I took an AccuClear pregnancy test this morning. It was an early detection one I believe. By the display it said that the line doesn't have to be nearly as dark as the control line. It was faint, but dark enough to where it stayed there for a long time and it was obvious there was a line there (you didn't have to tip the test in the light or anything). I checked it at the recommended time. Then two of my friends wanted me to take another one, this time an EPT, which is less accurate for early detection (before the period is due). It came out negative. There hasn't been much show of symptoms other than being sensitive to smells. The last "period" I had was shorter than usual and was spotty for quite a while (cuz it was, my bf n I had sex during the first part it was that light). If I was I would be about 3-5 weeks, depending on when I conceived (then or just under two weeks before). I was just wondering what the likelihood is that I actually am pregnant or that the test is wrong. Thanks
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