I am a little over a week late for my period. I have a standard 29 day cycle and it I can set my watch to it. I always start at the same time when my period is due. I was at peak ovulation on the 26th of October and had sex every other day from the 23rd til the 29th of Ocotber. I am having quite a few pregnancy symptoms. I am not getting my hopes up because I had a blood test done out of curiousity and it came back negative. My symptoms are still going on currently and becoming stronger by the day. symptoms include, nausea, slight constipation, foods I once love now I can't stand the smell of, mild to moderate headaches, slight cramping, increase in cervical discharge, mild lower back pain, breast tenderness, darkening around my nipples, I am bloated just a bit, always hot, very tired lately even when I get the normal amont of sleep each night I feel as if I could sleep for another 12 hours or more, frequent urination, always thirsty. those are what I am experiencing right now
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Trying to Conceive