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Politics - 30 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

the taliban may or may not free the hostages
theafgan may or may not free the taliban prisioners.
i think one of the ways the koreans can be free is to embrace islam. (even if it is for a few days)
this will make the taliban satisfied and they might be set free. I mean there is nothing to lose is there?
they can always be christains again.
believe me jesus and mohamed and moses could not care less what religion you are. the main thing in all real religions is
life. life is the most important thing.
thank you for your input.
cheers to all life loving people.

2007-07-30 23:45:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

While at the LA port, it seemed that there were a lot more shipping vessels entering carrying products from all over the world, and few American vessels leaving. Then I started to go through my bag to see which items I own marked "Made in China" or some other country. Are we ready to stop and look at what we (Americans) are doing when we demand products at cheap prices?

2007-07-30 23:32:55 · 15 answers · asked by MsManner 4

They are currently trying to buy some friends in the middle East. Do you think that will work?

2007-07-30 23:32:45 · 5 answers · asked by Ray D dog 4

With all of the Democrats spouting a socialist agenda isn't it very much the same as Hugo Chavez?

2007-07-30 23:13:24 · 13 answers · asked by ? 6

2007-07-30 23:05:51 · 7 answers · asked by wife of Ali Pasha 3

2007-07-30 23:04:27 · 2 answers · asked by wife of Ali Pasha 3

as an Englishman who is currently in the USA on holiday i feel i must ask this
Why is it that most Americans smell of onions and make no effort to disguise it.
In England we use sprays to cover our smell, Americans obviously dont.

2007-07-30 22:35:47 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

will his hand fit up gordons butt as comfortably as he did blairs?

2007-07-30 22:21:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

"I don't want to get in the middle of that whole spat Hillary and Senator Obama had, but there's more than one way to practice diplomacy," Bill Clinton told a gathering of the Democratic Leadership Council.http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070730/ap_on_el_pr/democrats_clinton;_ylt=Ao4H3azjPQa8rTI2dplJHxeyFz4D

2007-07-30 21:53:37 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

'It's raining AGAIN!? Damn this liberal weather!' That's basically how alot of people have come to use the term, just a general description for something they don't like. The actual person's politics have become irrelevant. People have become so used to slapping that label on anything that diverges from some theoretical conservative 'True American ' path, or if they suspect you're not 'PC' (Patriotically Correct) enough that I've seen it hurled at true-blue, staunch republicans and old-line conservatives who dare question the actions and motives of the current administration. Usually accompanied by the latest conservative think-tank talking points mouthed like original thoughts. It's nothing but intellectual laziness! If you don't know what you're talking about the be silent and maybe learn something! Ideology is no substitute for knowledge or reasoning ability.

2007-07-30 21:49:34 · 7 answers · asked by AmigaJoe 3

a little diddy from the anti lib party

2007-07-30 21:39:35 · 10 answers · asked by arwilcox187 2

In their efforts to control the world economy by creating phony wars and bring about the NWO...they have basically created one big toilet bowl.

Now think about where we would be if they shared their technology and instead of creating wars for the last 700 years they used these efforts for space exploration and the betterment of Mankind and the Human race.

Are this people self consumed in their own delusions to rule the world or what?


2007-07-30 21:27:54 · 7 answers · asked by Honey Girl 3

If as the president says the American workers won't do jobs, then why am I unemployed?

2007-07-30 20:45:18 · 13 answers · asked by Boomer 5

What was his mother thinking. He inherited a lot from his mother.

2007-07-30 20:42:10 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

i don't know about the rest of you, but the recent 'news' stories referring to her CLEAVAGE are simply juvenile and ridiculous on the part of those who have made this non-issue a news item. today i was thinking i would love for her to just stand up in front of the country, bare her breasts and declare that 'yes, in fact i am a woman, now could we move on please?' what do you think?

2007-07-30 20:21:24 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

From the L.A. Times...

July 29, 2007

John Walker Lindh broke the law. But 'the American Taliban' wasn't a terrorist, and he deserves clemency.

The president's power to grant clemency -- in the form of either a pardon or a commutation -- is much maligned and occasionally abused, as was the case when President Bush used it to keep his colleague, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, from facing even a day in prison for lying and obstructing justice. But the power has its appropriate uses as well, and the case of John Walker Lindh calls out for it.


Can you believe this nonsense? Comparing a traitor and terrorist to the great patriot Scooter Libby? What are they smoking?!

2007-07-30 20:05:21 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can somebody plz explain to me why the majority seems to be against her.. Like legitimate reasons no BS.. i mean, she can't be worse than Bush.. I'm not a complete Bush hater but seriously...

so if you do or don't like her, I'd like to know your reasons. why is she soo bad? or good if you like her?

2007-07-30 19:40:02 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

and how much safer would Americans (and the world) be if Bush & Cheney would have invested all this wasted war money into protecting the Security and Boarders of the U.S. and investing in high technology to monitor Terrorism World Wide?

Oh...and if you want to argue that the invasion of Iraq was not illegal then read this...

The United Nations charter has a provision which was agreed to by the United States formulated by the United States in fact, after World War II. It says that from now on, no nation can use armed force without the permission of the U.N. Security Council. They can use force in connection with self-defense, but a country can't use force in anticipation of self-defense. Regarding Iraq, the last Security Council resolution essentially said, “Look, send the weapons inspectors out to Iraq, have them come back and tell us what they've found -- then we'll figure it out from there.” The U.S. was impatient, and decided to invade Iraq -- which was all pre-arranged of course. So, the United States went to war, in violation of the charter. Making the war in Iraq an “illegal” war. Whether congress agreed to it or not.

2007-07-30 19:38:37 · 24 answers · asked by Honey Girl 3

You need to quit listening to your parents and do your own research honey. Or are you being paid $5.35 an hour to defend the Bush Crime Family?


2007-07-30 19:20:26 · 9 answers · asked by Honey Girl 3


You have all forgotten this day. You boast anti-war, and complain about the president, yet only 4 years ago everyone wanted to make them pay.
Well I guess because you all enjoy watching the television so much it has helped you forget all this. It has set you towards a goal of hating the president, and wanting to leave this war unfinished.
I know a lot of you reading this are saying, what is he talking about, I'm so insulted by what he is saying. Well good. Because when a nation can be controlled by a little box with pretty colors, well. It makes me sick. You all disappoint me. You go on with your lives, sleep, eat full meals. Some even more than full meals. (We all know American is the most unhealthy country.) While men and women are dieing. (Did you catch that? Dead.) For your wonderful little lives here. You don't think about this do you? The fact that the only reason this nation excites is because of war. And if you like it or not.

2007-07-30 19:12:08 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Spare me the Bush crimes, he killed 3685 american troops for his failured war , yea, ok suppose they all died before Americans withdrew their support for war..yep I know you never supported war in the first place. Yup Saddam never hurt a fly, these are the excuses that are used to defend Clinton.
No clintonite will acknowledge his mistakes as causes for Bush invading Iraq.

If he had caputured Laden, no 9/11, no excuse to go into Iraq.
As democrats claimed he used 9/11 as defense for war.
If anything he should be hated for that.

2007-07-30 18:54:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-30 18:51:35 · 9 answers · asked by Jeremy P 2

I don't want to hear we would have saved alot money.
I want to read about the postives that have come out of all of it, and I want those who are against the war to realize that Hillary Clintions vote was not in vain, neither is, and was the war itself.

2007-07-30 18:35:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

None of them are willing to answer questions in a live debate. Are they really afraid of talking off script and hearing from the constituents? What gives?

2007-07-30 18:22:27 · 15 answers · asked by Danielmcfate 2

What kind of MUSIC can we play in Iraq so that is scares off the terrorists? (wouldn't that be GREAT)


Transit workers are installing speakers this week to pump classical music from Seattle's KING-FM into the Tacoma Mall Transit Center. The tactic is designed to disperse young criminals who make drug deals at the bus stop or use public transportation to circulate between the mall and other trouble-prone places.

2007-07-30 17:59:51 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-30 17:41:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-30 17:39:27 · 27 answers · asked by JAMES 4

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