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Pregnancy & Parenting - 18 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I am 23 years old and started my cycIe when I was 12yrs old. I have had an irregular cycle since my cycle began. But from may 06 to oct 06 it was extremely regular. It always last for 5 days, but the frequency is what varies--maybe every other month or every third month. Oct 17 was my last regular cycle. For november, it didnt come. I have taken 3 pregnancy test and all were negative. Finally Dec 15, it came. Dec 17 it ended. It was lighter than normal, but definitely more than spotting. The night before it came, I had nausea, a headache and some cramping in my left lower abdomen and I just felt sick! I usually never experience those symptoms with the onset on my cycle. However, I did have some cramping a few days before it came...which is normal for me--that cramping wasnt just on one side, like it was the night before it came. I'm not too concerned about pregnancy, because I havent noticed any pregnancy symptoms. I do have an MD appt tommorrow, but I need some advice please

2006-12-18 06:15:36 · 4 answers · asked by Takiyah D 1 in Trying to Conceive


2006-12-18 06:15:05 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My husband and I have decided to have another baby, but I have had problems with my periods and ovulation. My ob/gyn put me on Provera to make me ovulate and get on a regular cycle to help with conception. I did a little research on this drug and see that it does pose a risk for birth defects if taken when pregnant. I have 4 days left of the medicine to take and my husband and I had sex twice early Sunday morning. If I by chance conceived then, will 4 days worth of the medicine be harmful? How could I tell if we conceived this early? I don't want to continue the drug if I by chance conceived but am not sure how to tell or what to do. Of course, if we aren't pregnant, I want to continue these last 4 days of Provera.

2006-12-18 06:14:15 · 3 answers · asked by stacye5398 2 in Trying to Conceive

I was wondering if anyone knows of a good reliable company who deals with egg donations. I'm not looking for anyone to tell me I'm immoral or wrong I just want some advice maybe from women who have done it or are also considering it. I really want to do this and my husband is very supportive but i'm a little nervouse with what ive read about the process and everything. Please women let me know your experiences with this...

2006-12-18 06:13:44 · 7 answers · asked by htmama 2 in Trying to Conceive

i have been on the shot for like 6 months and now i am not what do i need to do?

2006-12-18 06:12:21 · 3 answers · asked by Want2bemom 1 in Trying to Conceive

2006-12-18 06:06:33 · 14 answers · asked by Helen A 1 in Pregnancy

My baby was active for 30min last night and keeped me up. Is it ok for it to move so much?

2006-12-18 06:06:13 · 21 answers · asked by BobbySaka 2 in Pregnancy

What is the age and weight that a child can be in a forward facing child restriant?

2006-12-18 06:06:03 · 11 answers · asked by Amanda A 2 in Newborn & Baby

I finally got my Doctor to agree to a blood test, but not without seeing her first. I don't like her!! I told the receptionist if she could schedule me with another Dr. and she did but come to find out that the one they scheduled me with is on maternity leave (go figure) so do I deal with this doctor for another month? Why would she need to see me before a blood test?

2006-12-18 06:05:54 · 4 answers · asked by Beonca 1 in Trying to Conceive

he just laid that and told me that he has had bad heartburn and it's nothing to cry about...yes but has he ever been preg? i don't think so...i was just looking for some confort...a rub on the back..something...i didn't get anything like that...i know he loves me..but still...what is a good way to bring up how i feel about that? he does it a lot...he even tells our 2 year old to stop crying if she gets hurt...do you think i am right to feel this way??

2006-12-18 06:03:49 · 18 answers · asked by beachbum009 2 in Pregnancy

....nd not get pregant????

2006-12-18 06:02:36 · 9 answers · asked by time is precious 1 in Pregnancy

I had a miscarriage on the 5th of November, I posted here and everyone was so nice, kind and considerate. I have asked alot of similar questiosn as I have had my worries. But today I am asking a new question. I know it takes 6 weeks or can take that amount of time for a normal period to resume. I waited and now I am 3 days over that, I did a test today and it was a fait line. Because i have miscarried at 6 weeks, is it probably that it might happen again? I am asking you al out there as my doc is closed and I cant go until the morning. I guess i just want a bit of reassurance. I feel crampy, so im not sure if i should read too much into this? Thanks in advance. A very worried mum to be?

2006-12-18 05:54:36 · 19 answers · asked by brunelscooby 4 in Pregnancy

In Oct i had imp. bleeding a week after that i felt a sharp quick pain on and off.I got my period Nov1,during Nov i kept having pain in my chest and the side of my leg near my butt was numb.Dec2 my period came but it was lighter than usaual.Everyone said i was pregnant so i decided to take a hpt today but it came out negative.Anyone was pregnant but was still getting their period and their situation was something like mine?

2006-12-18 05:49:12 · 4 answers · asked by Ruby 2 in Trying to Conceive

2006-12-18 05:48:04 · 12 answers · asked by ilessthanthreeyou 3 in Pregnancy

My kid's first birthday is coming up. The invitees have kids ranging from an infant to 6 years old. Please suggest what to give the kids as goodies.

Warm regards

2006-12-18 05:47:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

2006-12-18 05:46:55 · 5 answers · asked by Aminah m 1 in Trying to Conceive

i had sex with a girl yesturday an didnt use a condom....but we didnt have sex long at all...i didnt c.u.m in her.can she still get pregnant even with the fact i didnt c.u.m in her?

2006-12-18 05:46:32 · 17 answers · asked by jonathan k 1 in Pregnancy

I am 17 weeks pregnant and looking for fun sites about pregnancy,fun games of pregnancy...all that good stuff! Know of any?

2006-12-18 05:44:49 · 6 answers · asked by yahoocraze 3 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I found out that I was pregnant back in Nov. and had apply for medicaid and didn't receive my card so I had to wait until I received it, but just got it recently. I called to schedule an appt., but no one is seeing new patients until after the new year, I have an appt on Jan. 17. I am concerned because I haven't been really having symptoms and I went to the emerg. room when I was 6 wks b/c of discharge, but they said everything looked ok with the preg., but I am just concerned and my appt. is a long time from now. Should I just wait until my appt. or go back to the emerg. room, just to make sure everything is okay???

2006-12-18 05:42:29 · 19 answers · asked by mom_to_be 1 in Pregnancy

If i had uprotected sex on the last day of my period which was on sunday the 10th.. and so far we have been having unprotected sex? could i be pregnant by now?

2006-12-18 05:41:48 · 9 answers · asked by mz_iverson13 1 in Pregnancy

my boyfriend and i were together 12-1-06 i had a light period that week now my tummy feels different and i knoticed i have urinated more then usual these past two days , we didnt go all the way but we messed around alot and his semen was everywhere? help!!! if your a docoter or nures please help!!!!!!!!!or any one whose where im at!!or been there!!!

2006-12-18 05:41:05 · 9 answers · asked by southernspring2010 2 in Pregnancy

2006-12-18 05:39:32 · 20 answers · asked by Zaya 2 in Pregnancy

Thinking about switching from what we are using now to something different (I'm bored with the designs, LOL) What are your favorite diapers out there right now ? How much do they cost ?
*Currently we are using Kissaluvs fitteds with covers, and Happy Heinys Pockets for outings*

2006-12-18 05:38:50 · 2 answers · asked by Holly B 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I am turned on by my g/f when she brushes against me in the pool with her bikini on. It also turns me on when she steps out of the bathroom with just a towel on. I am so happy when she falls asleep in my arms, it just feels so right. Is this normal or weird?? What turns you on??
I just love her gymnastics toned, surfing tanned body. Just holding her in my arms after she competes and is worried about placing is enough for me. Is it wrong to like to hold her after she competes?? I mean come on she's in a leotard. Should I not feel this way?? I love her personality too. It is perfect.
Parents, If you were at the meet, would you be mad that I was holding her?? Her coach gets mad b/c he says it is bad for her. Would you ever let your daughter do any of this??

2006-12-18 05:38:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

i know there is a babies r us store by me wat kind of stuff should i buy for my soon to be baby?what other stores are there and what should i buy im 3 1/2 months pregnant

2006-12-18 05:36:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am about 5 months pregnant and I feel like I always have to pee!!!! But I don't have to, so why do I have that feeling like I need to?

2006-12-18 05:36:26 · 10 answers · asked by Loves2Snuggle 2 in Pregnancy

Okay the thing is I sit beside my son when it is his nap time. I put him in his swing and then I rock him while sitting on the sofa. When he wakes up he looks over at me and just starts whining and looking very sad. Is this a symptom of seperation anxiety? I am a stay at home mom. Can anyone help? Moms only need to answer!!! Please serious answers only!!

2006-12-18 05:34:32 · 18 answers · asked by Amanda A 2 in Newborn & Baby


hiya!! Im 17.4 weeks pregnant and i think i can feel baby moving. However, its not a 'fluttering' sensation like most people say, more of a 'ticking' sensation...likehow u would imagine the sound of a clock to actually feel, if that makes any sense? am i going completely mad, or has anyone else experienced this? Its worse at night, just when I'm settling down for sleep!

2006-12-18 05:33:45 · 8 answers · asked by Serry's mum 5 in Pregnancy

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