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Politics - 28 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

'Arctic Tale' 'Documentary' Scripted; Tricks Kids Into Worrying About Global Warming
Environmentalists are targeting kids and using deception to get their message out. Anthropogenic global warming evangelists and wildlife filmmakers, Sarah Robertson and Adam Ravetch, made the upcoming live action “Arctic Tale” because as Robertson told the LA Times, "Global warming to a lot of people is statistics...What we wanted to do was put a face on climate change."
OK, so there's the goal, now how to accomplish it? Adults ask all of those pesky questions, but children's minds are easier to mold and manipulate. During the credits, the filmmakers came right out and showed their cards, using kids to shill for AGW and convince their parents to change their evil habits.
The expected tugging of emotions was turned into a shell game by the way the movie was created. “Arctic Tale” is sold to the public as a heartwarming movie that follows a polar bear and a walrus through their first eight years of life. The problem is, they're not real, and the alarming story about their environment was crafted by scriptwriters (emphasis mine throughout):

2007-07-28 09:08:05 · 6 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

Wouldn’t it be easier if liberals could just prove fox news is wrong? They can’t prove them wrong so they have to try other ways to silence the truth

Ah to be a liberal, to proclaim my tolerance and open-mindedness with a few tacky bumper stickers and then turn around and try to silence any type of political divergence:
Liberal activists are stepping up their campaign against Fox News Channel by pressuring advertisers not to patronize the network.
MoveOn.org, the Campaign for America's Future and liberal blogs like DailyKos.com are asking thousands of supporters to monitor who is advertising on the network. Once a database is gathered, an organized phone-calling campaign will begin, said Jim Gilliam, vice president of media strategy for Brave New Films, a company that has made anti-Fox videos.

2007-07-28 09:04:33 · 15 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

Some important failures;
Kosovo is today, more than ever, a terror state, run by Mafia-style criminals with links to the KLA.
State of the Union Address to Congress where Clinton warned Congress of Saddam Hussein's pursuit of nuclear weapons:
Major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi, resulting only in Saddam's anger, he told Newsweek: "very soon, you will be witnessing large-scale terrorist activity by the Iraqis." The planned attacks are said to be Saddam's revenge for this aggression"
Clinton chose to leave Saddam and laden in dangerous positions.
He signed agreements allowing easier access for shipping products to the US.
1996 United States campaign finance for the Democratic Party.
Hillary Clinton

2007-07-28 08:48:19 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't remember that being an issue in my parent's day... In fact, I remember all Catholics being democrats. With whose administration did that begin?

2007-07-28 08:39:44 · 25 answers · asked by Not so looney afterall 5

During the last 27 years, the size of the US government has doubled. Federal expenditures totaled $590 billion in 1980. Adjusted for inflation that amount would be $1.444 trillion today, or $3.9 billion per day.
The current federal budget stands at $2.9 trillion, or $7.9 billion per day.
Adjusted for inflation, it is costing more than twice the amount of money to run the federal government today than it did 27 years ago.
In case those numbers escaped you, let me repeat. The government is spending today $7.9 billion per day, every day of the week. Based on the same dollar value, the government spent only $3.9 billion per day in 1980.
What could possible be so different today that requires twice as much money to fund the federal government today as it did 27 years ago?

2007-07-28 08:27:11 · 12 answers · asked by Overt Operative 6

One 1955 MKULTRA document gives an indication of the size and range of the effort; this document refers to the study of an assortment of mind-altering substances which would:

* "promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public"
* "increase the efficiency of mentation and perception"
* "prevent or counteract the intoxicating effect of alcohol"
* "promote the intoxicating effect of alcohol"
* "produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way so that they may be used for malingering, etc."
* "render the indication of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness"
* "enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called 'brainwashing'"
* "produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use"
* "produce shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of surreptitious use"

2007-07-28 08:26:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

June 30, 2007 - The Pakistani president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, was warned this month that Islamic militants and Taliban fighters are rapidly spreading beyond the country's lawless tribal lands and that without "swift and decisive action," the growing militancy could engulf the rest of the country.

As everyone knows, or should know, Pakistan is the only Islamic country with known nuclear capabilities and that it borders Afghanistan, home of the Taliban and the bin Laden branch of al Qaeda. When will the Republican party, and their supporters, admit that abandoning Afghanistan for Iraq was an error of what could be disastrous proportions, and that if our military belongs anywhere in the middle east they belong not in Iraq but in Afghanistan, helping to protect the Pakistani border against Taliban style militants and ideology?

2007-07-28 08:08:44 · 16 answers · asked by Judy L 4

HEY. . . uh huh. . . HEY uh hu
What I like about you. . . you hold me ti-ight
Tell me I'm the only one.. . wanna come over to-night
Keep on whisperin in my ear
Tell me all the things I wanna hear
Cause that's true
that's what I like about you

What I like about you
You really know how to dance(double entendre)
When you go up down jump around think about true romance
Keep on whisperin in my ear
Tell me all the things I wanna hear
Cause that's true
That's what I like about you .

HEY !! . . Uh huh . . . . .HEY !! . . . uh huh

What I like about you
You keep me warm at night
Never wanna let you go. . . . know you make me feel alright
Keep on whisperin in my ear
Tell me all the things I wanna hear
Cause it's true. . . . .That's what I like about you !!

The Romantics formed their band on Valentine's Day , hence the song title . Known as one of the biggest party-hits of the 80's , surprisingly this song never hit the Top 40 !! It peaked at #49 in 1980 . Hmmmmmm ??? Surprising .

2007-07-28 08:04:37 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

the Gulf nations are our allies as well as Israel. so why the double standards??

at least Osama bin laden's Saudi citizenship was revoked and was he was exiled from Saudi Arabia.

what happened to those Israeli Army officers who attacked USS Liberty killing 34 and wounding at least 173 US servicemen??


2007-07-28 08:04:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Maybe if we were reminded of the real cost of the policing of the Iraq civil war, America might insist on bringing the troops home.

2007-07-28 07:48:03 · 15 answers · asked by wooper 5

Iraq is in the throes of its worst political crisis since the fall of Saddam Hussein with the new democratic system, based on national consensus among its ethnic and sectarian groups, appearing dangerously close to collapsing, say several politicians and analysts.

This has brought paralysis to governmental institutions and has left parliament unable to make headway on 18 benchmarks Washington is using to measure progress in Iraq, including legislation on oil revenue sharing and reforming security forces.

Did the surge just become totally irrelevant?If the Iraqi leaders don't take the opportunities like the article suggest.Don't you think those Iraqi politicians might try harder if they didn't have the US to cover them,to protect their power?Wouldn't they work harder to compromise if they had everything to loose?

2007-07-28 07:44:22 · 9 answers · asked by justgoodfolk 7

Where does the focus on defending our rights to property ownership start? At the local, state, or federal level?

Start in the streets of our hometowns, or take the fight to the head of the beast?

2007-07-28 07:36:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seems to me this group loves to change its name so people can be hoax into believeing its for the people than for their hidden agenda.

What will be the next name be to get people to be on thier side?

2007-07-28 07:29:41 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

The White House/GW Bush & his administration are begging for a way to invade Iran!!!

2007-07-28 06:57:05 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

As a church pastor, I stand firm on the church staying out of the state business. But I am still a citizen of the USA, can I still exercise my duty to my fellow citizens, to be part of the political discussion and process?

And if so, would it also be prudent to show that same zeal in keeping the church out of the state business, by making my political position that of one that is of benefit to the people of the USA as a whole, and not of benefit to my religious beliefs and Christian peers?

2007-07-28 06:51:36 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hillary seems like the kind of person who spends a lot of time studying the polls and then adjusts herself to what she thinks everyone wants to hear. Now that she knows that religious people carry enough election weight to get a person elected she's now going around talking about God all the time. She looks, acts, thinks just like all the other Republicans. She's abandoned all the people who got her where she is, and she hasn't spoken anything much about liberal causes that are important to us. Remember she voted for the war in Iraq (she had to vote for it before she could vote against it - just kidding) - I don't see much difference, she seems to care more about catering to the rich, to appealing to people just becuase the polls say she should and she stands for nothing. She's like a woman that goes out and says she can be bought with a price, who is the highest bidder She just changes to fit the polls and stands for nothing.She might as well ber GOP - just like them. Comments??

2007-07-28 06:38:39 · 11 answers · asked by art_flood 4

Today when read about past presidents, history tells us that some were good, i.e. Lincoln, and Roosevelt, and some were not so good, i.e Nixon. What do you think people will be reading in 100 years time about George W. Bush, Dick Cheyney, and their years in the Whitehouse.

2007-07-28 06:35:14 · 14 answers · asked by rooter 2

After reading a question designed to place fault with the Bush Administration , I just had to post this .
Arms sales to Saudi Arabia and other Middle East countries has been done for decades by BOTH parties . And BOTH parties currently agree on this one too .
The reason why we do it is not all that difficult to understand . We do it to stabilize the Middle East especially when 1 or 2 countries have acquired such a military force that they become a threat to all of the others . We 'even-out' the playing field much like during the cold war when the Soviet Union had many nuclear missiles and we had many as well . It's the 'Mutually Assured Destruction' deterrent . And , MAD is/was very effective . Neither the U.S. nor the Soviet Union would use nukes knowing full-well the other would retaliate and no one would win .
Calling this a failed 'Bush' policy is completely and factually incorrect .

Hatred is a disease that blocks rational thought .
How many of you are afflicted with this?

2007-07-28 06:31:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

they take a swipe at a lib no matter what the subject matter, while the lib just answers the question asked?

2007-07-28 06:31:28 · 21 answers · asked by Just! Some? *Dude* 5

The Bush administration is preparing to ask Congress to approve an arms sale package for Saudi Arabia and its neighbors that is expected to eventually total $20 billion at a time when some United States officials contend that the Saudis are playing a counterproductive role in Iraq.

2007-07-28 06:24:53 · 21 answers · asked by justgoodfolk 7

Rs. 1.5 lakh to each kashmiri terrorist who surrenders and Rs 2000 stipend per month till they find a job. There are millions of honest jobless people in the country and the UPA wants to reward the terrorists for killing our soldiers while they cut off the BSF's pensions? What is the reason for this cowardly muslim appeasing act! Now the muslims want to kick out labourers from other parts of India in Kashmir coz they think their conduct is not right. When will Indians say we'll kick out muslims from our states coz their conduct is not right! I wonder why the Indian defence forces suffer these Indignations and don't resort to a coup and take over this corrupt anti- nationalist UPA govt! I'd rather have military rule than this corrupt UPA govt!

2007-07-28 06:20:12 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Democrats and Hillary STOOD BY THEIR MAN under such immoral and unethical circumstances that Republicans were repulsed and sickened by them to a new degree.

2007-07-28 06:15:42 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that there is so much sympathy for a woman that wants to have an abortion? I know that I must sound like a total a$$hole by saying this, even though that's not what I want. But seriously, unless the woman is raped or otherwise became pregnant against her choice, why should I feel bad about her predicament? She ultimately made the decision to have sex, which certainly was her rightful choice, but there is responsibility that needs to be taken. It is just as if a person was a smoker, and wouldn't you know it, he got lung cancer because of it. I am not going to have the slightest shred of sympathy for him because he knew that his habit could do that to him one day. If people want to have sex, which is entirely natural and normal behavior, that's their choice. But at least take a little responsibility afterwords.

So enlighten me: why should I care about the unwanted pregnancy of a woman who, before choosing to have some fun and a good time, knew what she could end up with?

2007-07-28 06:15:24 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

This morning a user asked, "What is your solution to the demise of the Republican party?" One answer said the republicans needing to regroup.

The Democrats took power in both the House and the Senate at the turn of the year. This was a HUGE issue for the democrats and quite a HUGE victory!

For weeks prior to being sworn, during swearing in and ever since, most the people elected vowed to correct everything the previous republican administration had ruined.

Are people coming up with questions like this (((("in the know")))) about the approval rating in the Democratic (led) House sliding to an all time low of 14%?????

Republicans regrouping? They're regrouping started to take place 7 months ago when the libs were sworn in. The result of some of their regrouping has the libs pecking at each other, pecking at others and they've lost a grip on reality by not doing ANYTHING constructive ever since.

I wish to hell I could get paid for doing nothing! When does their raise kick in? lol

2007-07-28 06:11:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-28 05:38:51 · 2 answers · asked by #1 Dunkin' Donuts Fan 2

Did you CHOOSE to be heterosexual or are you just made that way?

2007-07-28 05:35:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-28 05:25:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please give your political opinion on the following topics:

The war in Iraq
Illegal Immigration (How to fix)
Gay Marriage
Stem Cell Research
Death Penelty
The 2nd Amendment (Right to bear arms)

Also, please give your political party if you don't mind.

2007-07-28 05:25:00 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

When will the people understand our government has been bought and paid for by corporate globalists?

This includes members from the Republican and Democrat parties!

Since every day more and more people are realizing the seriouness of this situation and basically the 'cat's out of the bag' so to speak, why isn't the media asking these questions?

GHW Bush created NAFTA and Bill Clinton made it law. Now GW Bush is responsible for taking this further with SPP and CAFTA and other programs making way for the NAU.
Why would a Democrat President be working in conjunction with Republican Presidents in this matter?

2007-07-28 05:19:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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