1 out of 10 woman will miscarrie with their 1st pregnancy, This is most comman in young girls between the ages 13 and 25. Go to www.yppo.com they can tell you more
2006-09-18 16:47:43
answer #1
answered by mommy2faithat19#3 4
I've read that as many as one in ten early pregnancies ends in miscarriage. Even if the fetus dies at ten weeks the miscarriage may not occur until twelve weeks, so even at twelve weeks there's still reason not to be all that sure all will be fine.
I don't know if the one in ten includes those miscarriages that are so early the woman doesn't even know she's pregnant and just ends up thinking she's having a heavier period.
In the second trimester the chances are less, but they continue to exist.
2006-09-18 23:31:39
answer #2
answered by WhiteLilac1 6
It's far more common than most people think. Doctors also now believe that many women who are a few days late at the start of their periods may have also had a miscarriage, but as it was so early, the tissue wasn't recognized or even seen. This is sometimes the case, they believe, when a woman has a 'heavy' period -- that is, heavier than normal.
2006-09-18 23:24:57
answer #3
answered by old lady 7
every pregnancy has a chance of miscarriage, whether its your first or tenth. When I had my son I was always afraid of miscarriage. My second pregnancy miscarriage never crossed my mind, but I lost that baby. If you make it past 10 weeks, you will probably be fine. After you see/hear the heartbeat the chance of miscarriage drops drastically. Try not to worry and just enjoy being pregnant
2006-09-18 23:24:12
answer #4
answered by parental unit 7
One out of four pregnancies end in miscarriage, often even before you know you are pregnant. A heavier than normal period with some clotting may be a miscarriage.
2006-09-18 23:25:06
answer #5
answered by RoZ 4
it all depends on your age, and if your body is ready to carry a child.
Some people while they are in their late 20's to early 30's are personally ready for a child their body may not be.
Its hard to say. But when I had mine the way I saw it was that for one reason or another either I was not ready or my body wasn't and it was probably for the better :)
While hard to lose a child, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger and there is a reason that we are dealt the cards in life that we are. Wither it be because our body isn't ready or someone else thinks were not ready.
I wish you luck.
Hope this helps
2006-09-18 23:25:21
answer #6
answered by baby_thumper_girl 2
I lost my first two babies..and I am now 39 weeks with this one.. It just depends on your body and the timing.. lots of things can cause miscarriage..
2006-09-18 23:33:04
answer #7
answered by ashez 4
i had a miscarriage my first pregnancy, and my second, but now i have two beautiful kids! it's very common, some have misscarriages, and some don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!good luck
2006-09-18 23:26:53
answer #8
answered by miss.d 3
Sometimes yes talk with your doctor I know mine was & was told it wasn't meant 2 be got pregent again now 2 kids later.Good Luck
2006-09-18 23:23:07
answer #9
answered by sugarbdp1 6
One out of four chance.
2006-09-18 23:27:33
answer #10
answered by Ashley P 6