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Pregnancy & Parenting - 23 January 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

My husband and I have been trying to concieve for the past 8 to 9 months. I am currently taking Lexapro, Could that be stopping me ffrom getting pregnant????

2007-01-23 06:19:06 · 6 answers · asked by Stephanie C 1 in Trying to Conceive

I need etiquette help. She is in kindergarten and has been invited to numerous parties from her classmates. The problem is she has many friends and family outside the classroom also. The party can get pricey. Where do you draw the line without offending anyone?

2007-01-23 06:17:51 · 29 answers · asked by Kimber 2 in Grade-Schooler

then shouldn't 52 weeks (one year) should be equal to 13 months not 12? Cause everyone says that pregnancy is ten months not nine, so isn't our yearly calendar 13 months? Then what month would christmas be in?

2007-01-23 06:17:00 · 18 answers · asked by b&g4me 4 in Pregnancy

I am 31 weeks pregnant and every once in a while, maybe once a day so far, I feel this shooting pain in my stomach. Is that a Braxton Hicks contraction, or something to be concerned about? This is my first child, so I have NO idea what a contraction should even feel like.

2007-01-23 06:14:54 · 3 answers · asked by GrnEyedBandita 3 in Pregnancy

Some friends of ours just had their third baby, this is the only boy and i made them one of those tie blankets and got the baby an outfit, socks, and a little toy....Is this a good enough gift? I feel like means i made the blanket i should put more into it means they are pretty good friends with us, but they will know the blanket was made right, i hope they dont think it doesnt have a tag because its used lol maybe im over reacting? What do you think?

2007-01-23 06:12:19 · 21 answers · asked by jess_n_flip 4 in Newborn & Baby

I'm 5'6'' and I have a thicker frame, but not fat. I'm 4 months pregnant and my tummy is starting to get a little bit bigger. What is your height and size pre-pregnancy and when did you start showing.

2007-01-23 06:10:47 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My son is 12 months old and he absolutely refuses to sleep in his crib. He has slept in bed with me for 6 months. He will sleep in his pack and play for naps or at bedtime, but will NOT sleep in his crib.

I let him fall asleep and I carry him to his bed and within 20 minutes he's up and screaming, throwing up, etc.

Will a daycare take him?

2007-01-23 06:08:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

About the name Horace, would you name your child that?
or what other names would be close to it?

2007-01-23 06:08:21 · 24 answers · asked by Storm 2 in Baby Names

Which do you prefer? If you really dislike one (or both!) please tell me why and make suggestions. :)

Alexander is non-negotiable since it is in honor of my mom (Alexandra). My last name is very similar to Hopper.

2007-01-23 06:07:25 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

For about three months now my menstrual cycle is 33 days or more. Is that normal?

2007-01-23 06:07:02 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am 33 weeks pregnant and I have had ALOT of cramping/contractions yesterday and today. They lasted almost all day yesterday, but never became stronger. They just started today. I also have a SHARP pain in my lower back that comes and goes. I am having a lot more pressure pain on my pelvic area. Baby isnt as active but I still feel her. I feel the need to go to the bathroom and when I do I just cramp bad, but my stools havent became any looser. I dont want to go be observed at the hospital all day and get sent home. I dont know if this is real.

2007-01-23 06:06:20 · 13 answers · asked by momof3 1 in Pregnancy

I don't want to waste my money if not necessary. My husband and I are ttc, my cycles are irregular so hard to predict ovulation. My period should not be due until roughly around the 1st. I have had some changes in my breasts lately - extreme nipple sensativity, change in areola I have also had some mild cramping, and dizzy spells. do you think I should take a test yet or continue to wait it out?

2007-01-23 06:05:03 · 3 answers · asked by SaMaGa 1 in Trying to Conceive

I feel like a raging b*tch, but it's not "that time" yet. We're trying to conceive, so wanted to hear from women out there if they've had all the "signs", including PMS, and ended up "positive" for pregnancy. I know a pregnancy test would probably confirm, but I'm at work and wanted to ask the question NOW. :)

2007-01-23 06:03:54 · 10 answers · asked by julesl68 5 in Pregnancy

He eats plenty of food, but sees me as his walking, talking pacifier. (never wanted a plastic pacifier, none of our babies did, they used it as a toy) He does use a cup and has for many months.
Our other sons weaned at 15 months and 24 months on their own, but it was summer in both cases and they got really busy out of doors. I am pregnant and our 19 month old has some serious teeth! Lol
I have never initiated weaning and feel a little guilty, but I know it is time. He co-sleeps, as have they all, and nurses throughout much of the night. He doesn't have scheduled feedings, never has. I'm not sure how to distract him when we're all trapped indoors with the winter winds blowing out there.
When we go out, (library, market, etc.) he totally forgets about it. But when we're home, he wants to have a seat in my lap with a ninny. Lol
Thanks for your advice! :o)

2007-01-23 06:01:25 · 8 answers · asked by lookingforinfo 2 in Newborn & Baby

I am having my first baby in the summer. I will be home for 3 months after the baby’s birth. I have to go back to work because we can’t get medical insurance through my husband’s employer, and my husband’s paychecks are not 100% stable due to his business industry.

I have worked out a new schedule with my boss, I will work from 7:30am to 2pm everyday and my mom will watch the baby while I work.

Are you a mother to a young child and work outside the home? How do you deal with it?

I have to work or we won’t be able to make the modest mortgage payments on our house. I REFUSE to allow my husband to work two jobs, that is out of the question as he wants to be with the child as much as possible too.

Will I feel guilty?

2007-01-23 05:59:44 · 18 answers · asked by PrettyWifey 2 in Parenting

Are there any good eczema treatments out there? My 5 month old daughter has it pretty bad on her legs and some on her arms as well. Any tried and true solutions?

2007-01-23 05:58:37 · 13 answers · asked by totspotathome 5 in Newborn & Baby

I just feel like I am being tugged from my new family and the demands of work. I feel defeated.

2007-01-23 05:56:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

This is my 2nd child with a 6 year difference in age. When my son was in dayare, I had no problems. Now, my daughter is going to a new daycare, someone who is actually a good friend of mine. She is the only infant there. She is a demanding child at times, but not that bad. I would say not spoiled, but does like to have attention on her. What baby doesnt. Her daycare provider has advised me that she is now putting her in 'time out.' If she starts crying for no reason, she gets put in a room alone, to cry until she stops. This is so hard for me to grasp and I am not sure if what she is doing is correct or not. I tend to have to take a deep breath every now and then when my daughter is home, but I do not put her in a room to cry. She is to young for that in my eyes. Just need suggestions of how to handle the situation, and let me know if the daycare provider is doing her job right. Thanks!

2007-01-23 05:56:22 · 29 answers · asked by Leslie L 1 in Newborn & Baby

My period has been irregular for the past few months.....This month around the time when I should have started I only spotted (around the 5th) now I am spotting again but not enough to wear anything just mainly when I wipe....The only symptoms that I have that could be related to pregnancy is my breast are tender, more tender on some days then other, I am tired all the time and I feel like I make more trips to the bathroom but I know that these all can be related to other things....Should I test or what???

2007-01-23 05:55:13 · 10 answers · asked by nursejess8 3 in Trying to Conceive

This month instead of getting my regular period I had a brown discharge. It lasted about five days which is the same as my period. It almost looked like old blood, you know when your period is either begining or ending. I have a doctors appointment next week, but I'm curious about this and could this mean that i'm pregnant. i'm 25 years old and this is the first time something like this happens to me.

2007-01-23 05:53:12 · 7 answers · asked by WildButterfly_981 2 in Pregnancy

anyone else feel like this? i know i am pregnant but i just don't feel like i am. i am 9 weeks along and i have had no symptoms. i always felt pregnant with my daughter, but with this one, nothing. my pants are getting a little tighter, but that's it... just wondering if anyone else had the same feelings

2007-01-23 05:52:58 · 12 answers · asked by laineyhaz0101 2 in Pregnancy

I have a 22 month old. I am 33 so not so young. I would love another child but I am afraid. When did you know it was time. And how has the new addition to the family changed your life. Thanks

2007-01-23 05:52:57 · 9 answers · asked by nechannew 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

i would like to know which brand is better that you guyz have used for your babies. also when did u start giving apple juice to your babies. i need to know for a friend whose baby is turning 6 mos soon. thankyou in advance

2007-01-23 05:52:37 · 12 answers · asked by angel 1 in Newborn & Baby

Only 16 weeks pregnant but i don't feel like anyone is supporting me.

I get up at 6 am and got to work - spend 3 hours a day travelling on cramped transport - have a long day at work usually get back home at about 6 pm - and then have to cook or try and find something that I can eat- husband say's that i am different - just feel so distant from him - and i'm so tired all the time - I just want a bit of peace and quiet is that too much to ask for????

2007-01-23 05:52:27 · 15 answers · asked by sugar 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I don't believe in hitting children so please do not say for me to do that.
My 13 year old daughter has developed a severe attitude problem. I need some suggestions on how to deal with her when it comes to this problem.

2007-01-23 05:51:46 · 24 answers · asked by Miss.Sunshine 3 in Adolescent

Do you think a woman has the right to choose? If you do, what about termination in the third trimester, when the fetus has a brain, a heart, organs and can move around? If you are pro-life, how do you feel about abortion in cases where a woman was forced to have intercourse? What is your opinion and belief?

2007-01-23 05:49:16 · 51 answers · asked by stephanie 3 in Pregnancy

i thought i had my first day last friday. it was a normal flow, but less than what i'm used to. and then saturday came and my period suddenly stopped! small blood spots(sumkinda brown discharge?) followed for more than 3 days. i'm not experiencing any pain or other pregnant signs. could this be implantation bleeding?

2007-01-23 05:47:20 · 12 answers · asked by anonymous 2 in Pregnancy

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