Morally I'm Pro Life but I don't vote that way b/c I think to provide a decent quality of life to all those babies, we need more than to slap a law on the books. We need better health care, parenting resources, foster care, adoption resources, welfare programs, education system, and (let's face it) better police protection in 15 years when many of those babies may adopt a life of crime. Since Republicans who would overturn Roe v. Wade are the least likely to raise taxes for any of this, how does the Pro Life camp plan to address these realistic problems?
To me, it makes more sense to try to reduce the number of abortions the "back way"--by bettering health care, higher education and job options for the women most likely to opt for an abortion. There were actually fewer abortions in Clinton's tenure than Bush's--the economy was better and women felt like they had a better shot at making a future for themselves and a baby. I think we need more than just a law to do it right. Thoughts?
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♫ Sweet Honesty ♫