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Pregnancy & Parenting - 15 January 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

In Dec. I was on the pill for medical problems and I finished the pills around the 20th of Dec. and well I was wondering what r the chances of me being pregnant?

2007-01-15 13:45:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

2007-01-15 13:44:39 · 15 answers · asked by Elizabeth R 1 in Pregnancy

I am 1-2 days late, and i have this clear discharge that i get before i'm going to get my period. My boobs were very sore yesterday but i also get that before i'm going to get my period. Could i be pregnant? I don't want to do a HPT just yet, incase of disapointment.

2007-01-15 13:42:37 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

That if you don't give yourself time after you go off the pill that something maybe wrong or go wrong with your baby physically or mentally?

I heard to use a condom for about 6 months after you quit the pill to ensure that its out of your body.

2007-01-15 13:42:10 · 8 answers · asked by Whos your mama? 3 in Trying to Conceive

Just wondering if one ever reaches a stage in pregnancy where they are no longer so worried about the well-being of their unborn child?

I'm 27wks and still worry about baby - is baby alright in there? Is baby growing properly? Is baby staying away from the umbilical cord so as to not cause any injuries? Will baby be alright for another 13 (or so) weeks - etc.

I don't worry as much as i did in the first trimester (prob cause baby kicks all the time which is reassuring) but i still freak out from time to time - worrying something is wrong EVEN THOUGH i have absolutely no reason to think otherwise (Ob is always happy with baby's progress and never said there was any cause for any concern).

Does the worry and anxiety ever stop?

2007-01-15 13:40:39 · 27 answers · asked by Smiley One 3 in Pregnancy

2007-01-15 13:40:34 · 18 answers · asked by f1ght3rchik 1 in Adolescent

I am 36 weeks 4 days and at my 36 week check up, my doctor said I was 2 cm dialited and 75% effaced. He made the comment that I am 'induceable' This is my 2nd pregnancy. I was induced with my daughter at 41 weeks. I know that 37 weeks is concidered full term, and taking into concideration, what my doctor said, and that this has been a noncomplicated pregnancy, if I ask him to induce me this weekend (I will be 37 weeks and 3 days then) what are the chances he will say yes? I know all doctors all different, and I know all about how they say inducing is more painful, and there is a chance of a c-section. I am not looking for answers telling me to carry the baby to 40 weeks and let nature take its course. Thanks.........

2007-01-15 13:40:22 · 14 answers · asked by smbmommyto2 1 in Pregnancy

Okay last month my period should have been on Dec 19, it has been around the 19th of eveyr month since I was 11...Last month I was late. I did not start until Dec 29, I had alot of stress and had some bad tests come back. So, it's believed that stres caused me to be late. So, the first day of my last period was on Dec 29...I had sex on Jan 6 and 8, I also had sex last night 14th with my husband...Today at work towards the end of my shift I got really dizzy like i've never had before and also off and on I felt sick to my stomach...I felt better when I came home and ate a piece of pizza and some salad and now I feel sicker than a dog again...Does anyone else feel sick when they ovulate???

Also, I know people have told me that you ovulate 14 days after the first day of your period roughly if your on a 28 day cycle...but i'm on a 30 day cycle...does anyone know how many days after my first day of period i would rougly ovulate...would it be after 14 days or before?

2007-01-15 13:38:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

My baby is 4 months old (on the 19th) and he's already grabbing things, playing with his feet, talking and making noises and he knows his name. Now, I've heard the myth that if your firstborn learn real fast you're pregnant with another one. Has anyone heard of that myth?

2007-01-15 13:38:10 · 23 answers · asked by Natasha O 1 in Newborn & Baby

No one has ever directly smoked around our 3 month old, we won't even take her to restaurants that have a smoking section, only non smoking restaurants however his family smokes...is it true that if they hold her after smoking the chemicals on their clothes can harm our daughter??? How do you handle that situation? Telling people they can't hold her if they smoke?

2007-01-15 13:37:04 · 9 answers · asked by addisonsmom17 2 in Newborn & Baby

i missed my period 5 days ago, i felt all the symtoms of my period up to yesterday but my period didnt come i even say a trace of blood yesterday but it still didnt turn up.ps i took a hcg test today and it was negative

2007-01-15 13:35:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

I haven't had a chance to speak with my doctor about this yet, but when you are going to have a second cesarean, when do they schedule it for? Right on your due date, a little before, a little after, or does it just depend on how the baby is looking and your uterus is growing?

2007-01-15 13:30:52 · 5 answers · asked by karen 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Ok I am 15 and i have always had irregular periods. I have the following symptoms of being pregnant...

Frequant Urination
Sore Breasts
Bloating on some days

Please someone tell me what is the chances i am pregnant? Help me please! I am only 15 and he is only 16! We need you! Thank you sooo much!

2007-01-15 13:30:17 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Last night she toasted 2 ego waffles with butter and syrup adn didn't eat it. She ate some of my food instead. (bed time snack). I told her to eat it or it was her breakfast... all soggy. She opted to go to school with no breakfast (even though I took it out of the fridge, cut it up and heated it for her). She ate her school lunch at school and came home and wouldn't eat it for supper. I had a great supper and she had nothing. Well, I don't want her only eating school lunches.. so I told her to eat it, or that would be her school lunch. So she took it out of the fridge and had a bite and now is crying up a storm. She hates me and I am mean... (she is at a 2 for name calling, one more and she gets a time out). She is bawling her eyes out for along time now. it was so loud I sent her to her room to cry...

I think she should eat it and so she stops throwing food out and wasting my money. Am I being mean?

2007-01-15 13:28:57 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Grade-Schooler

I am soon going back to work and will be working nights so will not be able to nurse my son before bedtime. He is a little over 11 months and we both enjoy the night time feed. I was hoping someone could lend some advice on how I should be transitioning him to something other than breast milk. He takes bottles and formula well so I'm not worried about that so much, I guess more the attachment. Some helpful advice would be great. Thanks to everyone who responds.

2007-01-15 13:26:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

Can somebody please I am at my wits end I have a 7 and a 5 year old daughter and all day long it is a constant game of tattle tale and when I speak its as if they have all of the sudden lost hearing everyone tells me that kids will be kids but it has to end somewhere there has to be limits. I am not into beating my children but I have given them swats on the butt, but when I turn around or leave the room they are at it again!!!!!!! Somebody please help me!!!!!

2007-01-15 13:23:53 · 15 answers · asked by abby 2 in Parenting

I don't let him do this unless I'm right there. I wait till he falls asleep and then take it away. It's just one of those little square soft cudely things... He loves to smash everything against his face when he falls asleep though.

What age do you not have to worry about them sleeping with a blanket??

2007-01-15 13:22:32 · 13 answers · asked by Corbyn's Mommy 2 in Newborn & Baby

Why dont teenagers here batter the adults who witheld information?

If you dont tell somone there maybe dangerous animals say jellyfish in an area of sea they are likly to swim you are trying to get them hurt or killed.

If you dont tell people not to mix bleach with other chemcials you are trying to poision gas them.

If you dont teach people how to drive properly and pass them you are trying to get them killed or somone else.


Therefore if somone older witheld sex ed info like the kind asked here such as can you get pregnant standing, on you period, from getting fingered, if the guy pulls out.

There can be no logical reason other then it was a deliberate attempt to get you or gf pregnant to **** their life up, they are and enemy and out to hurt you therefore a legit target for revenge and to teach never to withold info again.

If this happened on a regualr basis the old folk would learn not to do this and teach properly.

So why is that not done ?

2007-01-15 13:19:30 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I am tired of being spanked all the time.

2007-01-15 13:18:57 · 15 answers · asked by Molly 1 in Parenting

Which beat is it??
hi i got a doppler... and i was just wondering which heart beat says what gender my baby is

horse is a??
train is a??

i have hread you can do it this way.. just wondering which is which?

2007-01-15 13:15:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I was 10 weeks pregnant when I had a miscarriage on Christmas Eve. Obviously, we didn't know if the baby was a boy or a girl, so we picked a gender-neutral name, Christian. We did get copies of one ultrasound, but it doesn't really show anything. What else can we do to keep Christian's memory alive? I'd like a portrait drawn / made, but who does that sort of thing? Thanks so much!

2007-01-15 13:14:27 · 11 answers · asked by Sara S 2 in Pregnancy

Can you take pregnancy vitamins pills when you are not sure if you pregnant ?

2007-01-15 13:13:35 · 12 answers · asked by ? 1 in Trying to Conceive

very curious of ppl's view of being a parent might be!

2007-01-15 13:13:27 · 3 answers · asked by lil_irishgirl05 2 in Parenting

2007-01-15 13:13:06 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

I am 17 years old and i am so devestated me and my boyfriend been together for 1year and some months!! Lately I fould out that he was cheating on me and our relationship was not going right so i meet this guy...Here;s the problem! I had unprotected sex with this guy on January 12 I got off my period on January 6!! He told me while having sex that he already had ejaculate! I ask him when and where he said he had ejaculate when his penis keep going in and out of my vagina! If thats the case that means sperm had to come in me because his penis was going in and out! Plus after when we was having sex I felt some stuff coming out of me and I dont know if it was from me or him! He swore to me that he did not ejaculate in me but i know that guys do lie! I have a irregular period I usually come on every other 3 months but lately I been coming on every month!! I went on a Fertilty Map website and it stated that I was due to ovulate between the 14-16 of January I had sex with him on the 12th!

2007-01-15 13:12:29 · 20 answers · asked by Player 1 in Pregnancy

I know for a FACT most of my mates arnt virgins any more, We are 13,14, and 15 year old.
My bestfriend Amy defintly isnt.
We have fun messing with guys and doing girl stuff, And telling eachother stories But Amy, AJ, Tyreice, Ali, Kelly, Krista... and loads more always talk about thier sex experienses, and I know its true. Ive seen proof.
On Friday night we are planning on sleeping over amys next door neightbors house, He lets us out whenever we want and we are meeting up with this rich 18 year old. Amy has had sex with him before and apprently he is really good with virgins like he says "Are you sure you are ready" "You sure you want to do this" "are you okay" and he always uses protection. I know that if the protection did break he would pay for me to have a abortion or have the baby, He would even buy me a house and help out.. Im just really scared. I feel im ready but on the other hand i feel nervous and scared and weird I sorta just want it over and done with. What do I do?

2007-01-15 13:10:42 · 76 answers · asked by OhReally 2 in Adolescent

if my wife has had some light bleeding after intercourse of before it ( almsot ) what is this sings of? if she has had to pee a lot is this a sign of it too? here are some of the other things that has come up within the last month , food cravings, mood swings ( irrated easly), creis for no reason, cramps in stomach, little more skin, more tired, lot more thirsty, no regular period for at least 2 months, interest in babies, argues for no reason, nose bleeds,

2007-01-15 13:10:41 · 15 answers · asked by justin l 1 in Pregnancy

After many attempts to get pregnant its finally happening for me but I'm scared because wen I was 17 my parents made me get an abortion it was the most horrible day of my life and I have never gotten over the loss but now that I am away from them I am so happy no one can take my baby away I can take care of my self and my baby but all my friends that have gotten preg after an abortion have miscarried and I don't think I can handel another loss I am really scared is there anything I can do to have a healthy preg anything I should not do I know I drink a lot of caffine and I stoped today I found out today I just hope I dint do anything to harm the baby if any one has any advice how to stay healthy I would be very thankfull say a prayer thanks

2007-01-15 13:10:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

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