When I was 18 I gave birth to a girl after a 1-Night Stand, but at the time, the guy I had had the 1 night stand with died and I was about to go into college and was not ready to be a mother at all, so a nice family Colorado adopted her.
3 weeks I recieved a letter from her! She said she was glad to have finally found her birthmom and that she wanted to see me. We've been e-mailing, writing letters and IMing. We've set a date for her to come see me.
I have pictures of her now and she once asked me: "If you could turn back time, would you keep me?" I said I probally would now knowing what a bright, friendly girl she was. Then she asked "If I could, would you want me to live with you." And I said "Of course, I would but I don't think they'd let me." But she really, really wants to live with me and she's only talken to me once on the phone and we haven't met yet.
Can I get a custody lawyer and fight for custody of my daughter or is it a waste of time?
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