If the breast tenderness, nausea discontinues, and cramps stay or ease up, is it most likely ovulation which I have had before, after or during a period? It varies. Or is it likely pregnancy, if my 1st period day was June 9, and the sexual encounter was June 16th. I suspect I am ovulating about now, The sex was unprotected but not fully penetrated. Regardless I certainly consider it a grave risk, needless to tell me. But, are these cramps, and tender breasts likely to be ovulation as normal or could they be identical to implantation from the encounter June 16th. Any help from experience or professionals appreciated. I truly hope I am not. Condoms have subsequently been used, so it would have only been a possibility on June 16th for impregnation. If it's ovulation should symtoms subside before my period around July 8th? If all of the symtoms stay and get worse with nausea, I would imagine it to definitely be pregnancy. I am regularly a 21-28 day cycle. Thank you for responses.
5 answers
asked by
cora c