Example, when some of our allies didn't support our going to war in Iraq, (France, etc.) it was like a good friend trying to keep us out of a barroom brawl.
Or, If a couple of gang members in Los Angeles blow up a building, you first find the people who are protecting the bombers, then you arrest them, but some of the gangsters go to Texas, so you go to New York and bomb the Bronx since many gangs live there. Put a bunch of cops there and an endless supply of gangsters come from all over to fight the cops. And while you're focusing so much on the conflict in the Bronx, a relgious sect in Kansas is planning to blow up Washington.
Or, (here's a more positive one) you live in great house in a subdivision surrounded by poor neighborhoods. Your neighbors want to build a gate around the community and have a security guard and watch carefully who enters. But you do have a heart for some of the hungry that jump the fence to pick up your fruit.
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