I know for a FACT most of my mates arnt virgins any more, We are 13,14, and 15 year old.
My bestfriend Amy defintly isnt.
We have fun messing with guys and doing girl stuff, And telling eachother stories But Amy, AJ, Tyreice, Ali, Kelly, Krista... and loads more always talk about thier sex experienses, and I know its true. Ive seen proof.
On Friday night we are planning on sleeping over amys next door neightbors house, He lets us out whenever we want and we are meeting up with this rich 18 year old. Amy has had sex with him before and apprently he is really good with virgins like he says "Are you sure you are ready" "You sure you want to do this" "are you okay" and he always uses protection. I know that if the protection did break he would pay for me to have a abortion or have the baby, He would even buy me a house and help out.. Im just really scared. I feel im ready but on the other hand i feel nervous and scared and weird I sorta just want it over and done with. What do I do?
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