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Politics - 6 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Should it be legal or not? Why/why not?

2007-08-06 11:52:36 · 20 answers · asked by ♪Elan♪ 2

2007-08-06 11:48:59 · 10 answers · asked by Peter N 1

Why is it that some of the same people that censure Bill Clinton for his affair with Monica Lewinsky also support Rudy Giuliani, even though he also had an affair during his tenure as Mayor and later left his wife to marry his mistress.

Now I'm not talking about the perjury and obstruction charges that followed Clinton during his presidency. I'm talking about people that say Clinton is immoral because he had an affair, but they don't say the same about Giuliani.

2007-08-06 11:45:49 · 5 answers · asked by Mitchell . 5

2007-08-06 11:32:46 · 33 answers · asked by MattH 6

Is this a good idea?

2007-08-06 11:15:59 · 12 answers · asked by Nick F 6

What would you have done differently? Oh and leave out Iraq you don't get to use that one.

2007-08-06 11:15:46 · 17 answers · asked by Michael B 4

I have heard that this congress has a 3% approval rating is there truth to this rumor?

2007-08-06 11:14:17 · 19 answers · asked by Michael B 4

2007-08-06 11:07:36 · 37 answers · asked by Page 4

I believe the Founding Fathers warned us of the danger of political parties in the Declaration of Independence or Federalist Papers.

2007-08-06 10:55:16 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are you people on drugs? How can any of you say no to impeaching bush or the other crap about him not commiting any impeachable crimes. Thousands of young soldiers coming home with out their limbs or even worse coming home in a box for no reason at all. Goerge Bush is the liar. There were no weapons of mass distruction. Those people don't want us over there to give them democracy. And some retard had the nerve to say that soldiers would die if we tied up our commander and chief. What do you think is already going on. You give that man too much credit. At best he is an alcholic c student that had no business being elected in the first place. So again my question is are you crazy?

2007-08-06 10:54:20 · 12 answers · asked by tazforang 3

Supppose you are a commander in the field. You have Osama Bin Laden surrounded. Your officers tell you that you can capture him or kill him right away, with equal risk to your troops. You have spoken to the Pentagon and they leave it up to you.

What do you do? Capture of kill?

2007-08-06 10:52:08 · 24 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1

Ok, its time for leadersjip change

And guess who was in charge of these guns

General Betray us!

$billions and billions missing in U.S. funds - our tax dollars lost and no one is accountable

Now guns - and they will take the lives of our soldiers!


And now they have lost "190,000" machine guns

Guess who those guns will be killing

The very American men and women in service we have been fighting to get home!

We all need to do something - right now!

Constant failure and no true leadership!

Our troops deserve better!

2007-08-06 10:48:45 · 10 answers · asked by scottanthonydavis 4

and proof we need to stay the course in Iraq..right?

and if the surge meets resistance and is not really working, then its proof of why its so important for us to stay the course in Iraq as the enemy is very determined.....right?

2007-08-06 10:35:30 · 25 answers · asked by me 1

all those people are saying "I'm liberal, I'm conservative", but I wanna say that I'm not into politics. is there one word for this?

2007-08-06 10:23:45 · 14 answers · asked by . 3

I don't think any sort of impeachment proceedings would be completed in time to do any good, and I don't think the Senate would approve it anyway.

But if Congress remains silent on the ways the Bush administration has misused it powers and trampled the Constitution, they aren't they complicitly saying that it was OK for him to do so?

Do you think we need an impeachment proceeding, if for no other reason than to make it clear that the Bush/Cheney attack on the Consitutional balance of powers will not be accepted or tolerated? Even if politically, you can't win?

2007-08-06 10:22:51 · 29 answers · asked by Chredon 5

and we did not trade with them or do anything that would make them stronger?

2007-08-06 10:14:47 · 13 answers · asked by me 1

2007-08-06 10:11:17 · 18 answers · asked by Page 4

Besides, FISA is not unconstitutional. It takes into account the Supreme Court's ruling about wiretaps.

2007-08-06 09:59:01 · 19 answers · asked by a bush family member 7

Man, you liberals ***** about everything President Bush does and you don't even have your facts straight!
We went into Iraq because the weapons inspectors were denied access to certain areas. They did this time after time and they were given warning after warning. We saw satellite photos of trucks taking something out of the country.
The Democrats saw the same intel President Bush did. They voted for the war as well. Yes, including that filthy rotten liar Kerry who changed his story midstream.
Bush never claimed Saddam had anything to do with 9/11.
And we have stolen 0 gallons of oil.
And no, President Bush it not the reason gas is so high. Thank your democratic buddies for not allowing us to build more refineries, and then gas would be more readily available. There’s plenty of cheap gas out there, but it’s the refining that causes a large jump in price.
Man, get your facts straight before you spread your hate

2007-08-06 09:54:54 · 18 answers · asked by wishiwas 4

Did not Bush ask the terrorists to"bring it on"?

2007-08-06 09:52:59 · 15 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

In the next 100 years water will become a more valuable commodity, and under the rules of NAFTA doesn't the USA have a right to procure as much Canadian water as they want?

2007-08-06 09:47:14 · 4 answers · asked by Smurfette 1

Remember that budget surplus he inherited? Where is that now???

Worst fiscal reversal in history. Unfortunately, this is not a temporary deficit resulting from an economic slowdown or the costs of the war on terrorism. Instead, the Administration is proposing deficits as far as the eye can see. The $5.6 trillion 10-year surplus that President Bush inherited is now a deficit of more than $2 trillion, for a total fiscal reversal of well over $7 trillion.

This change in our fiscal outlook will mean that we will have $5 trillion more national debt in 2008 than previously expected, roughly $17,000 for every American. That will force the federal government to compete with private businesses for investment capital, hampering future economic growth by increasing interest rates and diverting funds from the private sector.

2007-08-06 09:24:09 · 14 answers · asked by El Duderino 4

2007-08-06 09:19:17 · 41 answers · asked by TDK 1

A respected contributor to this forum asked the other day.....

Why Conservative economist Bruce Bartlett accused President Bush of "bankrupting" America and betraying the Reagan legacy.


2007-08-06 09:04:46 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

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