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i am 40 weeks on sunday and was told monday that the baby is lying back to back. This week i have noticed that the baby isn't moving as much. She doesn't kick anymore (i assume due to lack of space) but wriggles, but even these are coming less. she used to move upto 45 times a day now its down to 20 or so.
is this due to her position/size/ or something i need to be concerned about. this is our first and we took 4 yrs to concieve , i am still convinced something bad is going to happen. am i being paranoid? at antenatal today blood pressure and urine and fetal heartbeat were fine.

2007-03-09 06:55:23 · 11 answers · asked by littlemissmuffett 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

11 answers

Having her in the posterior position (or "sunny-side up") will not affect movement, but as you said, there is MUCH less room in there and you may have to concentrate more for her wriggles vs. aggressive kicks.

If you are concerned about movement, pick a time of day when she is most active and then at that time sit or lay quietly and time how long it takes for you to feel ten distinct movements — kicks, twitches, and whole body movements all count. When you concentrate on her you will notice much more movement. This should take less than 1 1/2 hours.

If at ANY time you are concerned or have questions, call your doctor - that's what they're there for!

Please note that if she is still posterior at delivery it will probably take longer to push her out. My first was posterior and had to be induced (he was too comfy in there), but he was delivered vaginally without issue.

Take care - you'll do great!

2007-03-09 07:49:12 · answer #1 · answered by g-lady 3 · 1 0

First off, the baby isnt moving as much because she doesnt have the room to move :) Dont be alarmed this actually is very very common and it happens in every pregnancy. They start off moving all the time and the bigger the baby gets the less they move!!! no need for worries!!!! Pretty soon you will have a healthy baby girl in your arms!!!!! try to relax and enjoy it!!!

Mom of 4 boys and 25 weeks with number 5!

2007-03-09 15:09:57 · answer #2 · answered by jess_n_flip 4 · 1 1

Do you know how to do a kick count? Drink a glass of water or juice (preferably cold), then lay quietly on your side, and count the number of movements you feel. Reports vary, but my OB wanted a minimum of 12 movements in one hour. If my son 'failed' a kick count (by having less movement than that), I was to walk around for five or ten minutes, eat something sugary, drink more fluids, and try again. If I didn't get six movements in the next half hour, I was to call the office.

If your baby fails her kick counts, DO NOT PANIC. Call your doctor, and calmly explain that you feel your baby is moving less lately, that you attempted a kick count, you ate or drank ________, then lay down, and counted ______ movements in _________ minutes. Also, be sure to tell them that your baby's movements, when you do feel them, seem to be getting weaker.

It is common late in pregnancy for a baby to start outgrowing the placenta, so that they are not getting quite enough nutrients. This does not mean you will lose your baby, just that it's about time for baby to check out of hotel mom :P. My own son had decreased and weaker movements for nearly three weeks before we induced. I was telling my nurse practitioner about it, and she insisted he was just running out of room (nonsense, I know now. Less room means they do move less, but you actually feel MORE because you can feel smaller movements). The day he failed his NST (non stress test) after I drank a caffeinated soda, my OB sent me to ultrasound then told me that my son was outgrowing the placenta and we needed to induce. He became HIGHLY upset when he found out that I had been complaining of reduced movement for weeks and the NP hadn't told him!

Above all, remain calm. Nurses in particular tend to ignore stressed out moms, apparently assuming that they're just tired of being pregnant, so it's very important to report everything matter of factly. However, if you still feel like you are being ignored and your child is in danger, do not hesitate to go in to the office and demand an ultrasound or go to your local emergency room. You've worked too hard baking that child for the past 40 weeks to let some overworked nurse put either of you in danger!!

Good luck!! You'll be holding your little one before you know it!

2007-03-09 15:12:37 · answer #3 · answered by Christal 3 · 0 0

Those last couple weeks the baby is cramped so they don't make movements that are as large and noticeable as before when it was able to kick and turn. It sounds like you're just experiencing some worry and anxiety. You don't probably feel like something bad is going to happen, you're just worried that something bad is going to happen and there's a difference. Best wishes to you and your little one.

2007-03-09 17:37:19 · answer #4 · answered by Sandy Sandals 7 · 0 0

Don't worry and think positivley. They always go quite near the end, well mine did as lack of space and sometimes wake more at night so don't feel the movement as much. Drink raspberry leaf tea as very good for helping giving birth quickly and easily and can bring on labour.

2007-03-10 18:12:11 · answer #5 · answered by ???? 5 · 0 0

i dont think it should im 40 weeks on sunday and when i went to hospital on thursday the dr said i should feel 10 movements a day if not i should go back to hospital my baby is in the same position good luck

2007-03-10 11:25:20 · answer #6 · answered by M N 2 · 0 0

No you are not paranoid! Your baby's kicks are a way of saying "I'm OK". If you do not get at least 10 kicks in two hours PLEASE call your Dr right away!!

2007-03-09 15:09:54 · answer #7 · answered by JS 7 · 1 0

you should still feel your baby move however they maybe less frequent at this stage if you are worried phone your mid wife

2007-03-10 01:59:45 · answer #8 · answered by nicolefrenzy 6 · 0 0

Don't worry yourself. She's running out of room and saving all her energy to finally come out. You need to relax because she is coming any day now. Congrats! Your a new mommy!

2007-03-09 15:00:07 · answer #9 · answered by Ashley 4 · 0 2

call ya midwife.
i lost my little baby ... movements are very important

2007-03-09 15:15:51 · answer #10 · answered by tully 3 · 1 0

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