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Pregnancy & Parenting - 2 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

He's very shy and wont let us touch him and he wont come to the toilet when we tell him too. He's 3, he's one of our daycare kids and we have not had to train one so shy. Any suggestions?

2006-12-02 14:14:10 · 13 answers · asked by Baby Julie due 5/12 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

My friend and I are both 15. She is pregnant by her 17 year old ex boyfriend. She doesn't want an abortion. The babys father doesn't want any part and doesn't believe my friend is pregant. Her parents already know about her being pregnant and are taking her to a clinic next week. Shes taking two tests and they both have came out positive. What should she do? Shes too young for a baby and the kids father wont help. My friend is scared and she wants the dad to have some say in the descion. Help!

2006-12-02 14:13:34 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I am very confused i went to the ER after having non-stop bleeding and they told me i was having and threatned miscarriaage but my cervix was closed which is good and to take it easy .At the ER he couldnt find the baby through the tummy ultrasound so he did a vaginal and said there was no fetal movement to my knowledge im only 5 weeks so i wasnt worried.I made an appointment the next day and my arrogant ob/gyn he did a tummy ultrasound after i told him that they culdnt see the baby that way and he insisted and told me that that i miscarried and that it looked like i was never pregnant .I told him to call the other hospital they have blood work and about 15 ultrasound pic that beg to differ . I dont belive that i miscarried and im getting a 2nd opioin b/c no tissue passed and honestly after my Rhogam shot i basically stopped bleeding.its like my body was attcking the baby and that caused all that bleeding. I can accept a miscarriage with the correct test . What do you think?

2006-12-02 14:13:25 · 10 answers · asked by ? 3 in Pregnancy

2006-12-02 14:11:00 · 14 answers · asked by Callie B 1 in Pregnancy

What do parents have against sex? Seriously what so bad about it? I know the risk of aids and other diseas, but i also know about condoms.

2006-12-02 14:08:15 · 22 answers · asked by killer_a289 2 in Adolescent

2006-12-02 14:07:15 · 14 answers · asked by cierragirlygirl_119119 1 in Pregnancy

Serious answers please...

2006-12-02 14:06:43 · 12 answers · asked by veronica 1 in Pregnancy

when i first met my now bf i asked him if he had kids, he said YES , i asked him how many he said 1....about 10 months later i found out that he had 2 more.....so he has 3....i asked him why did'nt he mention the other 2,he said it did'nt matter , because they did'nt have his last name...( can u believe that piece of #$%#) he keeps on talking about the one that he mention and not saying a thing about the other 2,so i got extremely upset and tell him that i did not want to hear anything whatsover about the first one,thought he would get mad,but he did'nt....( now i left his triffling assssss before ,about a week after i found out that i was pregnant , so i called him and tell him, he begged me to come back and i did (stupid me i know)...im 35weeks pregnant and god knows i can't stand him....i wish i never met him ,but its way too late.....and another thing he's lied about almost everything( and he's not a good lyer because i always find out) what would u do?

2006-12-02 14:04:16 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am 36 wks pregnant and just lost my mucus plug today. It was very thick and jelly like(yellow in color) and there was alot of it. Does this mean im going into labour soon?? im getting different answers from everyone i ask. Also someone told me that my water could break now anytime and to be careful, does this mean that certain pysical activities could easily bring on labour quicker now that i lost the plug? like walking and such??

2006-12-02 14:03:48 · 13 answers · asked by Beth B 1 in Pregnancy

I am 28 weeks pregnant and am so worried about my baby detting it's cord in a knot and dying.The reason I am so nerveous is because in the last year 3 people I know have had this happen and the baby's died in utero.One at 24 weeks,one at 34 weeks and one at 38 weeks.Any ideas on how to not be scared?Also-is any other pergnant mother worried about this happening?

2006-12-02 14:03:11 · 11 answers · asked by mama of 2 3 in Pregnancy

How do you tell a guy that you've led on for like months that you don't like him [just as a friend]? I plan on telling him tomorrow, but it's like what do I say and how do I say it?

2006-12-02 14:02:49 · 8 answers · asked by K 3 in Adolescent

I'm just curious. My husband and I are trying to have a baby and we haven't reached the stage of considering something like this, but Iike to be well informed. I heard it can be expensive. Do you know of any other effective fertilization methods that can help you conceive?

2006-12-02 14:02:48 · 5 answers · asked by nakitars 1 in Trying to Conceive

I think I'm pregnant. I just stopped my bc pills about a month and a half ago, and started TTC. I had a period within 3 days of stopping my pills and have been havin gintercourse on my ovulation days and everything.

But I think I got pregnant already! My breasts are really tender, I'm fatigued and nauseous, and I never have PMS symptoms like these at all. i get some light cramping when pre menstrual, but NEVER tender breasts, nausea or anything.

My period isn't due until the 12th. Should I bother testing now or should I just wait.

I know that it isn't all that likely to get pregnant right after stopping BC pills, but I am also VERY fertile... lol. Sorry if its silly, I think I am just excited and really want to know if I'm pregnant.

So basically, to test or not to test?

2006-12-02 14:01:49 · 10 answers · asked by Mrs.Gaddis 4 in Trying to Conceive

Its a bump in the corner of her eye it doesnt look like a bite, what can it be?

2006-12-02 13:59:40 · 13 answers · asked by glow4833 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

My newborn gets hiccups all the time is their a way to help prevent them or make them stop? Sometimes she has them for 5mins or more. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-02 13:58:55 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

ok this is the first time ive done this. Ihave just had the wierdest peirod it only went for 1 and a half day then just stop i have never had anything like this before was wondering if this has happened to any one before.could i possibly be pregnant?

2006-12-02 13:57:30 · 6 answers · asked by lilmissbutterbee 1 in Trying to Conceive

i have two son the are 14 in 12 in they have there own rooms but they came to me last night in they ask me if they could sleep nude i said maybe do i let them ? the are good kid so do i let them sleep nude i just need some help with this

think you
joe s

ps mom is not in there life

2006-12-02 13:55:32 · 10 answers · asked by joe s 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I am 5 weeks today and noticed a change in my breasts. Since I have found out I was pregnant I have had mild sore breasts and nipples and now they seem fine to the touch. I am still noticing some nausea and fatigue though and a few other mild symptoms. Could this symptom just fall out this early on?

2006-12-02 13:55:12 · 5 answers · asked by cheerychumms 1 in Pregnancy

My husband and I have decided to start a family and I need to get a new car (have a mustang...2 small) also we are doing alot of remodeling so needless to say we have no "extra" money. Any idea's of thing's to do that are cheap or free? Even a movie at blockbuster cost's almost $5!! Thanks!!

2006-12-02 13:52:29 · 10 answers · asked by babyN 4 in Trying to Conceive

I didn't take my husbands last name when we got married. Now we are having a baby and I want it to have my last name and he wants it to be his, but I hate his last name!

2006-12-02 13:51:53 · 27 answers · asked by ~*~A~*~ 3 in Baby Names

I'm 19 weeks and mine is 38.

2006-12-02 13:51:01 · 4 answers · asked by naightengale 3 in Pregnancy

I am currently expecting my third son, i have twin sons who are 2 1/2 years old...names are Justin and Kaden....i am trying to find a name for my new son due in march and i am out of ideas!! Hubby is hard to please, and we are getting no where. I would like a name that kinda goes with Justin and Kaden.....ideas????

2006-12-02 13:48:56 · 19 answers · asked by misty n justin 4 in Newborn & Baby

What should I name a charity that my daughter and I are starting?
My 5 yr old and I have started what we are calling a bearraiser. She currently goes to a doctor that treats kids with cancer. This year we are collecting a specific bear for the kids to be given out before christmas. I am trying to come up with a kid friendly name to call ourselves. My daughters name is Emily but goes by emi. Please give me your ideas. If you are interested in reading more about it please feel free to take a look at my blog about it.


2006-12-02 13:42:30 · 13 answers · asked by emismommy01 2 in Parenting

I was in the store and saw the ALL for baby detergent for the 2 gallon was priced at $9 while the Dreft for half the size was priced at $9 so as far as money saving went I said to myself I can do double the loads by purchasing the ALL. Now I am reading that the Dreft is pediatrician recommended blah blah blah so does this really make a difference??? or is it just about $$$$$ people will believe in a product more if a couple doctors say its ok. what do you guys think?

2006-12-02 13:38:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

Tell the whole story if you can!

2006-12-02 13:37:11 · 30 answers · asked by Baby Julie due 5/12 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

On the first date, he wanted sex. He lied to me about his age. When I became pregnant shortly after, he tried to persuade me to abort. He never went w/ me to the doctor. Sometimes, he didn't call me or come to see me for days or weeks b/c I was "mad at him". I had to call him the day of my C section to remind him to come pick me up. When we got to the hospital, he dropped me off and said he had to take care of a parking ticket. I had to call him several times to ask him to come to the hospital. After surgery, he went to work. I had to basically force him to sign the Acknowledgement of Paternity. The day I was discharged he was mad that the nurses told him to sign the form so he picked a fight with me. He dropped me and the baby at my apartment and drove off! Before I took him to court for child support, he called me all the time saying "he wanted to see his son". He doesn'tanymore!
I'm not saying I'm an angel or he wasn't kind sometimes but did he have to behave that way towards me?

2006-12-02 13:31:13 · 15 answers · asked by ang_jewel 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

My daughter is 16 years old and doesn't need to be breastfed. I was finally able to break her from breastfeeding 4 months ago and I thought that she was ok with that. I came home from work early yesterday only to find my neighbor in my living room breastfeeding my daughter. She claimed that my daughter called her crying and hungry and refusing to eat her dinner. She said she didn't know what to do so she breastfed her to make her happy. What should I do?? Should I allow my neighbor to breastfeed my daughter or should I just breastfeed her myself?? Help please!

2006-12-02 13:28:59 · 34 answers · asked by mamabag06 2 in Parenting

After a year of tryin to get pregnant I am now 8 weeks pregnant but i have been havin some light vaginal bleeding on and off for the last week or so...Im a little worried is there anything serious to worry about or is this normal?

2006-12-02 13:27:05 · 21 answers · asked by kiaw41056 1 in Pregnancy

and my baby is 3 mos old...i don't know if it's because of the holidays ( i have no presents for either of my kids since i lost my last job and have just started a new one) or because I'm just having a hard time juggling daycare and work and family life...everything seems to be falling apart and my friends don't seem to understand..they just say oh, it will get better....yeah well, when you know your kids most likely won't have a christmas from you, it's not gonna get better....i don't see how it will....family's not helping much either...i don't have medical insurance so i can't go to the doctor.... can somebody give me some advice..?

2006-12-02 13:26:16 · 9 answers · asked by living_dead_sandra 3 in Parenting

If ur dad was gay and the guy he was going out with was like ur 2nd father and u loved them both very much. but one day u walked in on ur real dad having sex with some1 else. and he told u not tell.would u tell or would keep it a secret?

2006-12-02 13:26:15 · 13 answers · asked by Simply Me 5 in Adolescent

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