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Politics - 28 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2007-07-28 23:25:35 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm just not seeing how people still think he's doing a good job

2007-07-28 22:48:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-28 20:51:23 · 12 answers · asked by david m 2

Authorized the first Rhode Island State Police wire tap to investigate public corruption.
When 15-year-old a witness in a murder case, was shot by a relative of the man she was to testify against later that year, he was blamed for his weak witness protection program.

Controversy over black Providence police officer Cornel Young Jr. was shot and killed by two fellow officers while he was off-duty in January 2000, Whitehouse was criticized for not appointing an independent prosecutor to investigate the shooting.
Whitehouse defeated Republican incumbent Lincoln Chafee in the November 7, 2006 election to become the junior Senator from Rhode Island, sadly he was voted in on R.I.'s hate for Bush.

Now he leads Senate Democrats seeking an investigation into whether U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales lied about his intentions about “terrorist surveillance program"
when he visit the fragile Ashford in the hospital.

2007-07-28 18:41:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who do you think Jay Leno, Stephen Colbert, Dennis Miller, David Letterman, and Jon Stewart would get the most laughs from?

Rudy, Fred, Mitt, Ron, John, Hillary, Barack, or John E.?

2007-07-28 18:37:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think when her Political career goes up in flames she could always resort to an acting career since she seems to be so good at it.
I suggested she could start a morning talk show with Rosie as her co-host and give "The View" some competition.
After all Both of them are extremely articulate with old fashioned family values.

2007-07-28 18:28:55 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've never really paid attention, and while I'm in favor of an overhaul of the healthcare system, isn't a morbidly obese loud mouth like him doing more harm to the cause that he is promoting than good?

2007-07-28 18:25:40 · 25 answers · asked by dreamsofinsomnia 3

A. Republican: Give every one a chance to grow.
B. Democrat: Keep power and wealth, and convince
everyone that they need you to maintain your present class.
C. Socialist: Take from the wealthy (except those in power)
and redistribute to the whole.

2007-07-28 18:20:47 · 25 answers · asked by George 3

2007-07-28 18:20:03 · 13 answers · asked by Angryboywalter 3

Come on conservatives, admit it she makes you guys look bad by being such a freak. Liberals have to make excuses for Michael Moore. The most creative excuse for Typhoid Annie gets best answer, and if you can throw in a gratuitous Michael Moore slam you get extra points.

2007-07-28 18:11:18 · 30 answers · asked by waytoosteve 3

How bout instead of a presdent and congress , we all vote on every issue instead of voting on the people that make the decisions? everyone would vote how ever often it needed to be for all the issues . we would vote every year on how the budget would be , we would vote to change or modify healthcare , education etc. if there was a foreign threat we would all vote if it is a prudent threat. who needs leaders , were supposely voteing people based on what we want to see happen why not cut out the middle men and just legislate ourselves?

2007-07-28 18:08:07 · 11 answers · asked by Michael P 1

Why are there still a lot of children waiting to be adopted?

And why do some people disagree with gay couples adopting?

2007-07-28 18:00:56 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. George W.
2. George Sr.
3. Jeb
4. Laura
5. Barbara
6. Jenna
7. Anheuser

2007-07-28 17:59:40 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's not like the Palestinians haven't suffered for the past 60 years. Should I really be surprised or upset that they have armed resistance groups?

2007-07-28 17:59:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-28 17:51:15 · 7 answers · asked by vegaswoman 6

It seems fairly obvious to me that democrats are, on average, smarter than republicans based on which states have the highest test scores (SAT, IQ, etc.) and which parties those states tend to vote for. However, I'm having difficulty finding hard data on this subject. Can someone please help me locate some evidence, even if it disproves me?

BTW: A good place to check out would be census.gov

2007-07-28 17:45:57 · 17 answers · asked by EF 2

The Bush administation wants to do this under the rationale it will help keep Iran under control. But.....
1) Saudi Arabia hasn't been praticularly helpful in the Middle East for the U.S. yet.
2) Many of the "insurgents" that combat U.S. troops are from Saudi Arabia.
3) Saudi Arabia is an enemy to Israel (which of course is an ally to the U.S.)
4) 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia.
5) There's good reason to believe that this sale could set off an arms race in the Middle East. Thus making the region even more unstable for American interests.
6) There have always been suspicions about the Bush family's ties with the Saudis.
Can you give any more good reasons why selling so much military equipment to Saudi Arabia is justified ? Or perhaps you would like to argue some of my points against the sale ? Do you have any thoughts at all that you would like to add to this discussion ?

2007-07-28 17:13:02 · 16 answers · asked by ? 6

How long will it take for those loyal to the neo-conservative party to wake up and jump out of this sinking ships policy? What will it take for folks to start being loyal to their country and the Constitution, and not be loyal to those who serve nothing more then their coporate interests?

Before you ask, flame or whatever it is that you people do, no I am not a liberal, leftist, communist or any other catchy little name you guys like to call folks when you can't defend your stance.

2007-07-28 17:06:26 · 7 answers · asked by trevor22in 4

Can we deny Jihadists the American Dream?

Clearly, Middle Eastern terrorists migrating into this country are here because only they are willing to do the jobs Americans won't. After all, the role of suicide attacker has been known to Americans since at least World War II, but it is a position that still goes largely unfilled within the U.S. For whatever reason, Americans just refuse to strap bombs to themselves to set off in buses, pizzerias, nightclubs, or other public gathering spots. That is true despite the fact that such detonations spark a flurry of economic activity in rebuilding, as shown by the Broken Windows, Cratered Streets theory of economic growth.

2007-07-28 16:42:10 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

When we have crime and murders all the time in our own country?

There is the huge argument that there hasn't been another terrorist attack in the U.S. It wasn't like that was an everyday occurence.

People shoot up schools and office buildings and malls a lot more, but people are more concerned with terrorists. Why is that?

2007-07-28 16:36:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

and also that Bush actually made the right decision although maybe not carried out in the most effective way, but probably prevented an all out war and kept it isolated in the middle east

(^ i know that isnt a sentence, im just venting)

2007-07-28 16:24:23 · 34 answers · asked by qwerty3454 3

"I don't know that Atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." - President George W. Bush

I think Mr. Bush is 100% right. Once we became a Christian nation we invented the Internet, polio vaccines, so many things that would have been denied us by atheists who just didn't care about anyone else. This is country based on MORALITY. There are no morals in athiesm. Being selfish and refusing to thank the Creator is not acceptable to me. What kind of country would we be if we continue to allow people with such terrible agendas to become citizens.

What do you think, friends?

2007-07-28 16:19:15 · 24 answers · asked by Gunning4Jesus 3

I recently read an article which has really got me scared. Read it and let us know what you think!



The Ol' Sasquatch Ü

2007-07-28 16:14:55 · 15 answers · asked by Ol' Sasquatch 5

if the world was to end tomorrow and you could only save the world by sleeping with one of them who would you chose?

2007-07-28 16:11:26 · 13 answers · asked by asahi21 1

shouldn't they be charged with a hate crime?

2007-07-28 16:02:43 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-28 15:49:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Pace University student arrested for flushing a book, what gives with that?


2007-07-28 15:44:54 · 5 answers · asked by rmagedon 6

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