a misscarriage around this time last year but i was only a month gone i've all so been feeling really paronoid aswell i've been thinking that my boyfriend is cheating but he said he not and swore he not is it right to be feeling like this

thank you for your answer!

2007-03-09 02:02:58 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 10 weeks pregnant (or so I thought). Yesterday i went to the ob/gyn and he said my uterus felt closer to 12 weeks along. I am 100% sure about when my last period was and even 100% sure about the date we conceived, so I know there cannot be an error in the dates. I am not getting an ultrasound until 03/16 but until then I am freaking out that it could be twins. The doctor said this is only one of several reasons why I could be measuring larger, but I am wondering if anyone else ever had this same situation, and if so, how did it turn out? By the way,twins dont run in my family or my husbands.

2007-03-09 01:58:39 · 19 answers · asked by gofaulk28 2

I've done two HPT, one with a normal brand, followed by a very accurate result (99%). They both shows positive. I've also noticed that my pants are tighter now. Particularly at my tummy area. I've had some early symptoms like sore breast during past two weeks, but they are much better now. Since my LMP is on 25th Jan, by today, how many weeks have I been pregnant? How do i calculate the weeks?

2007-03-09 01:53:32 · 9 answers · asked by Chinese M'sian Mom 1

I'm way late on my period and i stopped taking birth control about 2 months ago. I had my period last month but not this month. I've taken 4 pregnancy tests and theyve all been negative. What should i do? could i be pregnant?

2007-03-09 01:53:01 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

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