Man, you liberals ***** about everything President Bush does and you don't even have your facts straight!
We went into Iraq because the weapons inspectors were denied access to certain areas. They did this time after time and they were given warning after warning. We saw satellite photos of trucks taking something out of the country.
The Democrats saw the same intel President Bush did. They voted for the war as well. Yes, including that filthy rotten liar Kerry who changed his story midstream.
Bush never claimed Saddam had anything to do with 9/11.
And we have stolen 0 gallons of oil.
And no, President Bush it not the reason gas is so high. Thank your democratic buddies for not allowing us to build more refineries, and then gas would be more readily available. There’s plenty of cheap gas out there, but it’s the refining that causes a large jump in price.
Man, get your facts straight before you spread your hate
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