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Politics - 6 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2007-08-06 04:15:30 · 9 answers · asked by topink 6

My dream is to be the president someday. I know that is a little far fetched, but it is my dream.
How does someone start their career in politics?
What do I major in, in college?
I'm only 17 but I would like to get some answers now because I am very curious about what I would have to do.

2007-08-06 04:09:37 · 17 answers · asked by ♫amazing♫ 3

a. Party affiliation.
b. Platform.
c. Appearance.
d. Religion.
e. Other.

Feel free to elaborate or attempt to justify your answer.

2007-08-06 04:03:39 · 71 answers · asked by Abdul Jones 2

Many Americans seem to forget that the war in Afghanistan is even going on right now. Afghanistan is in worse shape now than ever because our military is stretched so thin. I can't say I agree with how the war in Iraq is going and can't help but feel Afghanistan needs to be better controlled. 90% of the world opium production occurs in Afghanistan with the majority being imported to the US. If you ask me this form of terrorism has a greater impact on our citizen’s everyday lives. I know doing drugs in a personal choice and I'd never do drugs but most violence in our society stems from drug dealing or drug addiction. Thoughts?

2007-08-06 04:03:06 · 5 answers · asked by Jerbson 5

The chimp and his followers (This means YOU too :))) would leave and next elections: democrat victory by 95%!

2007-08-06 04:01:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

And the rest of us aren't supposed to call you clinically insane?

2007-08-06 03:49:41 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Quite frequently on this site it appears that there are huge numbers of far left-wingers . But then when listening to liberals on TV debate a point it turns out that many of them are far more moderate than their counterparts on Y/A . I still disagree with most of their viewpoints , but I also see more rational arguments from them .
So why is that ?
Are the liberals on here less representative of the liberals in our country as a whole ?
Are there liberals from other countries posing as American liberals on this site ?

Or do liberals on this site defend most anything from another liberal whether they agree with it or not ?

2007-08-06 03:47:20 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

When you pretend you can't tell the difference between mythology and reality, you're bound to do some rotten things -- especially when your morals are based on the Old Testament.

2007-08-06 03:44:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it because they're uncompetitive? the term "nanny government" comes to mind...

2007-08-06 03:37:21 · 15 answers · asked by blank 1


2007-08-06 03:35:45 · 13 answers · asked by WJ 7

Yeah, I've been paying about $2.60 per gallon but it is still better than $3.25 like I was paying not long ago. Anyone else notice this?

2007-08-06 03:34:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

why so much blame on the rich for everything? they commit more crimes than the rich. most people who are in prison are poor. and its not because the rich pay off the judge, or else enron would still be alive, and martha stewart wouldn't have gone to jail. or do liberals think its ok for the poor to commit crimes because they are forever holy and god-like and deserve to be worshipped?

part of the reason why poor people are poor is because they screw themselves up with felony convictions and drug-addictions. if lindsey lohan continues to live the way she has, she might become poor as well. and liberals do this, while having 3 kids before age 15. then they expect their wages to be as high as bill gates'.

2007-08-06 03:30:54 · 9 answers · asked by blank 1

The United States and China share the most imbalanced bilateral trade relationship in the world. The United States imports more goods from China than it exports to a tune of $202 billion dollars each year. All told, China alone accounts for nearly 26% of the United States' $725.8 billion trade deficit.

This amounts to $2400.00 per person going out and not coming back .

Its the same as if your dad instead of paying you an allowance or offering you work to earn some money he hired the kids from on the next street cause they would do it cheaper .

This means less money in your own household and more in theirs .

So which family becomes wealthier and which poorer .

This is now on a national scale in which we are trading away our nations wealth which is our labor .

We trade hard earned dollars for products and services that profit other nations to the tune of $725. billion dollars annually and its increasing .

This is going to destroy us if we do not turn it around .

2007-08-06 03:29:25 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Chinese government ideals and the Neocon Repubs seem to have a lot in common.

2007-08-06 03:27:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Example, when some of our allies didn't support our going to war in Iraq, (France, etc.) it was like a good friend trying to keep us out of a barroom brawl.

Or, If a couple of gang members in Los Angeles blow up a building, you first find the people who are protecting the bombers, then you arrest them, but some of the gangsters go to Texas, so you go to New York and bomb the Bronx since many gangs live there. Put a bunch of cops there and an endless supply of gangsters come from all over to fight the cops. And while you're focusing so much on the conflict in the Bronx, a relgious sect in Kansas is planning to blow up Washington.

Or, (here's a more positive one) you live in great house in a subdivision surrounded by poor neighborhoods. Your neighbors want to build a gate around the community and have a security guard and watch carefully who enters. But you do have a heart for some of the hungry that jump the fence to pick up your fruit.

2007-08-06 03:25:37 · 5 answers · asked by topink 6

What did our founding fathers have to say about business and government, by the way?

2007-08-06 03:18:00 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

lets face it, america has a socialist school system where there is no competition among schools to be better than anything except football. there's no motivation. teacher's unions prevent unqualified teachers from being fired, and as a result we students who don't even know what the soviet union was. only a minority can go to public schools where there is plenty of competition for the parents' money. teachers are fired when they don't perform. say what you want about brainwashing their students, at least they aren't brainwashed into depending on government for everything.
why do liberals continue to support something that has failed long ago? why not open up school districts and let the taxpayer money follow the student to whatever school he/she chooses to attend? the europeans understand this, and ironically, they allow public school competition while paying much less per student on education.

2007-08-06 03:17:03 · 12 answers · asked by blank 1

2007-08-06 03:08:27 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it just me or anyone else has noticed that lately David Cameron has be agreeing to much of what the government has been doing lately, is it that the government has been so good or the Tories have finally lost it?

2007-08-06 03:01:41 · 2 answers · asked by decharmingprince 1

Micheal Moore attacks the foundation of our society, to send the message that the USA is morally bad and needs change; however Michael Moore isn't honest to admit his real goal is to convert us to socialism; how do liberals who have the courage to admit their goal is to bring down capitalism, feel about the liberals who are not forthright with their views?

2007-08-06 03:01:39 · 18 answers · asked by ? 7

How about if obama wins and congress approves a civil union bill (not even marriage) for gays?

They do tend to have more guns, see violence as a solution, and spout more venom.

2007-08-06 02:59:00 · 17 answers · asked by topink 6

says who?

2007-08-06 02:57:52 · 16 answers · asked by zes2_zdk 3

I grew up in a home in which Franklin Roosevelt was regarded as a saint. Is it any wonder that it took me so many years before I finally saw the light? As a rule, I don’t approve of people who lay their own shortcomings at the feet of their parents, but when I realize that for no other reason than the way I was raised that I actually voted for Jimmy Carter, it’s awfully tempting to blame my folks.

But whoever is at fault, it is certainly high time to acknowledge how much harm was done to this country during FDR’s administrations, and how much spin left-wing historians have put on his record . For instance, he has often been credited with keeping America from going Communist during the Great Depression. But you might say the same about the leaders of Germany, Italy and Spain.


2007-08-06 02:51:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Be honest now.

2007-08-06 02:50:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

finish the rhyme. thanks

2007-08-06 02:43:07 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous


"I think you're making a big mistake when you distance yourself from your faith," Mickelson observed. (This happens about 10 minutes, 30 seconds into the 20-minute long video.)

"I'm not distancing myself from my faith," Romney forcefully responded. "I'm proud of my faith. There's nothing I distance myself from."

What followed was a discussion where Romney outlined the differences between Mormon dictates and civil law and Mickelson argued that the candidate was hurting himself with conservative voters by trying to "hermetically seal" his private, church-driven beliefs and public views. ...

Again asking Romney to come back to show, Mickelson offered, "I hope we can do this so we can expend some quality time on here rather than the sound bytes."

"No, I don't like coming on the air and having you go after me and my church," Romney testily responded.

2007-08-06 02:31:25 · 11 answers · asked by Still Beautifully Conservative 5

Since Texas was originally part of Mexico and was taken from it by force. Should Mexico attack and try to reclaim their property? Will the US ever withdraw? Im joking by the way but was speaking online toa Mexican who thought this way. What is the situation regarding Texan sovereignty

2007-08-06 02:18:39 · 19 answers · asked by Sean D 3

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