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Pregnancy - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I haven't missed my period, but I have been getting morining sickness and nausea. Some headaches, tiredness and food cravings for things I don't usually even eat. The last possible day of conseption would be the 14th of January. I took an at home test two days ago, and it came up negative. Can I still be pregnant????

2007-03-09 07:10:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm two months pregnant and I'm just scared because whenever we make love, I would bleed a little bit. Sometimes, when I play with myself, I bleed too. Is that normal? What's wrong with me?

2007-03-09 07:06:39 · 5 answers · asked by Isabel 2

I am newly pregnant with my third child. We have an Irish last name and my other two children are named Meghan and Brendan. I am looking for names (girls and boys) that go along with those names. Nothing too weird or hard to spell/pronounce.
Any ideas?

2007-03-09 07:04:52 · 24 answers · asked by cyndi71mom 5

Ok, here's the deal...my sister had unprotected sex approximately two months or less ago. I took her to Planned Parenthood to get the EC (morning after pill) the next day. We waited and waited, but her period never came. I was afraid so I went to get one of those EPT pregnacy tests... T-T Unfortunately, it read positive. I am planning to take her to take another test at Planned Parenthood, but the thing is, being only 13, there is NO WAY she's going to keep that baby if there is one. She cried to me asking me what could she so if she was in fact pregnant. I've learned about abortion with medications and told her about it. She told me that thats what she want to do. But I don't know, how much would it be to preform a medical abortion in Sacramento, CA? Since my sister do not have the money to do this abortion, I will have to help her out, but I myself am not sure because I heard it costs up to $300-600. Please tell me what I should do! Please!

2007-03-09 07:04:30 · 11 answers · asked by .Cami.B. 2

2007-03-09 07:01:20 · 6 answers · asked by Sara 1

I was on the depo shot for just 2 shots and I hated it. I was on my period the whole time. I was scheduled to get it by Feb. 20th. When I didn't get my next scheduled shot, my period stopped. My husband and I are 1/2 way trying. Just if it happens it happens. Now for the last 2 days I have been spotting really lightly. So, I am unsure if it is a period since I never had a normal one for the last 6 months. I have 2 other children and I didn't have implantation bleeding with them. I also feel the symptoms of pregnancy, but I felt those when I was on the shot. So, my body is a little messed up. My husband won't let me waste $ on a test. So, is this possible already, should I wait it out? Please help.

2007-03-09 06:55:52 · 7 answers · asked by Meghan C 2

i am 40 weeks on sunday and was told monday that the baby is lying back to back. This week i have noticed that the baby isn't moving as much. She doesn't kick anymore (i assume due to lack of space) but wriggles, but even these are coming less. she used to move upto 45 times a day now its down to 20 or so.
is this due to her position/size/ or something i need to be concerned about. this is our first and we took 4 yrs to concieve , i am still convinced something bad is going to happen. am i being paranoid? at antenatal today blood pressure and urine and fetal heartbeat were fine.

2007-03-09 06:55:23 · 11 answers · asked by littlemissmuffett 3


ok i am 12 weeks preg. and i am not the skinny type but im not really big but people are telling me that im showing i feel like im 5 months preg. and i have been noticing that i am showing about 2 weeks ago is this normal i feel like my uper belly is showing alot more is this normal or am i just getting fat and should cover up to hide the fatness lol please no mean comments am i crazy?opinions for people that are not really skinny but have a little gut on them and are 12 weeks preg?

2007-03-09 06:45:13 · 13 answers · asked by Brit. 2

I'm currently 3 months pregnant and covered by my husband's insurance. He is trying to find another job in his same field, but most jobs are contract-based and would not offer insurance benefits. I've done some research, and the private insurance companies that we can go to by ourselves (without an employer group coverage) will not take a pre-existing pregnancy. Would I then qualify for Medicaid during my pregnancy even though my husband's salary exceeds the limits?

2007-03-09 06:44:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My fiance is possibly pregnant and she wants to use an Equate + or - test. Can anyone give me any insight on this? Is it a good test? She has heard bad things about them but wants to know if they are a good test! Are they accurate? Thanks!

2007-03-09 06:40:41 · 8 answers · asked by cooler_the_best 1

ok, I am due to have a baby in May. I have been having many problems with work since they found out I was pregnant. I have been paying a short tem disability premium since I started so therefore I will be paid for 6 weeks of my leave. The company does offer 12 weeks of leave though (FMLA). Well my original plan was to leave and not come back, but not make them aware of that until I found a new job. I can't tell them before I leave because I don't think that I will get my short term disability if they know that my last day will be the day I go into labor. Here's the real prob, if I tell them after I get all my short term disability pay and stuff then they could force me to reimburse them for the 90% of my medical insurance that they will be paying while I am gone. I am really in a predicament and need some advice from an HR professional or someone who knows about this stuff. I don't want to come back if I don't have to, but is my only choice really to come back then give the 2 weeks?

2007-03-09 06:40:05 · 3 answers · asked by Beth 3

I have been under a lot of emotional stress lately and I am also going on one month of being late for my period and I haven't received it yet. What are the chances of me being pregnant? My bf and I used a condom every time. HELP

2007-03-09 06:37:22 · 8 answers · asked by lily 2

I'm pregnant with my first baby, 17 weeks along. When i got pregnant i weighed 170 pounds and i stand about 5'7''. i've gained like 15 pounds up to this point.. now enough about that. I have twins that run thick in my family and i had an ultrosound at like 12 weeks and they said there was only one baby in there that they could see. i heard that sometime you can't tell time around the 20th week and thats where this comes in, i have an ultrosound to find the sex of the baby monday and wondering if there could be a possability of twins? also,I have been reading pregnancy books and they are telling me that your going to feel this way during this week, and you should be exsperiancing this during these weeks, well it told me that i was to be feeling baby movement around the 16-20 weeks... well i have been feeling the baby move since i was 13 weeks along. I have also been showing since i was like 13 1/2 weeks along. Why am i different then all the books say? any advice?

2007-03-09 06:37:06 · 6 answers · asked by stephaniedg16 1

Ok Well i had sex before lent. I gave it up for lent. I had a light bleed but no major blood (my periods are usually heavy!) um... feel tired all the time, feel weird after I eat, are these signs of pregnancy?

2007-03-09 06:20:14 · 9 answers · asked by metalstefl 3

Somehow my hospital screwed everything up and I didn't get into the class I thought I was going to be in. Now it is too late, since I am due in 4weeks and I am slightly worried and angry about not being able to attend them.

2007-03-09 06:18:44 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

everyday for the past few days ive had gas and cramps...i already think i MIGHT be preg its not high chance but not low but i was wondering did anyone get these symptoms alot early in the pregnancy?

2007-03-09 06:16:06 · 4 answers · asked by Megs 1

I just went to the doctor yesterday and he said that I was 75% effaced and 2 cm dialated, and that my baby has completely dropped. He said it could be days from now til my due date (4 weeks away). Has anyone else had similar statistics?? And when did you go into labor? this is my first baby

2007-03-09 06:14:37 · 4 answers · asked by lisa1980sky 2

Okay so im about 17 weeks pregnant, but im not sure because thats just from when I think I got my last period. The doctor touched my stomach and he is really experienced so he told me I was about 17 weeks also (4 months and 1 week). He send me to get my first ultrasound today for the "fetal age". But will the Dr. doing the ultra sound tell me the gender or the baby too, or is that a seperate appointment?

2007-03-09 06:14:23 · 12 answers · asked by curious789 2

Recap: I've engaged in dry sex with little or no fluid with clothes on during the second day of my period this month. I have been having cramps for 8 days now and think i'm showing more and more symptoms. Ive read on darkening around the nipples and all sorts. I saw 2 doctors (1 of which I saw 3 times, telling me she doesn't think so and that's it's just guilt) , and a clinician twice who found me kind of irritating saying I couln't have! My concern is, why am I having these symptoms and I really don't wanna get pregnant yet. I mean I cannot fuly penetrate if there's clothes on... Please, any suggestions or contributions from experienced?
could ulcer have any part of these symptoms?

Additional Details

The next day:
I'm gonna get my blood results today at 4. How accurate would it be. I'm still getting headaches and craaaaaaamps.!!!

2007-03-09 06:10:17 · 25 answers · asked by confused 1

ok part one: im 18wks and wondering how many woman are experiencing the pulling aching sensation im getting in my uterus on an everyday basis. Normal? im pretty sure but i just wanted to get a feel for how many other woman were experiencing this. and how long does it last, because it sucks!!

Part2: jeez, i smoke, ahhh i know its sooo bad please dont yell at me! ive cut bad tremendously but havent been able to get down from 5 cigs to no cigs. any other pregnant woman smoking? the bigger i get the more guilty i feel. i cannot do the cold turkey thing. i was once such a big smoker like 2 packs a day. i know i could do it with gum or the patch but i dont think those are permitted while pregnant. any ideas? i would love to hear from actual smoking women.. eek. thanks:/

2007-03-09 06:07:56 · 9 answers · asked by ginabina44 2

I will be six weeks prego on Saturday!!!

2007-03-09 06:04:52 · 33 answers · asked by ihaveoceaneyes 2


Does anyone know how accurate a ultrasound is to determine a due date? I have no idea when my last mentural cycle was but when I went to the doctor I told her I think it was 8/1/06 but again I don't think that was right, so she ordered and ultrasound which I hear they never do that early unless they are trying to figure out the due date. So I went back on 10/5/06 and they said I was 8weeks, 1day with a due date of 5/17/07. Is this accurate?

2007-03-09 06:02:09 · 18 answers · asked by Michelle 1

I'm 15 weeks and have seen the doc around 3 times so far. I've had 2 blood tests plus a sugar test but never has he checked my urine. I've had a UTI a few years ago, I don't have any symptoms but I'm still wondering why he's not taking any urine tests. Otherwise he's been great.

2007-03-09 06:01:26 · 20 answers · asked by nyyankeesg1rl 3

I am 16 weeks pregant with twins for the second time(WOW) and so far I have been going very well. Not much pain or cramping. But latly I have been having these (off and on) sharp pains around my belly button. would any one now what might be causing such pain, and If any one might have some good remedies to help ease back pain please do tell. Thanks

2007-03-09 05:58:12 · 5 answers · asked by tara e 1

I just found out that my boyfriend and i have the same blood type ( b+). Would that affect our chances of having a baby together.

2007-03-09 05:57:23 · 11 answers · asked by Luscious Lips 1

I am 16 weeks pregnant and want to have a natural birth, but due to family history I was considered high risk and am going to teaching hospital for my pre-natal care. The majority of the screening test are over and my baby girl is just fine. My doctor is very good but I haven't talked with him about delivery. So, I want to go in prepared when I do.

2007-03-09 05:56:07 · 4 answers · asked by Contessa 2

Hello all,
I know heartburn is often increased during pregnancy, but these last few days have been killer. I am 26 weeks and just wondered if there are some home remedy type things I can try or good foods for helping with heartburn that someone could recommend because these Tums are getting old:) Thanks!

2007-03-09 05:41:32 · 21 answers · asked by leahpar77 2

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