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Pregnancy & Parenting - 24 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

Just hours after delivering my baby this friend called the birthing suite to find out if I had delivered yet. This might not seem too creepy at first glance, but here's the kicker - I never told her I was in the hospital and I had been avoiding her numerous calls in the weeks leading up to the birth. At the end of the pregnancy I was completely exhausted and was hoping to get a bit of rest. But unfortunately she kept calling our home and was waking me or disrupting my rest. Instinctively her prying/annoying behaviour had lead me to shut her out. Something about her constant need to know frightened me and didn't feel right. But I think what bothers me the most is the idea that she called hospital maternity wards to find out if I was admitted without having any knowledge of my whereabouts. Instinctively I think this person is a bit unbalanced but I'm not sure. When she called the birthing suite, it was only 10 hrs after I had given birth. Is she just an awful person or crazy?

2006-11-24 17:08:19 · 16 answers · asked by Scarlett note 1 in Pregnancy

Watching DVDs w/step kids, they're Muslim from another country, ranging from 20-something to 10yrs old. Their father encourages and they believe that watching a film with grotesque violence--ppl’s heads being blown off, wild animals eating a person alive and other atrocities. However, for exp. they see a husband/wife do a three-second, goodbye kiss in an airport (like in the G/PG movies I rent) they will grab the remote and fast forwarding DVD in disgust. First I was perplexed. Now, months later, it's ANNOYING. Sometimes right after a kiss (quick or fast) the characters say something that is vital to the film. I often miss that b/c they FF it. Sometimes the youngest will FF b/c she THINKS a kiss MAY happen. One day when we were watching a PG Oscar winner they went to grab the remote to FF just before a kiss and I snatched it away and said, “You're being rude! U Don’t wanna see something, then close your eyes or look away.” They looked shocked at me but isn't what I said correct?

2006-11-24 17:07:32 · 10 answers · asked by Cocoa 1 in Parenting

we were not together at the time i found out i was pregnant nor when i lost the baby but i was about 5 week when it happened. he is a very angry person and thinks i am making it all up to get back at him. he now is damanding that i prove to him by getting doctuments from my doctors. if i dont he has said he will take me to court. can he do this?

2006-11-24 17:01:19 · 13 answers · asked by peterpan 1 in Pregnancy

This is a 2 parter:

first thing is im 12 5' 2" and through out the week vary from 128-133 pounds! Is this overweight?

second thing is even if you dont think im fat...i do and i need some good excersise types to do adding to the not eating junk food!

oh and one more thing......

I have only had one boyfriend because of being overweight...i really like this boy and asked him out...but he said he only dated skinny girls...i want to get skinny so i can be with him even though he is one of the ppl who make fun of my weight! Should i lose weight for him??

2006-11-24 16:59:31 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I need to take my 3 yr old to the dentist. How do they treat such a little guy? It isnt like they sit there and open up! I had an apt last week, and in the waiting room, another mom told me they strap them into the chair! Do they really do that?? Then the dental asst. told me I could not go back with him! Like I am going to hand some stranger my baby! Help! I dont think he has any cavities, but is it safe to wait until he is older & understands?

2006-11-24 16:54:58 · 15 answers · asked by Cris Tee 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

okay today which is friday i had a urine sample done and it was negative,so they did a blood test it wont be ready till monday but i ovulatedv on nov 12,had intercourse on 8,10,12,14,16,18 and i start period in 2 days been trying to conceive for 8 months now wont a baby...so do i still have a chance even ifd urine was negative 2 days before period

2006-11-24 16:52:43 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

but i want it to be special cuz its her only sons child........any ideas

2006-11-24 16:50:53 · 10 answers · asked by aidanshope 2 in Pregnancy

2006-11-24 16:44:19 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

Even if the meat is well-cooked and soft, gums either bleed or get swollen..and...I love non-veg food...please help.

2006-11-24 16:40:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My boyfriend and I were messing around a few days ago, and ever since then I have been feeling awkward I guess you can say. Now when we were messing around there was not complete penetration, and I'm a virgin after that I hope. He did have a condom on for the most part, but at the beginning he didn't, and he was very close to me, to the point that is penis was in contact with my vagina, just no penetration. So is there any chance what so ever that I could be pregnant?

2006-11-24 16:37:17 · 18 answers · asked by mybabygoldfish800 2 in Pregnancy

I have have had many questions about this topic.
I have had cramps, very emotional, sore breasts. But is it possible I could get stomach aches, before starting my period? Stomach aches like feeling like wanting to throw up. Is it possible?

2006-11-24 16:35:39 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

How as a parent do I learn to have tough love with married 20 year old and her husband who refuse to grow up and make it on their own? Before you answer please understand that I love my daughter very much and would do anything in the world for her. But the more I do for the two of them the less they do for themselfs financially. I am at my ropes end and have put my own finances in jeapardy bailing them out. I go to work everyday at a job I am not inlove with but I go because it pays my bills. Will they ever stand on their own as long as we bail them out?

2006-11-24 16:33:54 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

My son is turning 1 on Dec. 13th and so confused on what to buy. What are some useful gifts to give a 1 year old? Any suggestions?

2006-11-24 16:33:27 · 14 answers · asked by happynay 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

Hey guys, we have some real chances to reach people here who come for advice before they have abortions. But we don't always succeed. Sometimes we get them after the fact. The girl who just had the abortion today, while i might not agree with the act, she is hurting and she's scared and she's looking for just a little bit of compassion from us as women. To pose a question, would it be so awful if we just told her we were praying for her and gave her some support resources? I don;t advocate abortion, but i do have a heart for this young girl for some reason.

2006-11-24 16:30:24 · 15 answers · asked by 1973kimberly 2 in Pregnancy

does anyone know what is normal and when to increase amount?

2006-11-24 16:29:43 · 10 answers · asked by JB 2 in Newborn & Baby

Took 50mg of clomid last month cd 5-9 (october 17-21) now 16 days late. took 4 hpt all - had blood test on 11-16 also -. Still feel different, whitish discharge from left breast, cramping, fatigue, some brown discharge this week, now heavy cervical mucus. Anyone have any ideas????

2006-11-24 16:28:13 · 2 answers · asked by Joann W 1 in Trying to Conceive

Hi i am 22 and 4 months pregnant. Over the summer i went on a cruise ship for a vacation and some emotional recovery time. So my friends thought it would be a good idea for me to get away. Anyway on the cruise i met this Australian guy who was part of the cruise ships crew on the rock climbing wall he was an instructor.A romance ensued and well i am pregnant now. He is the only man who could be the father and took me a while but i tracked him down by sheer luck .I called the cruise line and lied said i was intrested in a trainer from the cruise training me but did not now a full name and i got a buisness card sent to me.

2006-11-24 16:26:23 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I know i had asked a q before. me and my husband had sex rt after i stopped bleeding more then once for the next few weeks . now if i get preg it does not bother me i am a strong person , but i took a test and it was negative do you think that i took the test tooo soon or i am not pregnan? what do i do ?

2006-11-24 16:26:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

2006-11-24 16:25:57 · 11 answers · asked by justme 1 in Pregnancy

I was on birth control for about 2 months(September & October). And when my boyfriend and I have sex, we don't use a condom. We have had sex about 3 or 4 times this week, but remember i haven't had any pills for November. And he always does the pull-out method, but even if a little sperm got n me, could I b pregnant??

2006-11-24 16:22:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My sister-in-law was 6 months pregnet.And she had her baby this evening the 21st of Nov. okay the baby was taken to a childrens hospital b/c he wasn;t doing all that fine do u think her baby will make? He was only 1Pound and 3 ozs.His lungs haven;t devolped all the way so he is on a oxgyen machine and I just hope makes it if he makes i will be a pround aunt.I seen him he is so little and he was so precious i wanted to hold him but know one can't touch him.He has to stay in the hositpal for like 3 months or until he gain 4 pounds. :(

2006-11-24 16:20:34 · 11 answers · asked by chamblee_84 1 in Newborn & Baby

Is it normal to not have discharge???? When you are pregg do you have a vaginal discharge??? And does it occur through the entire preg??? I am talking about day 12-16 of cycle and no sign of any discharge like I have heard you are suppose to have. My husband and I are trying to get preg

2006-11-24 16:18:25 · 4 answers · asked by jess 2 in Trying to Conceive

concieving between a man who is blood group A+ and a woman who is O+??

2006-11-24 16:16:55 · 3 answers · asked by slmanl 3 in Trying to Conceive

I was wondering if the baby was ok. I am 24 weeks. He has been kicking and it isn't bruised or hurt. I am just worried. I worry so much!

2006-11-24 16:14:09 · 19 answers · asked by Sheilah b 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

2006-11-24 16:13:29 · 8 answers · asked by ? 4 in Pregnancy

after i thought of baby names..went through the struggle to tell my mom..i had an abortion. my boyfriend didnt want me to have it all of a sudden an told me we will have other chances to have kids but were too young and hes not ready. im 17 hes 18. so i gave him what he wanted so he could be happy but now im the one whos sad. i wish i never did it and i hate myself for it. im just so upset right now..i dont know what to do?

2006-11-24 16:13:08 · 48 answers · asked by KDUB100 2 in Pregnancy

Of everybody out there that has pcos, how many are you overweight? If you are overweight and lost the weight, did you get pregnant? I am really curious to know about the relationship between being overweight and having pcos. I have heard so much about if you lose the weight you will get pregnant. How much weight is enough???

2006-11-24 16:12:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

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