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Newborn & Baby - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

My pediatrician keeps on putting it off. He told me that the sooner the baby is on cereal, he has a higher risk of diabetes. Anyone ever hear of that? He is over 5 months old.

2007-01-25 07:25:03 · 18 answers · asked by Crash 4

2007-01-25 07:23:16 · 27 answers · asked by Precious 2

my mother in law is telling me to rub olive oil on my babies face each day,she said its good for his skin,i usually just wipe it with plain water..just wondering if this is a good idea?!

2007-01-25 07:21:40 · 12 answers · asked by donovan t 1

I have a 9-month-old son who had some problems when he was born and although he was fine within a month without a problem in the world, he has never slept well at night. He still gets up approximately 2-3 times in the middle of the night. He will not go back to sleep by himself. I have to get up, give him a bottle, and then he will go back to bed. I am exhausted, it has been a long 9 months without much sleep. He is always fine, not hot, not cold, diaper is okay (maybe wet, but I use the expensive diapers at night). What should I do to get him to sleep all night? He is the same way in the daytime, he is a VERY light sleeper, if something wakes him up 5 minutes into his nap, he will not go back to sleep again. Yes, I do use background noise to try to help eliminate noises that will wake him up. HELP!!!

2007-01-25 07:05:28 · 7 answers · asked by Vicki W 2

2007-01-25 07:02:36 · 14 answers · asked by Chelsea S 1

just got my daughter a winnie the poo high chair but the tray doesnt stay on. there are four holes in the frame and four 'nodes' on the tray that fit down inthe holes but it is not stabe. if she lifts her hand up and knocks it at all it falls off!
Des anyone have one the same and/ or do you know how to keep it on without having to screw it down (then i couldnt get her in or out of the thing...aaaggghh!!)??????????

hope you can help:)

2007-01-25 06:49:01 · 5 answers · asked by maginty 2

A friend of mine has a little girl whos just a few months older then mine, but they are the same size, her baby was premature. She constantly compares her child to mine, if I tell her my little one learnt to roll, her kid does something 100 times better. If I get something for my little girl, shes out buying the same thing. How can I tell her Im sick of her comparing our children, my little girl is totally different from hers, and its not my fault they are the same size, her baby was premature, its expected, my daugther had a few more pounds on her at birth compared to hers.

2007-01-25 06:48:06 · 18 answers · asked by Proud Mother 3

how do you kindly tell people "its a girl dummy, can't you see all pink shes wearing, her earrings???"
So many people come up to me in the mall and say "oh hes so cute", and its a girl, wrapped in pink clothes, pink blanket, earrings. It drives me nuts. Sometimes I feel so rude to point out to them that its a girl that I won't say anything and walk away, but Im so sick of people calling my daughter a boy, when she clearly looks like a girl. I even had a lady come up to us and say "oh Hes so cute" and she was wearing a dress. How can I kindly tell people shes a girl without sounding rude?

2007-01-25 06:44:05 · 22 answers · asked by Proud Mother 3


My little one is 4 months old, and I always have the tv on regardless if I am watching it or not, I usually have it on children shows for the music. My little one has started to enjoy Barney and Friends, and my fiance doesn't like her watching it. She enjoys the bright colours and the music. We disagree on it totally, I find its an ok cartoon for kids and he said no, what do others feel about barney?

2007-01-25 06:40:27 · 14 answers · asked by Proud Mother 3

I work part time for a criminal attorney. I love the work I do. In September, my babysitter quit (I have two children). I live an hour away from my closest family members, and I live in a big city, and I really don't trust anyone to watch my children. I have looked into daycare, but it costs per month exactly what I make per month, so I would basically be working to put my kids in daycare.

My boss and I worked out a system where I can work from home most days of the week, and come into the office three mornings. My husband also worked out with his boss some mornings that he could have the baby at work while our oldest is in school. It worked out pretty well, until now.

My boss has wanted me to pick up extra responsibilities. Since I am not in the office as much, there is less time to do the stuff that can only be done at the office. And when I am there, I usually have emergencies to take care of, so it takes a while to get tedious stuff done. Now with all of the extra stuff, things are getting more and more behind.

On top of this, my baby has a vision condition that we are going to the doctor quite a bit for (meaning I miss work), and she has been sick for a long time with a cold and other things that require doctor visits (meaning I miss more work). When I am home, I am trying to work and take care of her, and things get even MORE behind.

Anyway, here is the point of my story. How do you manage all of these stressors as a work at home mom? And is there a point where you really have to evaluate whether to be home with the kids exclusively or work in an office exclusively? This really wouldn't be an issue if I had a support network near me, but I moved away from my family and we can't just up and sell our house right now. Also, my husband is working two jobs to help us, so it is really hard to lose an entire income.

Has anyone been through this before? If so, how did you handle it? Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for hanging in there since this was so long!

2007-01-25 06:33:50 · 4 answers · asked by Leah B 2

the body tissue was about the size of a tennis ball(not in the shape though) please help me!

2007-01-25 06:28:45 · 16 answers · asked by MILF 2

2007-01-25 06:23:19 · 14 answers · asked by slaughteredsacrifice 2

We are not using protection because we are ready to start trying again but we don't know if I have to have my period first before we get pregnant again. I have had a lot of problems with my cycle due to fibroids in the past. I had some spotting since I gave birth but nothing substantial. My milk has not completely dried up yet either . I know sometimes women don't get their period when they are breastfeeding but also I know women who have gotten pregnant while they were breastfeeding. I want to get pregnant now but are we getting our hopes up for nothing?

2007-01-25 06:21:49 · 12 answers · asked by Mizpoeme 1

I have found several Madella pumps being sold on eBay. I already have the parts that actually come in contact with the milk. My friend bought one that was used "once" and had no problems.

Any input is appreciated. Thank you.

2007-01-25 06:11:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know she would be ok with the consistency, its just the vitamin content I'm not sure about. Is it ok for them to have fortified cereals?

2007-01-25 06:11:04 · 14 answers · asked by zoe856 2

My daughter is seven months old and has been eating solid foods since 5 1/2 months without any problems until recently. She's not taking as much food as she used to and about twice daily she will vomit everything she has ate. I know this sounds weird but if the food is the color orange, I noticed she eats it more readily and doesn't vomit it back up usually. I've stopped giving her bottles right after feeding her solids but even if I wait an hour or so to give her one she still throws it up. When she was first born she had reflux but that cleared up by 2 months, can it reoccur? Am I do something wrong? Is it the way I schedule the feedings? I try to get her to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner but if she throws it all up how will she get any nutrition. She's still gaining weight and she is not lethargic as a result of all this, she still has the energy that a seven month old should have. I am planning on taking her to the doctor. Anyone else dealt with the same problem?

2007-01-25 05:51:14 · 5 answers · asked by Caitlin G 3

I just went to the doctor for my six week postpardom check up and started bith control. I have been taking it for about 2 weeks and feel that it has dramatically decreased my breast milk supply. Should I stop taking the pill or how can I increase the supply with still having enough after pumping to feed the baby from me instead of the bottle?

2007-01-25 05:46:56 · 24 answers · asked by Braeden's Mommy 1

my 2nd child, freaks out when i change his soiled diaper [#2] and spends the next 30 mins trying to retrieve it from the garbage can [crying hysterically the whole time]. i try to distract him, reason with him [tough at this age] and nothing seems to work....i have no experience with this kind of thing and am wondering if its unusual? and what to do to end it? please

2007-01-25 05:45:04 · 8 answers · asked by info seeker 2

Can you recomend any good books on how to teach my baby to fall asleep on his own.
*He sleeps in his crib and I am not interested in co-sleeping.
*I do not want to let him "cry it out", if that's possible
Please let me know of any tricks that have worked for you or your experinces.
Thank you

2007-01-25 05:35:34 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

any other word matching with j and kh sunsign???

2007-01-25 05:14:52 · 14 answers · asked by Payal 1

About two weeks ago by daughter started to fall asleep on her own for about 2-3 nights... all of a sudden she needs to put to sleep again and as soon as she is put in her crib she wakes... if i put my hand on her face or hold her hand she stops crying and looks like she falls asleep again... as soon as I take my hand away she starts crying again... I don't know what is going on but she is getting worse everyday...also when she does fall asleep sometimes within the hour she'll be making noises and will wake up or if we're lucky (rarely) fall back asleep by giving her her paci...i feel she is not getting a good night's sleep because even when she sleeps a couple of hours there is always noises and movement from her... oh by the way she does not nap well during the day either... she might take 2-3 naps (3 is pushing it jejeje) but each no longer than half an hour...

2007-01-25 05:07:24 · 8 answers · asked by mblanco79 1

He says ouch whenever they are touched. It is only where the diaper touches him. Is this just a type of diaper rash? And can I use diaper rash cream all over that area?

2007-01-25 04:51:48 · 13 answers · asked by timshaun 2

She is having a boy and I am wondering what kind of gift I should get her when he is born??!!
Something special!!

2007-01-25 04:45:45 · 24 answers · asked by babyN 4

2007-01-25 04:41:59 · 4 answers · asked by yennyfer 2

At around 10 weeks old, my mother in law thought it would be a good idea to try giving my son rice cereal at night. We did this for about a week when I noticed that he was crying really sharply at night. I stopped feeding it to him about three weeks ago, but the crying continues. He stays home with my husband while I work, and my husband says he only sleeps 2-3 hours during the day, consisting of 15-30 minute naps. He sleeps a lot more when I am home on the weekends (longer naps). Also, we have him on the Enfamil Gentlease to help him digest formula better. Sometimes I think he has gas, so I give him Mylicon, but that doesn't seem to work for him. Is it possible I affected his digestive system giving him the rice cereal too early, or is he just exhausted at night?

2007-01-25 04:34:37 · 20 answers · asked by babydeaconsmom 2

2007-01-25 04:27:14 · 6 answers · asked by Mom to 1 and 1 on the way 2

2007-01-25 04:24:43 · 17 answers · asked by zuph08 1

2007-01-25 04:05:00 · 13 answers · asked by panda 1

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