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Pregnancy & Parenting - 18 September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I'm 21 years old and fairly mature but my fiance and I have been having alot of unprotected sex for the past month or so. Well for about two weeks I've been extremely tired all the time, my nipples were very sore for about a week but it went away, I felt nauseaous for about two weeks and I've just been an emotional mess lately. I took a pregnancy test a week ago that came back negative, but I think it may have been too early to get a positive result. If I have a period, it should come in about a week or two. Should I go ahead and buy another pregnancy test or should I wait a little longer? Also, if I go to the health department and ask for a blood test instead, how long will it take to get the results??? Thanks for any advice you guys can offer me...

2006-09-18 16:53:00 · 16 answers · asked by Jennifer 2 in Pregnancy

2006-09-18 16:51:47 · 13 answers · asked by RASHA M 1 in Grade-Schooler

OK, I've been having some strange symptoms going on lately, and a lot of them are making me wonder if I could be pregnant. Would love to hear other people's experiences/opinions. Thanks! I missed 2 BC pills around the time I should have ovulated. My period was due on Sept. 18 (today). I started spotting around the 4th of Sept- spotted for about a week. I've been nauseated, had diarrhea, really sore breasts for almost a month. Also, I started spotting again last week and spotted for about 3 days. I've been having a lot of cramping and just "fluttery" feelings in my lower stomach. I've been having really strange cravings lately (to be specific, hashbrowns, fried ham, cheese, and cucumbers and vinegar...lol) I've been on a cleaning rampage lately (during my last pregnancy I craved the smell of cleaning products- I'd scrub the tubs, toilets, and floors at least once a day). Any experiences/advice would be greatly appreciated!!

2006-09-18 16:47:06 · 14 answers · asked by JustMyOpinion 5 in Pregnancy

I am looking for a good working affordable electric breast pump any good ideas ? I would appriciate anything (SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE)

2006-09-18 16:45:09 · 16 answers · asked by brandi.smiles 2 in Newborn & Baby

he has been in my bed since day one and will not sleep in my bed alone if i get up he will be up with in 20 min. if not sooner same with naps i have to hold him for his naps. and i want to brake this but dont know how.

2006-09-18 16:41:59 · 18 answers · asked by silverdiva 1 in Parenting

My three and a half month old wakes up twice at night to eat (at 1 am, and then at 4 am). I have to get up to work at 5 am, so I am exhausted most of the day later. I have been feeding him breast milk exclusively. He’s had some problems with his digestive system (gas & baby reflux), so I didn’t want to supplement with formula (breast milk is easier to digest). Now his reflux is under control, so maybe I could alter his diet slightly. My girlfriends advise me to:
1. Feed him formula just at bedtime – it takes longer to digest, so he will sleep longer
2. Give him some cereal at bedtime – for the same reason
3. Give him some water when he wakes up for the first time. It won’t increase the production of acid in his stomach like milk or formula would, so he won’t get hungry too soon.

Are there any other options? Which one worked for you?

2006-09-18 16:41:49 · 18 answers · asked by Lilly 2 in Newborn & Baby

Well I was mad at my sis's friend earlier. He call me and I was in a bad mood. He was so shy and I was kinda rude a little. And then when he have said something to I hong up.Well since alot of boyz call me and say stupid things to me. I don't trust any more boyz who call me. But I was rude to a boy who didn't act like that!!!!

Do you think he will ever call back? I really want to say I'm SORRY!!!!!!!

2006-09-18 16:40:47 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Grade-Schooler

1) Let the child eat whatever he/she wants so that sweets/fast food are no "big deal"--they never feel deprived so they grow up not craving "junk".

2) Only let your child eat "junk" occasionally so that they do not develop a taste for such food, rather, they prefer natural, unprocessed foods.

2006-09-18 16:39:22 · 18 answers · asked by HCH32 2 in Parenting

Well I was mad at my sis's friend earlier. He call me and I was in a bad mood. He was so shy and I was kinda rude a little. And then when he have said something to I hong up.Well since alot of boyz call me and say stupid things to me. I don't trust any more boyz who call me. But I was rude to a boy who didn't act like that!!!!

Do you think he will ever call back? I really want to say I'm SORRY!!!!!!!

2006-09-18 16:37:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

My son LOVES to be rocked, but not really slow, kind of pepped up as if in tune with music and it puts him to sleep within seconds. I'm forever worried about everything and im scared that it's dangerous. NOTE: Its never rough or violent, just kind of fast paced. ONLY MOMS or DADS

2006-09-18 16:37:30 · 14 answers · asked by azuleyes404 2 in Newborn & Baby

If I have a 2nd child I'll have less money to engage in my hobby of travel. And I'll be limited to less exotic destinations at least until the child gets quite a bit older. And I'll have less time to myself and more years of the tedium of dealing with infants and toddlers. On the other hand, I think it's important for a child to have a sibling and have heard that ultimately they will entertain each other. On the other hand, again, it's important for the parents to be happy and this may decrease my happiness. I'm riddled with conflict and think it comes down to my selfish desires versus my benevolent feeling about not having an only child.

2006-09-18 16:37:10 · 15 answers · asked by Nic Stryker 1 in Parenting

then why is a symptom of pregnancy spotting??

2006-09-18 16:32:33 · 17 answers · asked by trapped 1 in Pregnancy

I am 39 weeks 5 days *due thursday*
I have been having horrible contractions for about 2 weeks Sometimes they are so bad I can not even move or they wake me up from a dead sleep.. It's almost unbearable.. I went to the hospital once in false labor. I lost my mucus plug already, some I lost sunday, the rest monday morning. I feel sick and exhausted.. I was in the doctor on thursday and they said I was only 70% effaced and barely 2 centimeters dilated..
The contractions are worse over the last couple days then they ever have been and are lower in my pelvis then before too..
How much more longer do you think I have?
Has anyone ever had full on contractions and haven't dialated? Do they let you just go on like that or do they induce?
I know I probably sound nuts but she is due in like 2 days and I can't take this anymore I am in so much pain..

2006-09-18 16:30:15 · 8 answers · asked by ashez 4 in Pregnancy

me and my husband have been trying to conceive and i had my last period at the end of august and i am not due for mine again until the very end of this month. i have had sex scince my last period. my period is very regular never is off beat but this past few days i had some brown coming out down there this never happens and i was wondring if mabey it could be old blood and i could be pregnant? mature answers please!

2006-09-18 16:29:29 · 13 answers · asked by brittany1121 2 in Pregnancy

2006-09-18 16:29:03 · 11 answers · asked by ally32_74 2 in Newborn & Baby

Children these days seem to be pushed too hard. High school kids are taking college courses while in their senior year. Young kids seem to have more responsibilties because mom and dad work too much. What ever happened to being a kid?

2006-09-18 16:23:33 · 19 answers · asked by mcgrawm7 2 in Grade-Schooler

And please tell me where you are from. This is just to see what everyone's opinions are. I am curious to know how differently people feel about it. I breastfeed, and my southern Alabama family thinks it is gross!! I live in California and my son is 9 months old. I also don't breastfeed him anymore in public, only at home. he is not walking yet, your opinions please??

2006-09-18 16:23:10 · 32 answers · asked by tasha 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

i'm not clear of the understanding?

2006-09-18 16:22:52 · 19 answers · asked by trapped 1 in Pregnancy

2006-09-18 16:20:54 · 12 answers · asked by that girl 2 in Pregnancy

i dont think mines right.

2006-09-18 16:20:24 · 12 answers · asked by manglebaby1983@sbcglobal.net 1 in Pregnancy

I was just thinking about it... And I searched but I didnt find any? I just mean one where like you can put in the two faces and it'll show you what your kid might look like.... ANYWAY yeah,... thanks

2006-09-18 16:20:01 · 5 answers · asked by silentxlullaby 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I took at pregnancy test Thursday and it was positive! Then when i got up this morning my period had started , is there a chance I am still pregnant or was it a false positive? This will be my 4th child! We have been TTC since April '06

2006-09-18 16:18:35 · 13 answers · asked by sarah j 1 in Trying to Conceive

Iam thinking about going to get on the pill what is the best one and how long should it take before we stop using condoms?

2006-09-18 16:17:54 · 7 answers · asked by cecelia_reyes 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I started my 5.5 month old daughter on rice cereal last week. I t took a good 4 days for her to get used to swallowing but now enjoys eating it. Since we started i have noticed an increase in gas. SHe passes gas quite frequesntly throughout the day. Does starting solids usually cause this?

2006-09-18 16:16:52 · 7 answers · asked by Jaymie 2 in Newborn & Baby

do u have diabetes? what are the symptoms and risks? if u can please be specific, its important. thanks

2006-09-18 16:15:16 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

My stomach hurts and i feel hungary always?? or is it just my mind?? if i wait for my period to come will that mean i'm not pregnant??

2006-09-18 16:13:01 · 8 answers · asked by trapped 1 in Pregnancy

i took a pregnacy test and it was invalid results and i took two

2006-09-18 16:12:41 · 10 answers · asked by Shay R 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Parents, what do you expect when you attend a school's open house? What do you expect from the teacher? What would make your evening more special or worthwhile? I am a teacher getting ready for Open House and I want to make it the most beneficial to parents. Any help would be greatly appreciated. (I teach 4th and 5th grade)

** This is the same as my previous post - but in a different category**

2006-09-18 16:11:04 · 14 answers · asked by goodlittlegirl11 4 in Grade-Schooler

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