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Politics - 2 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

...years, which one would you say had the most astounding impact on their audience? Which ones oratory will best be remembered thru history? Which ones oratory had the most effect on humanity.
Martin luther King,
Winston Churchhill,
Mao Tse Tung
Adolph Hitler,
Tony Blair,
Bill Clinton,
Ronald Reagan,
Kofi Annan,
Hideki Tojo,
Margaret Thatcher.

2007-08-02 21:23:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone think that after he is re-elected in November,that four or less years he will seek higher office or keep his word that this is it and wants to get out of politics for good.

2007-08-02 21:22:29 · 2 answers · asked by bobmcd 2

Ok, Why would you vote for the BNP APART FROM THIER VIEWS ON IMMIGRATION. Do give other views of thiers which you support. Before that do check thier views on Wikipedia


2007-08-02 21:18:11 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous


Ron Paul 2008

2007-08-02 20:31:14 · 15 answers · asked by Honey Girl 3

if they had there way we woold all be in the poor house

2007-08-02 20:25:22 · 14 answers · asked by arwilcox187 2

a "Genital Retention" program, would you lefty guys cut your own nuts off in protest?

2007-08-02 20:12:46 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

So many of them think they are so superior to average men and women!

So many of them are making obscene multi million dollar annual salaries.

WE pay them their salaries everytime we purchase their products!

Don't they owe the communities and the people of those communities some respect with regard to safe working conditions, employer offered health insurance, fair wages....etc.

Don't Capitalists realize that without the laborers and consumers they are just people with fancy gadgets and services that serve only them?

There's a disconnect.

2007-08-02 20:12:43 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

and to help ease your discomfort, many people in the world would resettle you anywhere you want and give you a nice piece of land for your and your family to live in for future generations.....and think of all the respect the world would give you.

So ......if faced with this dilemna, would you say no ..I am staying in that piece of land, and my house, and I dont care if the world goes down the drain, or would you sacrifice and move and accept all the nice offers and save the world?

2007-08-02 20:09:12 · 18 answers · asked by ron j 1

2007-08-02 19:53:25 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

or just most of them?

2007-08-02 19:50:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Recently, I have learned about Geroge Bush's Healthy Marriage Initiative. After reading a bit about his new program, I thought that he was a bit cuckoo in the head. What do you think about the Healthy Marriage Initiative? Do you think that he could have used a different program or method more efficiently?

2007-08-02 19:46:44 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

If a woman has freedom to wear what she wants...why then she has no "right" to cover her body and face...(She has a freedom to be covered as well as to be naked, right???)

I have a freedom to have faith in Allah as well as in God or to have no faith at all...why should I only conform to the Christian Norms of Life / Christian Realm???

What makes people think that only a white christian-catholic straight guy who lives in New York and has a jewish origin can be free??? How about other guys and girls whom CREATOR distributed around the globe??? The most famous usurpation of freedom by American Founding Fathers....(All men are equal!) How about women, slaves and others??? I think it is in our genes to uglify the TOTAL FREEDOM...what do you think???

2007-08-02 19:40:38 · 10 answers · asked by josh k 2

no disparaging answers, just serious definitions, whether you agree or not liberals.

2007-08-02 19:31:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

How many people watched Fahrengeit 9/11 (that was banned in US)...how many people searched for real reasons and terrorists of 9/11 event...(not just depending and blindfolly believing what news PREACHED like in the CHURCH?

When will Americans realize that America is more than only a white house...and some politicians...???

2007-08-02 19:17:23 · 9 answers · asked by josh k 2

Why wouldn't anyone want prostitution to be illegal when it leads to overpopulation, STDs, and generations of homeless, illegitimate children on the streets? Do we really want to contribute to these problems by legalizing prostitution in the U.S.? If prostitution was universally banned, I don't think these problems would be as rampant in the world as they are today.

2007-08-02 19:13:19 · 20 answers · asked by Maid Mesmera 3

i mean, its a year and a half away and we still don't have anyone even possibly suitable for office. is it time to take the power away from the rich, elitists parties, and find a 3rd party canidate?

2007-08-02 18:58:19 · 7 answers · asked by jimmy j 2


2007-08-02 18:37:54 · 18 answers · asked by anne_deezoff 6

2007-08-02 18:26:56 · 19 answers · asked by vsatsanga 2

It took a man just as irresponsible for it to happen.

2007-08-02 18:12:10 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

And fired The Glenlivet in the process?

2007-08-02 17:57:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do you suggest women do if they would otherwise want to keep their child but they can't afford health insurance?

2007-08-02 17:55:31 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-02 17:48:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Aren't they all really into politics just for money, and not about helping citizens?

2007-08-02 17:44:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

how do you liberate a nation which is occupied by a foreign power whose government is brutal and is run by just a few people who hold on to their power. We sure know that the UN doesn't work. After all those peaceful protesting and non -violent activism it hasn't proven successful and there's been no results for the freedom of the oppressed people. We all know that the nations of the world act in their own self interest. so how do we fight this dictatorship to gain freedom? if there's any freedom fighters out there, what would you suggest? i am sorry but i can't give further details cuz i am a private person dealing with this issue.

2007-08-02 17:37:36 · 9 answers · asked by maxten75 1

Especially those who believe he's some megalomaniac who's trying to become a life-long dictator (everyone by now has seen the people claiming he will fake a terrorist attack, ect. to cancel the elections), have no problem with the fact that Ted Kennedy has been in power since the dawn of time? Or complain that FDR served four terms? Or the multitude of Democratic senators and congressman who will have a seat until they die or retire?

A lot of these same people love to quote Thomas Jefferson, who believed in 'Citizen Legislators' who served for one, maybe two terms, then returned to the farm to give someone new a shot? How can people claim Bush is trying to become a dictator, when historically it's Democrats that hang on to power for the longest period of time?

2007-08-02 17:34:15 · 16 answers · asked by Dekardkain 3

I could use a good chuckle.

2007-08-02 17:32:20 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

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