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Pregnancy & Parenting - 18 December 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I have PCOS and due to an unexpected ectopic pregnancy 4 years ago I now only have 1 tube.. I am now taking Clomid what are my chances of baby?

2006-12-18 07:23:45 · 18 answers · asked by Anita 1 in Pregnancy

Hi it's hard for me to go to the doctor cause my husband is in the military and i have to go the base in nj but were stationed in pa! my last period was on ocvt. 1 2006 until the 10th and that was it no more! i took hpt and it said neg. but last time i was pregnant in 2001 it said neg and i misscarried at 5months can anyone help me! work alot and with the hoildays i dont have time to go to njplease i need some good advice!

2006-12-18 07:23:19 · 7 answers · asked by passion_thug64 1 in Trying to Conceive

My son is almost 3. We have been trying to potty train for almost a month now. He will run and pee on the toilet, but won't even attempt to poop. After he goes in his underwear though, he wants to be cleaned up right away. I try to catch him while he is going, but he runs away to finish, then takes off his underwear. Any suggestions?

2006-12-18 07:21:58 · 11 answers · asked by Mary B 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

2006-12-18 07:19:00 · 16 answers · asked by krystyna 1 in Newborn & Baby

2006-12-18 07:14:59 · 20 answers · asked by ram 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

My girlfriend and I have 6-month-old twin daughters who breast feed very frequently. At my family's Thanksgiving party, my girlfriend nursed both the girls basically in front of everyone all night. While it didn't seem like a problem then, my grandmother - who hosts the party every year - said it made my uncle uncomfortable and asked if my gf would go to a different room to nurse. I told my gf and she took offense, saying it is nothing to be ashamed of and would refuse to go to a different room. Now, she has told my mother she won't go to Christmas and my mother said she is being selfish and should respect others wishes. I can see both sides, but is someone right and someone wrong in this? There seems to be no good solution and it's put me in the middle of my family, my girlfriend, and my kids. It's ruining Christmas.

2006-12-18 07:14:46 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting


2006-12-18 07:13:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

hello after my last period i had unprotected sex three days after period. is that too soon to get pregnant? or is it possilbe that i am pregnent even being only three days after last period

2006-12-18 07:13:05 · 4 answers · asked by yula d 3 in Pregnancy

I am 5.5 weeks pregnant and this is my first pregnancy. I am in my mid 20's and healthy. We really want this baby and it took one cycle to conceive.

I have been going to internet forums for women trying to conceive and forums for already pregnant women. I have been reading a lot of posts from women who have infertility, miscarriages, stilbirths and many with multiple miscarriages.

Is this common or am I going to forums for women who have fertility issues?

I am really scared now from reading forums with miscarriages!!

2006-12-18 07:12:58 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

The father of my baby is an alcoholic and I don't trust him to be alone with the baby ever! He knows that I don't trust him and he agreed to let me be there just in case. This baby means everything to me and if anything ever happened due to his lack of experiance I would kill him. He's 25 ad the youngest of 8 children. No experiance with babies. I'm the olderst of 7. When he drinks he blacks out and doesn't remember anything he says or does. He can't focus and he certainly won't be able to hold my baby or feed him or even change his diaper. And God forbid he ever tried to give the baby a bath while he's drunk. He can't stand when I cry how will he deal with the baby crying? I cannot trust this man to be alone with my baby. I want him to be involved, it's his son, and probably the only chance he'll ever have at having a child. I care about him being active, but I care about my son being taken care of first! What do I do? 27 weeks pregnant bein induced at 37 weeks due to HBP

2006-12-18 07:11:54 · 13 answers · asked by Camerons Mama07 3 in Pregnancy

Any comments/opinions would be appreciated, as I want to have this issue resolved before pregnancy, as not to have tons of stress over the issue.....
Here are the names for girls: Autumn Madison, Ava Madison, Autumn Grace, Madison Grace, Autumn Riley, Julia Autumn. Here are the names for boys:
Dylan Michael, Brady Michael, Colin Michael, Landon Michael, Trenton Michael, Ethan Michael, Aidan Michael, Logan Michael

2006-12-18 07:10:54 · 14 answers · asked by RAA 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

2006-12-18 07:08:25 · 27 answers · asked by watgrlsnv 1 in Newborn & Baby

My former husgand who is now in jail have conspired with an ambitious DCYS worker to have me comitted and with court orderd medication. Lies were fabricated and dcys believed them and without question had my kids taken away and a strict regiment of medication was ordered by the court. I have been fighting the court who wants to terminate my parental rights..I need help for this unbelievable injustice...where do I start? No one believes me.

2006-12-18 07:06:04 · 7 answers · asked by Screwed by dcys 1 in Parenting

day 1 of my cycle was Nov. 23. My husband and I have been trying for 3 months now. Just a few days ago, I started having cramping which made me think my period was coming. But the next day it was gone. BUt now I've been having this weird feeling on one side of my lower abdomen. It's lasted for 2 days. It's not painful, just weird. When I woke up this morning, my boobs were sore, but not extremely sore. Is it just period or is there a chance this could finally be it?!?!

2006-12-18 07:04:24 · 10 answers · asked by Lauren S 1 in Trying to Conceive

I am not very stresses nor have alot to do, but I can not concentrate on any one thing. It is frustrating. I try to get things done but fall short.. Am I normal? What is wrong with me.

2006-12-18 07:03:05 · 13 answers · asked by Mommy to be 1 in Pregnancy

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Member since: 21 October 2006
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Best answers: Childminder problem?
Question regarding childminder?
my childminder has said she wants to take next week off as 1 of her holidays my problem is she wants full pay which i dont think she should get ,usually childminders charge when parents take holidays but not when childminder takes holiday what should i do?

no contract has been signed, i dont mind her taking the holiday but i dont think i should pay her

2006-12-18 07:02:35 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

My son is five months and he sleeps on my chest. When he first came home he slept on his back because he was swaddled. After two weeks he would wrestle out of the swaddle and wake up crying. so I started putting him on his stomach. Now he wont sleep on his back and I know he is suppose to sleep on his back. I'm so afraid of putting him in his crib on his stomach so I started sleeping with him on my chest. I'm ready for him to sleep in his crib, but I'm so afraid to put him on his tummy because of SIDS. Please help me!!!!!!

2006-12-18 07:01:18 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

The only info I have found is about parents abusing there children. If anyone knows where I could find info about what you can do about your child abusing you pysically and purpossly breaking laws you ruin you financally. need help

2006-12-18 07:00:52 · 18 answers · asked by Cara Ann 1 in Parenting

My boyfriend and I have been having sex for the past three days and today is the day I am suppose to ovulate and we had sex what are the chances that Im pregnant?

2006-12-18 06:59:13 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I have a very bright, beautiful 15 year old daughter who is talking about quitting school at 16. She is very artisitic, a life long dancer and a straight A student. However, we live in a VERY rural area that she can't stand. It is her hope and dream to be done with her GED and two year degree by the age of 19, at which point she wants to move to NYC. Help! What do I say to her?

2006-12-18 06:58:57 · 10 answers · asked by babybush 1 in Parenting

Does anyone have any more information on why this happens. Or any research that has been done on it.
Is it common.

2006-12-18 06:56:14 · 25 answers · asked by TANZ 1 in Pregnancy

2006-12-18 06:54:04 · 32 answers · asked by nkkk 1 in Pregnancy

I dont like calling it a fanny and my husband calls it that..it makes me uncomfortable...i call it a front bum or her favlaja or something not like a vagina or fanny i think these are horrible words to be teaching a two year old what do u think am i wrong should i call it her fanny r what i am calling it now?

2006-12-18 06:51:50 · 30 answers · asked by tinkerbell 4 in Toddler & Preschooler

She was stillborn on 11/21/06. I got my period with my 1st child within 3 weeks and was breastfeeding and with 2nd 8 weeks and was breast feeding. i thought i was getting it the 2 days ago and i just spotted on the toilet paper and had brown spot on my pantiliner. I bleed for 2 weeks after i had her.

2006-12-18 06:51:44 · 4 answers · asked by michelecmof4 2 in Pregnancy

My brother doesnt like to be with my mother he will scream and cry and bite her till I come get him (some times he bites me) and so he will stay with me and then when I have homework to do he will take the homework away slobber on it and then throw it back. A few Mondays I had to watch him totally stressed cause I am tryign to a project and he is busy crying. What should I do, so he will go to others than me? (so I can get work done and live life as a normal teenager?)

2006-12-18 06:50:53 · 7 answers · asked by --; cookie. 4 in Adolescent

According to the doctors pregnancy wheel, i am 4w6d pregnant. i first tested positive on December 10th, three days before my period was due. My 1st beta, today, was at 246 and i am scheduled to have it again on wed to see if they are doubling. My nurse at the office says this puts me around 1-2 weeks - which boggles me becuse ive already had the positive tests before my period and all the charts i find are conflicting, that the 200 range is normal for being around 4 weeks. does anyone have any advice on what to think? i lost a baby in july at 8 weeks (blighted ovum) and this whole thing just keeps me on edge. i want my 3 year old to have a sibling!! serious answers only, please... if you've had experience with your betas in this range before at x number of weeks?

2006-12-18 06:50:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I have read that breastfed only babies do not get enough vitamin D through the breastmilk and require additional vitamin D. I also read on the le leche league website that It should be taken as a liquid because the prescription vitamin D would be too high of a dose. I need more information on what to take. anyhelp is appreciated.

2006-12-18 06:48:10 · 11 answers · asked by 343535445 2 in Parenting

help me please

2006-12-18 06:47:50 · 7 answers · asked by Porcupine 1 in Pregnancy

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