My doctor has given me this choice for my upcoming November c-section. I'm 38, I'm done with having babies, both of my pregnancies were slightly high-risk, I'm thinking I should go ahead and have it done.
BUT... I thought those same thoughts before my first baby was born. I started the paperwork to have the procedure done, but the baby came before the paperwork was finalized, and the on-call doctor was not authorized to perform the procedure.
Here I am now, pregnant *again*, and happy as all-get-out that I did not have my tubes tied three years ago.
I guess my main concern is, GOD FORBID.... what if this baby does not fare well, or something happens, and I want to have another but can't. Worst case scenario, and I hate myself for even thinking it, but I'm paranoid that way.
In short: I'm soooooo done with having kids, and am basically SURE that I don't want more, but am daunted by the FINALITY of a tubal. Any thoughts or shared experiences would be appreciated. Thanks!
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clueless: please be kind