I am 36 weeks along in my pregnancy. So far, I've had a great pregnancy. Well, when I go to my ob check ups, I'm not told about anything. Such as, how my baby is doing, how "big" he could be, if he is in the right position (head down or breech), my blood pressure, tests that I have had to take, to see if I'm effacing fine or even near dialation (since this is my second, we 2 timers mostly efface sooner than dialate) or anything. I mean, I ask him all the time, and all he tells me is everything is fine. He doesn't explain or anything! What should I/could I do? I'd really like to find out about my pregnancy. Also, I'm measure much smaller than other women at 36 weeks. I'm supposed to measure up with how many weeks pregnant I am, but I don't. So that's another reason I worry about my baby. I had the measure problem with my first, and my docter I had than made an ultrasound appointment. Please tell me what I can do.
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