i have read that implantation bleeding can happen approx 9 days after ovulation. it is usually pinkish or brownish, and light, scant...etc. just take a test. those hpt's are pretty darn right on. here is a website that tells you which hpt are the most sensitive. if you are negative---it still might be too early. just wait to test when your period is due...or you are officially late.
2006-09-18 16:40:48
answer #1
answered by crazymom 4
It could be implantation. Go to americanbaby.com and go to preconception you can put in the last day of your period and how long before you typically get another period and it will give you your most fertile days. You could also start temping. You have to do it everyday at normally the same time before you start moving around (when you first wake up) and chart your temps. if you go to Fertilityfriend.com and you can chart it there and it will tell you when you ovulate and when to have intercourse for a best chance of getting pregnant. GOOD LUCK>
2006-09-18 23:36:17
answer #2
answered by Desiree 1
It may be implantation bleeding. you could very well be pregnant!
Early signs of pregnancy:
Food cravings
Heightened sense of smell
Missed period
Extreme fatigue
Tender/swollen breasts
Frequent trips to the bathroom
These signs can appear as soon as implantation or anytime after, each woman is different! Some women have all of these, some have a few and some women don't have any signs.
2006-09-18 23:34:14
answer #3
answered by **KELLEY** 6
That kind of bleeding could possibly mean that you have conceived. But if the browness continues I would go to the doctor and him/her take a look, or I would just get a test to find out.
2006-09-18 23:47:58
answer #4
answered by *Proud Mommy Of 2* 4
A small amount of spotting can happen when an egg implants, so it is possible.
Wait until a week after your period is due, and have a pregnancy test. I know it is hard to wait, but it is the best time to do it. Best of luck.
2006-09-18 23:33:18
answer #5
answered by Tina K 3
You could and you could not sometimes you have spotting. And like you said old blood that didn't have enough lubrication to come out until after sex. Check with your doctor or buy a preggers test. Good luck!!!
2006-09-18 23:33:54
answer #6
answered by moniiluv17 2
It's very well posable that u can be it happend to me when i got pregnant with my son... Ur best bet is to wait until ur due for ur period and take a test First responce i highly recremend.... and i hope u get the resualts u want :)
2006-09-18 23:35:33
answer #7
answered by Kassy H 1
yes, you might be pregnant but if you're period is not due till the end of this month, wait 5 days before you're suppose to get your period and then take the preg test....
2006-09-18 23:33:53
answer #8
answered by arielle 3
It could be implantion bleeding.. It doesn't happen to everyone but it does happen..
wait until your period is four days away and take a first response. It has always been right with me.
2006-09-18 23:31:31
answer #9
answered by ashez 4
If you are having any discoloration in a vaginal discharge you should get an appointment with an OBGYN immediately. If it is blood you are passing, you could be in serious trouble. It is not normal to pass dark fluids from your vaginal areas other than through your petiod cycle.
2006-09-18 23:40:24
answer #10
answered by janet g 1