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Pregnancy & Parenting - 9 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

okay, im only 17 so i have no kiid, but, i babysit my two cousins, ages 3 and 4(bout to be 5), and well, the youngest when she eat, liike ill giive her eggs suasage and hash brown, shell, only eat the hashbrown, we i giive her anything, its liike she knows whats not healthy, i want her to eat alittle better, im worried about her, shes also loves sweets, and junk food, she not fat, but if she eats liike that she prolly will, which i dont want her to, u know? its gotten bad, she cant have a drink till shes done or alomost, bcuzz shell fill up on the beverage she has and wont eat her food, or shell eat snacks all day, when i was at her house once, i watched her, and she would come and get those 2 byte brownie things u know? and shed go back to her room and lay on the floor and watch the movie she was watching, she kept doing that, she had so many, liike 5 er 6, amd her parents and way older sister ,14, let her, so i hide them on the counter, and told her there all gone, she she wont eatit

2007-07-09 10:31:15 · 4 answers · asked by *~Beutifully Cloned~* 1 in Parenting

I've been feeling bloated, sleepy, sometimes I'll feel tenderness on my breast, I'll think I want something to eat then when brought to me it gets me nauseated, also I have mood swings. My stomach grumbles a lot and my body aches certain times of the day.

Is there like a certain time after getting your period for you to be able to get pregnant? And if so, are some girls different when it comes to that certain time?

2007-07-09 10:27:08 · 12 answers · asked by U&me8 1 in Pregnancy

My husband and I been ttc for about month and a half... the first month we was not successful but we're still trying. I started taking prenatal vitamins ever since we started trying... but in the last two weeks, I been getting nausetated, sore breasts, and tired alot. I also take synthyroid. Can these two combination make my body think i am preg.? And also I stopped taking prenatals about 5 days ago to see if that was it but now my nipples ar e tingling and they hurt so bad. Can anyone explain to me what they might think it could be?

2007-07-09 10:14:33 · 8 answers · asked by megan r 1 in Trying to Conceive

2007-07-09 10:12:32 · 6 answers · asked by brandon j 1 in Pregnancy

I have been breastfeeding for 6 weeks now and recently like the past 2 days my boobs feel really sore especially around the nipple area. Like a hot burning pain. My boobs are always hard and sore even right after I finish nursing or pumping why is this and what can I do about it. Could I have some kind of infection. I only nurse at one breast a feeding because I have more milk than my baby needs and then at the next feeding he takes the other side so whats the problem.

OH and please don't ask me why I pump because everytime I post a question people ask "why are you pumping" and tell me that I shouldn't be pumping. That's not part of the question so don't bother mentioning that.

2007-07-09 10:12:04 · 11 answers · asked by I smile because of them ♥ 5 in Newborn & Baby

okay well i am over 3 months late i feel like ive been peeing alot and i am always tired and i get headachs and i took a pregnancy test after one month and it said negative and then another after two months which also said negative but i havent takin another yet i want to go to the doctors but i was also wondering if there was anyone who could help me or let me kno how much it costs for a blood test to be done bc i dont want my mom to find out right now that i might be and i heard that the blood test are kind of exspensive so if anyone could help me with anything that would be great. thanks!!

2007-07-09 10:11:51 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am trying to get together a pool of meal ideas to draw from on a monthly basis to plan meals for my family. I have a 4 year old, 2 year old, myself and my husband. As far as picky eaters, my husband prefers no onions or tomato, but is willing to pick them out if he must.

Let me know what your favorite meal is, and if it's something un common, feel free to throw in a recipe :) Thanks for your input, I'll choose the yummiest as best answer!

2007-07-09 10:08:38 · 18 answers · asked by Mrs. Lucky 5 in Parenting

We recently moved and we have a 4 year old son, well I had to get all his shot records mailed to us. Is it true after the age of 3 getting their last shots for that age they don't get another until age 4? I am not sure about this and we are in the process of getting a new physician so if anyone knows or has a list of the vaccines they need please help. many thanks

2007-07-09 10:06:51 · 7 answers · asked by momma whitley 2 in Newborn & Baby

am i getting the 4 "bases" right?

1st base- holding hands
2nd base- kissing [close mouthed]
3rd base- making out [opened mouth kiss with tounge]
homerun- sex

??? is that right ???

please correct if im wrong.


2007-07-09 10:06:17 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I ought to be ovulating either today or tomorrow according to my cervial mucus and my charting. I am having sharp pains in my breasts sporadically. Does ovulation have anything to do with this? I had a mammogram 3 months ago and I was fine - just to put that out there too - to consider everything. Could I be pregnant?

2007-07-09 10:05:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

My sister is turning 5 this month,and we have no clue what to do at her birthday.Were having at our house ,and there will be like 7 kids there we have a pool.But what else could we do to keep them bust and entertained???

2007-07-09 10:05:45 · 9 answers · asked by Nichole 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

I have always kept my 2 1/2 year old sons car seat in the backseat, in the middle seat. I am expecting number 2 in Feb.

If you have more than one child and 3rd row seating isn't an option, where do you place each car seat and why?

Is one side safer than the other?
(If we put the baby in the middle, wouldn't that be like demoting our older son? I'm not sure I can do that.)

2007-07-09 10:03:01 · 15 answers · asked by Nina Lee 7 in Parenting

I need to find a toddler float that will actually keep my 2 year old son above the water. He has outgrown the little infant floats that have leg holes, he needs one that goes over the top that will keep him above water. Those life jackets don't really work because if you let go, he falls forward or backwards. I need to be able to let go for a second sometimes, or to just be able to hold on to him without actually holding him.

P.S. I have to order it off the internet, so if you know of a good online store that has stuff like this that would be very helpful also

2007-07-09 10:02:17 · 6 answers · asked by purpleacoustic 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

nappy changing, breastfeeding, lullabying , cuddling,or...........

2007-07-09 10:02:11 · 9 answers · asked by V 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

I just moved into a first floor apartment and I quickly became aware of a child upstairs who constantly runs and stomps around the whole place, he/she bangs on the window and really makes A LOT of noise. We just moved in and haven't met our nieghbors upstairs yet and we're giving it a couple of days to see if this is normal and if there are certain times and things he/she does. I'm afraid to say anything at all becuase parents nowadays are so oftenly crude about these things and don't care. I'm know kids run and play and there is a certain noise level I have to accept being on the bottom floor, but it goes both ways- if you live on a second floor there are certain levels of noise you have minimize and be consciencious and considerate of. I'm not sure what to say- I'm not a mom yet but am due in less than 3 mos and will have an infant in the home. I want our conversation to be as effective as possible for our own peaceful living and for my baby girl. They know we're here, by the way.

2007-07-09 09:58:47 · 9 answers · asked by throughthebackyards 5 in Toddler & Preschooler

I took a test this morning and saw the faintest of all lines!

A friend told me to take a pic of it and invert it.
That if its a true positive, the line where the result should be, would glow in the picture.

Is this true?
Would an evaporated line on a pregnancy stick glow too?

2007-07-09 09:56:33 · 7 answers · asked by childcareprovider 3 in Trying to Conceive

I'm on birthcontrol but last month on the 16th my boyfriend and I were having sex and the condom broke. I upped my brthcontrol that night, and at the end of the month I had my period. I've never missed taking a pill and I always take them around the same time everymorning. Could I get pregnant?

2007-07-09 09:55:45 · 11 answers · asked by smileychick 1 in Pregnancy


2007-07-09 09:54:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

See I have a job offering to babysit two kids. Ones' 3 and is a girl, and ones' 6 and is a boy. I've never babysat before, but I really need the money and I love taking care of kids. But since I've never done it, I don't know what to charge, Well I read this site that said ur supposed to charge 6 dollars an hour + .50 per each additional child. What do you think?

2007-07-09 09:53:26 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

Ok, So.. I Had A Miscarriage On The 13th Of April 2007, I Then Had My Period On The 9th Of June, And it Lasted Unill the 19th Of June.. I've then come on my Period again On The 7th Of July.. Any Ideas On Ovulation Dates? Or Is It To Soon To Tell ? Please Help Me!. x

2007-07-09 09:50:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

I'm fourteen and just found out I'm pregnant. How are you supposed to sleep? On your back, side, whatever? Oh, and I'm not that pregnant. I'm not even showing yet.

2007-07-09 09:46:56 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

my son continues to torture small animals and frequently throws feces all over the walls. he sometimes reminds me of the posessed girl from the excorcist. what do i do?

2007-07-09 09:44:27 · 16 answers · asked by hamster princess 1 in Grade-Schooler

like i know its only been 3 days but my body feels wierd and i been gettin like little pains in my tummy and feeling like throwing up is tat a sign of prgnancy

2007-07-09 09:43:11 · 19 answers · asked by thefemalehomie 1 in Pregnancy


2007-07-09 09:39:49 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

There is large controversy over babies that have been born bi-gendered. Should the parent pick which gender the baby must live out its life to be? I believe it should be the kids decision, and unless any medical problems come up that the parents hould wait long enough that the kid will tell them whether they are a boy or girl. Then, a surgery cn be done... Does anyone support me on this?

2007-07-09 09:38:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

My husband & I have been trying to conceive. According to my fertility signs and bbt charting on fertilityfriend.com I ovulated on July 4th (I think it was early that morning at like 3am, due to pains and then no more fertile CM later that day), we baby danced the night before.

My question is have anyone experienced or heard of implantation as early ad 3dpo? I had weird period like cramps on thad day (July7th) and have been having weird pains and twinges ever since and today I am 5dpo.


2007-07-09 09:38:12 · 3 answers · asked by TBoo 1 in Pregnancy

my dad asked me to do an activity with him...shopping etc,. im a girl..what do u think i should do? i can do anything i want with him..what should i do?detailed answers..please help!

2007-07-09 09:37:44 · 6 answers · asked by RoxStar81 1 in Parenting

my period in regular 28-day cycle. i just got off the pill last month and i want to get pregnant. but im confused about my ovulation day. also i would like to know how often i should have sex to get pregnant?

2007-07-09 09:36:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

i was just interested to see if anyone had done either or both and what were the results. how did you feel about entering your kids in to either? did you get any money from it and what did you do with it?
my cousin had her daughter in a few oreck vac ads and made good money that was put in to her savings fund.

ps i'm not looking for negativity... no jon benet lectures. thanks.

2007-07-09 09:34:42 · 7 answers · asked by nataliexoxo 7 in Parenting

fedest.com, questions and answers