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Adolescent - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

what would u do. i heard from some of my guy friends that my bf is braging about being with my twin. I no this is not true cause my sister wouldn't do that. but what should i say. hes usuall y almost perfect

2007-11-23 04:06:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it a common trend? Or has it grown to this over the years?

2007-11-22 21:59:32 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

At your local ice skating/roller blading rink, do they play music really loud, have flashing disco lights and have different colour lights going in every direction? I swear this i swhat happened last time i went, but all the videos on youtube just have normal lighting and music in the background.

is yours like this?

just wondering

also wats something funny to do at an iceskating rink i

2007-11-22 20:58:44 · 7 answers · asked by Starfish 2


I'm 15 and I had been going out with this boy for 3 months. He's 17.

We'd done everything except have sex and I told him I wasn't really comfortable with it, but I agreed because my friend and her boyfriend had gone all the way.

My friend had told me how good having sex was so I thought I'd talk to my boyfriend about it. He agreed and we decided to do it in the weekend.

My Mom went out and we were home alone. We started kissing and stuff. Then he started to undress me and I didn't feel comfortable so I told him to stop, he said it was fine and everything would be ok.

He kept going and I told him I wasn't ok with it anymore and that I wanted him to stop. But he didn't. I was lying there crying and yelling but he wouldn't stop.

When he'd finished he got up and left. That was a week ago. I told my friend but she said that I said ok to it so I wasn't raped. I havn't told anyone else and I told him never to come near me ever again. I feel so stupid and I shouldn't have said it ok to it

2007-11-22 20:31:52 · 55 answers · asked by Anonymous

for me it is anywhere between 12 and 3.

2007-11-22 19:49:31 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I keep seeing all these young boys 17-18 wanting to fight in Iraq.. Is it even possible parents want there children to go into this war knowing what its all about..

2007-11-22 19:01:13 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

she was named after my parents' surname.people around us doesnt know anything about it and think that she was adopted from my mom's brother so i treat her outside as my little sister.it's hard for me to keep it secret but i should do it to protect her from criticisms.im still young and still studying.(i was raped at the age of 17.)

2007-11-22 13:53:31 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 13 and have struggled with anxiety and depression for a long time. I've missed a lot of school over the past couple of weeks (long story) and I am so depressed now I can't really do anything - almost like being paralyzed. I tried calling my friends last night to cheer me up but most of them weren't there and my guy friend was too busy playing video games to listen. What can I do to get through this?

2007-11-22 04:36:24 · 13 answers · asked by moon_walker 3

My dads job is very dangerous. He isn't a construction worker or anything like that, but its still really dangerous. I told him he needs to quit and find a job that is safer and he wont. It bothers me to know that when he leaves every morning, he is putting himself in danger for a little money. How do I ge him to find another job?

2007-11-22 04:17:17 · 15 answers · asked by Erica 4

I'm 5'5 about.
My mom is 5'3-5'4 and my dad is 6'0.

I just turned 13 about 3 weeks ago.
am I tall? how much taller will i get do you think?

2007-11-21 19:39:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

if its the parents job to teach sex ed ... how many should be sacked from parenthood for not doing their job

Judging by the opathetic level of sex ed in the UK and US.

Everyone says its their job only .00000000000000000001% of the uk parents actually does a good job unlike virtually all Dutch parents

2007-11-21 17:03:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 13 years old and my boyfriend has been feeling my butt and everything else and has even been hinting toward having sex, but I'm a shy person who gets nervous when it comes to getting close or even hugging at that matter. Although I really want to have sex, but I' extremely nervouse about it. I was wondering if there's any advice out there from any of the guys who has had a shy girl like me and was able to turn them on and work pass their shyness?

2007-11-21 16:25:42 · 61 answers · asked by shy 1


i need help, please if anyone can help me..

i am 16 years old. a junior in highschool. i've been with this amazing guy for almost 3 years, he has a job & so do i. he is 19 years old.... & that's the problem.
i recently have been feeling symtoms & i think i'm pregnant. i've been feeling very sick lately, but to be for sure, i'm going to go to a doctor. & here the catch, my dad's rasicst.
my boyfriend is black & italian. i'm white & mexican... i don't see the problem... my dad hates him to the extreme ; & ...
if i am pregnant by him, what will happen?
in the state of texas, can't they put him in jail? or is it up to me? please someone help me.

thank you.

2007-11-21 16:19:12 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-11-21 16:00:36 · 50 answers · asked by coolio girl/advice queen 2

ok so my friend is 17 n shes 6 weeks pregnant.... by sumone who told her he would b there for her but isnt... so now she doesnt no what to do.. her parents dont no yet... n shes thinkin bout gettin n abortion but i told her not to n shes not sure what she wants to do.... what is sumin i can say to get her to not get n abortion???

2007-11-21 15:39:54 · 7 answers · asked by sweet_lil_princess200110 1

I think this is the dumbest assignment I've ever been given! I go to a Catholic school and, every once in a while, the parish pastor comes and gives classes an assignment. My class's assignment is to plan our own funeral! We have to choose who will be lectors, who will be our poll bearers, what songs will be sung, and we have to PREDICT WHAT DAY WE WILL DIE and WRITE OUR OWN EULOGY!! (You'd have to be extremely self-centered to write your own eulogy.) I really don't want to do this assignment. It's depressing! What do you think? If you were given this assignment, what would you do?

2007-11-21 13:42:04 · 18 answers · asked by Squeegee Beckingheim :-) 5

I know this is a reallly embarrasing question but I dont know how to ask my mom if I can wear a thong. It would be really awkward if i say it wrong so please help! Shes usually very strict about things and she wont let me get a myspace but anyways the point is that i need help asking her. Im afraid she might say no. I went to victorias secret with her and it was awkward and she was pushing me towards the clothes and i just wanted to ask her if i could buy thongs there. I didnt though. SO please help. and if she does say no should i sneak it? But she washes my clothes and she will find it. And by the way Im 13 going on 14 and I really want some! so help please!

2007-11-21 11:08:43 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

my friend just took 2 asprin and 3 tylenol...im soo scared...how much damage does it do to her to take all of that at once? she does this about once a month and im sitting here crying and having no idea what to do...ive talked to her but she just says im "being dramatic"

2007-11-21 11:06:06 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Like give me any idea's you can think of! Even weird unconventional ones!

2007-11-21 10:48:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im supposed to come up with an alternative punishment... im 17 and taking my car isn't an option......

2007-11-21 08:26:41 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really dont understand why, I try to ask for only reasonable things or things that i need, and i say thank you. I also express my thanks and gratefullness by obeying her, being respectful and doing chores or things im asked to do when i do it. of course im not perfect but she always says how ungrateful we( my sis, bro and me) are. i make dinner for her, and give her pedicures sometimes. and help out with laundry and vaccuuming alot. i make the bus to school to everyday bcuz i know she doesnt like to drive me, i try to be as good as i can but i dont know why she thinks im a "ungrateful lilttle bit**" it really upsets me. do you have ne idea y?

2007-11-21 08:18:53 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know it's a part of growing up, but she won't stop back talking to me, swearing at me, getting into fights with girls at school, being mean to her 6 year old sister, and rude to my houseguests.
We went to a high class restaurant yesterday, and she was acting like a child, bealching without excusing herself, pciking at her teeth at the table and when the waitor said that they were out of chicken parmasean, her favorite, she mumbled under her breath about the service, shook her head and rolled her eyes like she owned the damn place!
I grounded for our trip until we get home to Boston, but today when I told her to turn off the television, she wouldn't, so I walked over, turned it off, and went back into the kitchen.
She gave me a dirty look and turned it back on.

What am I to do?

2007-11-21 06:13:28 · 20 answers · asked by Gerie Lon 1

I hate school. I always have.It's not the work it just bores me. I only like a handful of people and they recently graduated.I'm going to drop out no matter what anyone says i have a job and as soon as i quit school I can become full time I'm 16 school isnt for me. I'm going to take the ged test. I just hate telling my parents stuff like this so how do i go about doing this?

2007-11-21 04:15:54 · 24 answers · asked by Logan M 2

just wondering.Thanks

2007-11-21 03:57:22 · 7 answers · asked by Chef Smalls 5

I know that's a horrible word, so sorry for using it, but I couldn't think of another one. The reason I ask, is lots of girls in my class talk about sex and stuff, and I am interested and I do know all about it, but today, one of my friends said "You're miles away, what are you thinking about?" And then I realised I was thinking about how cool it would be if I could really play with Winnie the Pooh and Tigger and Piglet and them all. Like hide and seek say. And I was wondering if there might be a computer game where I could, and all babyish stuff like that, and I'm wondering if at 13 I am not quite right in the head to think baby stuff like that. None of my friends do.

2007-11-21 03:43:24 · 17 answers · asked by Josie L 2

I know it kills brain cells and all, but does it make you do crazy stuff like murder,sucidie,robbery etc?


2007-11-21 03:15:39 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-21 02:58:07 · 8 answers · asked by O'Papa Smurf! 3

their dad and the rest of family. Bad weater bad traffic. 1 hour commute & the father was not going to bring them back so the kids asked if i could wait for them to bring them back. I agreed. This year I do not want to do this. Kids are 18-14 years old. How should i negotiate or just tell them straight out I cant. Dad is not able to bring them back .

2007-11-21 02:35:17 · 8 answers · asked by newcastle 2

I am 12 but i am mature, i am a girl
i lke softball, fashion, bing outside, jeweley, uhh i am a typical 12 year old, but i am athletic.
i have a few things on my Christmas list but i am not sure what else to put
Please help me out!!!!!
and also if you would
tell me stuff that i could buy my friends, uhh girls mostly but a few boys

thanks SOOOO much

2007-11-21 01:11:11 · 14 answers · asked by softballmvpchick 1